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Last active December 13, 2015 19:19
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Meteor nested session stuff
{{> hello}}
<template name="hello">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
{{#with getSession 'gui'}}
Height:<input id="a" value="{{height}}" session-bind="gui.height" type="number" step="any" min="0" required/>metres<br/>
Width:<input id="b" value="{{width}}" session-bind="gui.width" type="number" step="any" min="0" required/>metres<br/>
Length:<input id="c" value="{{length}}" session-bind="gui.length" type="number" step="any" min="0" required/>metres<br/>
<h4>Volume is: {{volume}} m&sup3;</h4>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
//Automatic run calculation
Meteor.autorun(function() {
var mySession = Session.get('gui'); //get the session object
if (!mySession)
mySession = { height: 10, width: 10, length: 10, volume: 0};
//We calculate some new value
mySession.volume = mySession.height * mySession.width * mySession.length;
Session.set('gui', mySession); //set the new object
Basicly initialize the general handlebar helpers and session-bind
if (Meteor.isClient) {
//create the {{sessionEquals 'foo' 'value'}} and {{getSession 'foo'}}
(function () {
if (typeof Handlebars !== 'undefined') {
//{{getSession 'key'}}
Handlebars.registerHelper('getSession', function (key) {
return Session.get(key);
Handlebars.registerHelper('sessionEquals', function (key, value) {
var myValue = Session.get(key); //Workaround Issue #617
if (typeof(myValue) === 'boolean') //Workaround Issue #617
return Session.equals(key, (value == 'true')); //Workaround Issue #617
return Session.equals(key, (myValue === +myValue)?+value:value); //Workaround Issue #617
//return Session.equals(key, value); //When Issue #617 is resolved (0.5.5)
Meteor.startup(function () {
//TypeCast value to same type as typeAs - supports str, int, bool
function typeCastAs(value, typeAs) {
value = (value === undefined)?'':''+value; //Should be text by default
if (1*typeAs === +typeAs) {
//guess... local can be 1,000.00 or 1.000,00 ? 1,000 or 1.000 ?
if (value.indexOf(',') > -1 && value.indexOf(',') > value.indexOf('.'))
value = value.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.'); //1.000,00 -> 1000.00
if (value.indexOf('.') > -1)
value = parseFloat(value.replace(',', ''));
value = +value;
if (typeAs === true || typeAs === false)
value = (value.toLowerCase() === 'true' || value === '1');
return value;
function bindSetSessionValue(parmString, value) {
//TODO: Should test some more eg. if value is undefined?
//paramString support nested objects eg.
var param = parmString.split('.');
if (param.length > 0) {
var sessionObject = Session.get(param[0]);
var myVar = sessionObject;
//Loop through parametres leave out the last element
for (var i = 1; i < param.length-2; i++)
myVar = (myVar[param[i]])?myVar[param[i]]:{};
if (param.length > 1) {
//If nested then grab the last element
var i = param[param.length-1];
//convert to int if destination is so str, int, bool
myVar[i] = typeCastAs(value, myVar[i]);
Session.set(param[0], sessionObject);
} else //Not nested, regular var
Session.set(param[0], typeCastAs(value, sessionObject));
} //EO bindSetSessionValue
//Init the session-bind
$(document).on('change keyup', 'input[session-bind], select[session-bind]', function(e) {
//TODO: Should test some more eg. if session-bind empty etc.
var parmString ='session-bind');
var value =;
bindSetSessionValue(parmString, value);
}); //EO bind event
//Init data-set [data-set], button[data-set], input[data-set][type=button]
$(document).on('click',' a[data-set], button[data-set], input[data-set][type=button]', function(e) {
var href ='href'); //CSS selector element to set value on
if (e && href) e.preventDefault();
var value ='data-set');
var parmString ='session-bind');
if (parmString) bindSetSessionValue(parmString, value);
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