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Last active December 15, 2015 05:09
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Controllers proto
<div class="container">
{{> body}}
<template name="body">
<div class="row">
<div class="span6">
<h2>Add something</h2>
{{> myForm}}
<div class="span6">
<h2>Most recent five entries</h2>
{{#each entries}}
<template name="myForm">
Your message: {{> ContinuouslySavingTextArea "entry" style="color: blue;" parent=this}}<br>
{{> SaveButton}}<br>
{{charsLeft}} chars left
<template name="ContinuouslySavingTextAreaView">
<textarea class="textbox" style="{{style}}"/></textarea>
{{this.charsLeft}} <!-- This is a function in ContinuouslySavingTextAreaView, returns 'foo'-->
{{charsLeft}} <!-- handed down from parent or higher -->
<template name="SaveButtonView">
<input type="submit" value="Save">
<template name="TextBoxView">
<input type="text" class="textbox">
// Extend template scope myForm with extra js functions that are made available as helpers
onSave: function () { // The saveButton widget calls parent.onSave'addEntry', this.get("entry"));
this.set("entry", "");
charsLeft: function () { // get is reactive
return 140 - (this.get("entry") || '').length;
// Define a widget new widget by inheriting/extending the Textbox widget
// Widgets are likewise made available as helpers?
ContinuouslySavingTextArea = TextBox.extend({
savePolicy: "continuous",
template: Template.ContinuouslySavingTextAreaView,
charsLeft: function () {
return 'foo';
var SaveButtonController = Controller.extend({
init: function (what) {
events: {
'click input': function () {
var form = this.parent(Component.Form); // Would be nice if one could test for parent types in general
if (! form)
throw new Error("Save button not inside a form");;
Component.Form = new Meteor.Container({
Component.SaveButton = new Meteor.Component({
controller: SaveButtonController,
template: Template.SaveButtonView
Component.Textbox = new Meteor.Component({
template: Template.TextBoxView,
controller: Controller.extend({})
Template.body.entries = function () {
return Entries.find({}, {sort: {when: -1}, limit: 5})
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