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Last active August 29, 2021 15:26
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 < 0.9.0;
contract landRecords {
struct Admin {
string name;
string district;
struct User {
string name;
string docHash;
string district;
bool isVerified;
struct Land {
string serveyNo;
string location;
uint area;
uint purchaseEpoch;
address owner;
string district;
bool isVerified;
bool availableForSale;
struct LandSell {
string serveyNo;
address owner;
address buyer;
uint price;
bool sellerApproval;
bool adminApproval;
mapping(address => Admin) public admins;
mapping(address => User) public users;
mapping(bytes32 => Land) public lands;
// all districtwise sells
mapping(string => LandSell[]) public allSells;
address superAdmin;
constructor() {
// store address of superAdmin when contract is deployed
superAdmin = msg.sender;
function compareStrings(string memory str1, string memory str2) private pure returns(bool) {
return(keccak256(bytes(str1)) == keccak256(bytes(str2)));
function stringToBytes32(string memory source) public pure returns (bytes32 result) {
bytes memory tempEmptyStringTest = bytes(source);
if (tempEmptyStringTest.length == 0) {
return 0x0;
assembly {
result := mload(add(source, 32))
function createModifyAdmin(address _address, string memory _name, string memory _district) public {
// if superAdmin is accessing function he can add/overwrite exiting data
require(msg.sender == superAdmin, "Unauthorized User!");
admins[_address] = Admin(_name, _district);
function regUser(string memory _name, string memory _docHash, string memory _district) public {
User memory temp = users[msg.sender];
// if account is not verified then only create account/ change data
require(temp.isVerified == false, "User Already Exists!");
users[msg.sender] = User(_name, _docHash, _district, false);
function modifyUser(address _address, string memory _name, string memory _docHash, string memory _district, bool _isVerified) public {
Admin memory temp = admins[msg.sender];
// 1) check if admin exist (if admin exists then district also exits) 2) is he admin of same district
// *make sure that user can't able to set null/ empty value for district
require(compareStrings(temp.district, _district), "Unauthorized Admin!");
users[_address] = User(_name, _docHash, _district, _isVerified);
function regLand(string memory _serveyNo, string memory _location, uint _area, uint _purchaseEpoch, string memory _district) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
User memory temp2 = users[msg.sender];
// if land is not verified then only register/change data
require(temp.isVerified == false && temp2.isVerified == true, "Land with given servey No. is already registered and verified!");
// *make sure that user can't able to set null/ empty value for district
lands[serveyNoInB32] = Land(_serveyNo, _location, _area, _purchaseEpoch, msg.sender, _district, false, false);
function modifyLand(string memory _serveyNo, string memory _location, uint _area, uint _purchaseEpoch, bool _isVerified) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Admin memory temp = admins[msg.sender];
Land memory temp2 = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(compareStrings(temp.district, temp2.district), "Unauthorized Admin!");
// admin can change everything except owner, district, availableForSale (this is intentional behaviour)
lands[serveyNoInB32] = Land(_serveyNo, _location, _area, _purchaseEpoch, temp2.owner, temp2.district, _isVerified, temp2.availableForSale);
function makeAvailable(string memory _serveyNo) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(temp.owner == msg.sender, "You are not the OWNER!");
require(temp.isVerified == true, "Land is not verified!");
// make land available for sale
lands[serveyNoInB32].availableForSale = true;
function cancelAvailable(string memory _serveyNo) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(temp.owner == msg.sender, "You are not the OWNER!");
// cancel availability of land for sale
lands[serveyNoInB32].availableForSale = false;
function requestToBuy(string memory _serveyNo, uint _price) public{
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(lands[serveyNoInB32].availableForSale == true, "Land is not available for purchase!");
allSells[temp.district].push(LandSell(_serveyNo, temp.owner, msg.sender, _price, false, false));
lands[serveyNoInB32].availableForSale = false;
function approveSell(string memory _serveyNo) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(temp.owner == msg.sender, "You are not the OWNER!");
LandSell[] memory districtSells = allSells[temp.district];
uint i=0;
for(;i<districtSells.length; i++){
if(compareStrings(districtSells[i].serveyNo, _serveyNo)){
allSells[temp.district][i].sellerApproval = true;
function approveAdmin(string memory _serveyNo) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Admin memory temp = admins[msg.sender];
Land memory temp2 = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(compareStrings(temp.district, temp2.district), "Unauthorized Admin!");
LandSell[] memory districtSells = allSells[temp.district];
uint i=0;
for(;i<districtSells.length; i++){
if(compareStrings(districtSells[i].serveyNo, _serveyNo)){
allSells[temp.district][i].adminApproval = true;
function confirmSell(string memory _serveyNo) public {
bytes32 serveyNoInB32 = stringToBytes32(_serveyNo);
Land memory temp = lands[serveyNoInB32];
require(temp.owner == msg.sender, "You are not the OWNER!");
LandSell[] memory districtSells = allSells[temp.district];
uint i=0;
for(;i<districtSells.length; i++){
if(compareStrings(districtSells[i].serveyNo, _serveyNo)){
require(allSells[temp.district][i].adminApproval == true, "Not Approved by Admin!");
require(allSells[temp.district][i].sellerApproval == true, "Not Approved by Seller/ You!");
lands[serveyNoInB32].owner = allSells[temp.district][i].buyer;
delete allSells[temp.district][i];
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 < 0.9.0;
contract converter {
function stringToBytes32(string memory source) public pure returns (bytes32 result) {
bytes memory tempEmptyStringTest = bytes(source);
if (tempEmptyStringTest.length == 0) {
return 0x0;
assembly {
result := mload(add(source, 32))
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