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Last active March 31, 2020 06:10
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Sample salt commands to be run from a salt master. These commands have been tested with salt 2017.7.4 (Nitrogen).
# install a tool in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' 'sudo apt-get install nmon -y'
# run a linux command in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' 'date'
# check if a system reboot is required in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' system.get_reboot_required_witnessed
# get minion hostname in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' network.get_hostname
# get the list of system information across all managed systems (running minions)
sudo salt '*'
# get the values for the system information across all managed systems (running minions)
sudo salt '*' grains.items
# install python3 to enable pip to run in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' 'sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y'
# install a python module in all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' 'pip3 install progressbar'
# test a echo message from all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' test.echo 'hello'
# ping each minion connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*'
# get minion environment details from all minions connected to a salt master.
sudo salt '*' grains.items --output=pprint
# update and upgrade linux packages in multiple servers simultaneously. all server names should have the string 'node' in them.
sudo salt '*node*' ' sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade -y ' --output=pprint
# view and debug events in the salt master and minions
sudo salt-run state.event pretty=True
# run salt minion in debug mode
sudo salt-minion -l debug
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