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visualstudio Keyboard shortcuts for Windows
Ctrl+, User Settings
Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl+T Show all Symbols
Ctrl+G Go to Line...
Ctrl+P Go to File...
Ctrl+Shift+O Go to Symbol...
Ctrl+Space Trigger suggestion
Ctrl+. Quick Fix
Ctrl+K Ctrl+X Trim trailing whitespace
Ctrl+K S Save All
Ctrl+F4 Close
Ctrl+Shift+D Show Debug
Ctrl+Shift+M Errors and warnings

Ctrl+Shift+P, F1 Show Command Palette
Ctrl+P Quick Open, Go to File…
Ctrl+Shift+N New window/instance
Ctrl+Shift+W Close window/instance
Ctrl+, User Settings
Ctrl+K Ctrl+S Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Move line up/down
Ctrl+Shift+K Delete line
Ctrl+Home Go to beginning of file
Ctrl+End Go to end of file
Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll line up/down
Alt+PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down
Ctrl+T Show all Symbols
Ctrl+G Go to Line...
Ctrl+P Go to File...
Ctrl+Shift+O Go to Symbol...

Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+H Replace
Ctrl+U Undo last cursor operation

Ctrl+Space Trigger suggestion
Ctrl+. Quick Fix
Ctrl+K Ctrl+X Trim trailing whitespace

Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W Close editor
Ctrl+K F Close folder
Ctrl+N New File
Ctrl+O Open File...
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save As...
Ctrl+K S Save All
Ctrl+F4 Close
Ctrl+K Ctrl+W Close All
F11 Toggle full screen
Ctrl+ = / - Zoom in/out
Ctrl+B Toggle Sidebar visibility
Ctrl+Shift+F Show Search
Ctrl+Shift+G Show Source Control
Ctrl+Shift+D Show Debug
Ctrl+Shift+X Show Extensions

F9 Toggle breakpoint
F5 Start/Continue
Shift+F5 Stop
F11 / Shift+F11 Step into/out
F10 Step over
Ctrl+K Ctrl+I Show hover
Ctrl+` Show integrated terminal
Ctrl+Shift+` Create new terminal

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