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Created March 10, 2012 19:49
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Converting a file descriptor to an istream or ostream (with g++-4.5) [ non-portable method ]
#include <iostream>
#include <ext/stdio_filebuf.h>
using __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf;
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;
inline stdio_filebuf<char> * fileBufFromFD (int fd, std::_Ios_Openmode mode)
return (new stdio_filebuf<char> (fd, mode));
istream * createInStreamFromFD (int fd)
stdio_filebuf<char> * fileBuf = fileBufFromFD (fd, std::ios::in);
return (new istream (fileBuf));
ostream * createOutStreamFromFD (int fd)
stdio_filebuf<char> * fileBuf = fileBufFromFD (fd, std::ios::out);
return (new ostream (fileBuf));
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