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Created October 26, 2012 13:27
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Save rajatkhanduja/3958818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My attempt at solving the find strings question on InterviewStreet (
/* Solution using suffix trees. */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
class SuffixTree
SuffixTree (bool isRoot = true);
void insertSuffixes (const string& mString);
int getUniqueSubstrings () { return nChildren;}
string kthSmallestSubs (int k);
int insert (const string& suffix, int position);
bool initializeChild (int i)
if (this->children[i])
return true;
this->children[i] = new SuffixTree(false);
return false;
/* Private members */
bool isRoot;
SuffixTree* children[ALPHABETSIZE];
int nChildren; // Holds the total number of children
SuffixTree::SuffixTree(bool isRoot)
this->isRoot = isRoot;
bzero (children, sizeof (SuffixTree*) * ALPHABETSIZE);
nChildren = 0;
int SuffixTree::insert (const string& suffix, int position)
if (position == suffix.length())
return 1 + nChildren;
int childIndex = suffix[position] - 'a';
int tmpChildren = 0;
if (this->initializeChild (childIndex))
tmpChildren = this->children[childIndex]->getUniqueSubstrings() + 1;
nChildren += (this->children[childIndex]->insert (suffix, position + 1)
- tmpChildren);
return nChildren + 1;
void SuffixTree::insertSuffixes (const string& mString)
for (int i = 0; i < mString.length(); i++)
this->insert (mString, i);
// cout << "Inserting " << mString.substr (i) << endl;
string SuffixTree::kthSmallestSubs(int k)
// cerr << "k = " << k << "; unique subs : " << this->nChildren << endl;
if (k > this->getUniqueSubstrings())
return string("INVALID");
int tmp, i;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABETSIZE; i++)
if (NULL == this->children[i])
if (k > (tmp = 1 + this->children[i]->nChildren))
k -= tmp;
// cerr << "i = " << i << "; k = " << k << "; tmp = " << tmp << endl;
assert (0);
if (k == 1)
return string (1, i + 'a');
string t = this->children[i]->kthSmallestSubs(k - 1);
return t.insert (0, 1, i + 'a');
int main (void)
int n;
string in;
cin >> n;
SuffixTree sTree;
while (n--)
cin >> in;
int q, k;
cin >> q;
// cout << sTree.getUniqueSubstrings();
while (q--)
cin >> k;
cout << sTree.kthSmallestSubs(k) << endl;
return 0;
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