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Last active May 28, 2020 06:14
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Generating random lowercase ASCII strings in Python
import argparse
import cProfile
import itertools
import random
import string
'using_choice', 'using_sample', 'using_randint', 'using_randint_with_offset', 'using_randbits',
'using_randbits_ascii_lowercase', 'using_one_long_randbits'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compare performance of methods to generate random ASCII lowercase strings')
parser.add_argument('--num_strings', type=int, required=False, default=500, help='number of strings to generate')
parser.add_argument('--string_len', type=int, required=False, default=500,
help='length of each string to generate'
'--functions', nargs='*', type=str, required=False, choices=ALL_FUNCTION_NAMES, default=ALL_FUNCTION_NAMES,
help='names of functions to test'
def using_choice(num_strings, string_len):
return list(
''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for j in range(string_len))
for i in range(num_strings)
def using_sample(num_strings, string_len):
return list(
''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase*(string_len//26+1), string_len)) for i in range(num_strings)
def using_randint(num_strings, string_len):
return list(
''.join(chr(random.randint(97, 122)) for j in range(string_len))
for i in range(num_strings)
def using_randint_with_offset(num_strings, string_len):
return list(
''.join(chr(97+random.randint(0, 25)) for j in range(string_len))
for i in range(num_strings)
# This method isn't restricted to ASCII lowercase
def using_randbits(num_strings, string_len):
def bits_to_string(bits, length):
return ''.join(chr((bits >> (8*j)) & 0xff) for j in range(length))
return list(bits_to_string(random.getrandbits(8*string_len), string_len) for i in range(num_strings))
# Guarantees ASCII lowercase string with uniform distribution of random letters
def using_randbits_ascii_lowercase(num_strings, string_len):
letters = itertools.cycle(string.ascii_lowercase)
def bits_to_string(bits, length):
def bits_to_char(five_bits):
return next(letters) if five_bits > 25 else chr(97+five_bits)
return ''.join(bits_to_char((bits >> (5*j)) & 0b11111) for j in range(length))
return list(bits_to_string(random.getrandbits(5*string_len), string_len) for i in range(num_strings))
def using_one_long_randbits(num_strings, string_len):
letters = itertools.cycle(string.ascii_lowercase)
randbits = random.getrandbits(5*string_len*num_strings)
def bits_to_string(bits, length, offset):
def bits_to_char(five_bits):
return next(letters) if five_bits > 25 else chr(97+five_bits)
return ''.join(bits_to_char((bits >> (offset+(5*j))) & 0b11111) for j in range(length))
return list(bits_to_string(randbits, string_len, 5*string_len*i) for i in range(num_strings))
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
'Invoking functions {%s} to generate %d strings of length %d:\n' %
(', '.join(args.functions), args.num_strings, args.string_len)
for function in args.functions:
print('%s:' % function)'%s(%d,%d)' % (function, args.num_strings, args.string_len))
def naive_ascii(num_strings, string_len):
return list(''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for j in range(string_len)) for i in range(num_strings))
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
functions_to_call = args.functions if args.functions else ALL_FUNCTION_NAMES
'Invoking functions {%s} to generate %d strings of length %d' %
(', '.join(functions_to_call), args.num_strings, args.string_len)
for function in functions_to_call:'%s(%d,%d)' % (function, args.num_strings, args.string_len))
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The functions using random.getrandbits() have behaved a little oddly on my system. Not sure why but the generator expression inside bits_to_string() gets invoked either num_strings+1 or (num_strings+1)*string_len times, drastically affecting the performance of the using_randbits...() functions.

See for a local Python (2.7) session where it appears the exact same code has drastically different performance characteristics when I redefine and re-run it. I even "redefined" it by simply using the up arrow and Enter keys in the Python REPL, so it should be exactly the same code.

Absolutely no clue what's happening there.

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StackOverflow question relating to why the using_randbits performance varies unpredictably:

I think cProfile was occasionally _under_reporting the runtime of these methods, as evidenced by wrapping inside another (but who profiles the profiler?) and noticing that the "fast" results had a big discrepancy with how long takes:

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