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Beautiful cheatsheet template for key bindings, compiled with XeLaTeX
%% Copyright 2020 Alexander Yakushev
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alexander Yakushev.
% This work consists of the files latex-cheatsheet-template.tex.
\pagestyle{empty} % Turn off header and footer
% \renewcommand\rmdefault{phv} % Arial
% \renewcommand\sfdefault{phv} % Arial
% Redefine section commands to use less space
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%x
{-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{1ex plus .2ex}%
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Don't print section numbers
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}
\definecolor{TableHead}{rgb}{0.353, 0.329, 0.667}
\definecolor{TableRow}{rgb}{0.816, 0.812, 0.902}
% \begin{center}
\node (tbl) [inner sep=0pt] {
\draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=TableHead,bottom color=TableHead, draw=white]
($(tbl.north west)-(0,-0.05)$) rectangle ($(tbl.north east)-(0.0,0.15)$);
\draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=TableHead,bottom color=TableHead, draw=white]
($(tbl.south west)-(0.0,-0.11)$) rectangle ($(tbl.south east)-(-0.0,-0.02)$);
% \end{center}
\Large{\underline{Emacs Cheatsheet}}
Control (Ctrl) key & \texttt{C} \\
Alt (Meta) key & \texttt{M} \\
Shift key & \texttt{S} \\
Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
Function (Fn) key & \texttt{fn} \\
Home/end & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\
Execute command by name & \texttt{M-x} \\
Cancel command & \texttt{C-g} \\
Exit Emacs & \texttt{C-x C-c} \\
Help: describe a key combination & \texttt{C-h k} \\
Help: describe a function & \texttt{C-h f} \\
Previous/next character & \texttt{C-b / C-f} \\
Previous/next line & \texttt{C-p / C-n} \\
Previous/next word & \texttt{M-left / M-right} \\
Previous/next current symbol & \texttt{M-a / M-e} \\
Previous/next s-expression & \texttt{C-M-b / C-M-f} \\
Previous/next defun & \texttt{C-M-a / C-M-e} \\
Previous/next page & \texttt{C-v / M-v} \\
Beginning/end of line & \texttt{C-a / C-e} \\
Beginning/end of file & \texttt{M-S-, / M-S-.} \\
Select region while navigating & Hold Shift \\
Select next s-expression & \texttt{M-S-Space} \\
Find (open) file & \texttt{C-x C-f} \\
Save file & \texttt{C-x C-s} \\
Don't suggest names in minibuffer & \texttt{C-f} \\
Find recent file & \texttt{M-m} \\
Find file in project & \texttt{M-i} \\
Search forward, next match & \texttt{C-s} \\
Search backward, prev match & \texttt{C-r} \\
Occur (show all matches) & \texttt{M-o} \\
Grep & \texttt{M-x rgrep} \\
Interactive grep in project (Helm) & \texttt{M-h} \\
Helm-grep: preview match at point & \texttt{C-z} \\
Interactive replace & \texttt{M-\%} \\
Replace current occurrence & \texttt{y} \\
Skip current occurrence & \texttt{n} \\
Replace all occurrences & \texttt{!} \\
Previous/next buffer & \texttt{C-, / C-.} \\
Jump to buffer & \texttt{C-x b / M-m} \\
List buffers & \texttt{C-x C-l} \\
Kill buffer & \texttt{C-x k} \\
Kill current symbol & \texttt{C-d} \\
Kill line & \texttt{C-k} \\
Cut to clipboard & \texttt{C-w / CMD-x} \\
Copy to clipboard & \texttt{M-w / CMD-c} \\
Paste from clipboard & \texttt{C-y / CMD-v} \\
Cycle through clipboard & \texttt{M-y} \\
Undo & \texttt{C-z / CMD-z} \\
Redo & \texttt{M-z / CMD-y} \\
Indent line & \texttt{TAB} \\
Complete filename in buffer & \texttt{M-/} \\
Comment or uncomment region & \texttt{M-;} \\
Leave one window & \texttt{C-x 1} \\
Split window horizontally & \texttt{C-x 2} \\
Split window vertically & \texttt{C-x 3} \\
Jump cursor to other window & \texttt{C-x o} \\
Ediff & \texttt{M-x ediff} \\
Ediff two opened buffers & \texttt{C-c d} \\
Multiple cursors: mark all like this & \texttt{C-x m} \\
Connect & \texttt{M-x slime-connect} \\
Switch to next connection & \texttt{M-x slime-selector n} \\
Jump to REPL buffer & \texttt{C-c C-z} \\
Jump to function definition & \texttt{M-.} \\
Jump back from definition & \texttt{M-,} \\
Evaluate last s-expression & \texttt{C-x C-e} \\
Compile current defun & \texttt{C-c C-c} \\
Compile current pattern & \texttt{C-c C-k} \\
REPL:\ previous/next history item & \texttt{M-p / M-n} \\
Wrap s-expression & \texttt{M-(} \\
Splice s-expression & \texttt{M-s} \\
Splice s-expression killing backward & \texttt{M-up} \\
Raise s-expression & \texttt{M-r} \\
Kill s-expression & \texttt{C-M-k} \\
Kill balanced to the end of line & \texttt{C-k} \\
Split s-expression & \texttt{M-S-s} \\
Barf/slurp forward & \texttt{C-left / C-right} \\
\centering\section{Version control}
\begin{keys}{Magit status}
Magit status & \texttt{C-x g} \\
Move up/down & \texttt{p / n} \\
Change current section visibility & \texttt{1 / 2 / 4} \\
Change all sections visibility & \texttt{M-1 / M-2 / M-4} \\
Collapse or expand section & \texttt{TAB} \\
Stage file or chunk & \texttt{s} \\
Unstage file or chunk & \texttt{u} \\
Discard uncommited file or chunk & \texttt{k} \\
Commit staged & \texttt{c c} \\
Commit mode: confirm commit & \texttt{C-c C-c} \\
Commit mode: cancel commit & \texttt{C-c C-a} \\
Pull into current branch & \texttt{F F} \\
Push current branch & \texttt{P P} \\
Merge into current branch & \texttt{m m} \\
Show process buffer & \texttt{\$} \\
Quit & \texttt{q} \\
\begin{keys}{Magit branches}
Checkout branch & \texttt{b b} \\
Create branch & \texttt{b B} \\
List branches & \texttt{y} \\
Branch list: checkout branch & \texttt{Enter} \\
\begin{keys}{Magit log}
Show log of current branch & \texttt{l l} \\
Show log of all local branches & \texttt{l L} \\
Show commit at point & \texttt{Enter} \\
\begin{keys}{Magit stash}
Stash working tree changes & \texttt{z z} \\
Apply stash at point & \texttt{A} \\
Inspect stash at point & \texttt{Enter} \\
Delete stash at point & \texttt{k} \\
\begin{keys}{Revisions and blame}
Annotate current file & \texttt{M-x vc-annotate} \\
Annotate: hide metadata & \texttt{v} \\
Annotate: previous/next revision & \texttt{p / n} \\
Annotate: quit & \texttt{q} \\
Time machine for current file & \texttt{C-F8} \\
Time-machine: prev/next revision & \texttt{p / n} \\
Time-machine: quit & \texttt{q} \\
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