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Last active July 18, 2024 06:37
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Save rajdakin/35142f25be1a92660a6eb656a59286f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. compatibility list code
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<div id="table_stats"><div id="table_fail"></div><div id="table_most"></div><div id="table_pass"></div></div>
<div>Red: not working; Yellow: partially working; Green: working; Gray: unknown.</div>
<div><input type="text" placeholder="Search for a game..." onchange="search_changed(this.value);" onkeypress="this.onchange();" onpaste="this.onchange();" oninput="this.onchange();"></div>
<div id="statusfilter">Filter on status:&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li onclick="statusButtonClick(null, this)"><a>Any</a></li><li onclick="statusButtonClick(1, this)"><a>Not working</a></li><li onclick="statusButtonClick(2, this)"><a>Partially working</a></li><li onclick="statusButtonClick(3, this)"><a>Working</a></li><li onclick="statusButtonClick(0, this)"><a>Unknown</a></li></ul></div>
<div id="boxfilter">Filter on box version:&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul style="margin: 0; display: inline-flex;"><li onclick="boxButtonClick(null, this)"><a>Any</a></li><li onclick="boxButtonClick(['box86', 'Both'], this)"><a>box86</a></li><li onclick="boxButtonClick(['box64', 'Both'], this)"><a>box64</a></li><li onclick="boxButtonClick(['Unknown'], this)"><a>Unknown</a></li></ul></div>
<div id="pagination"><ul id="paginationlist"></ul></div>
<table id="table_here"><tbody><tr><th>Title</th><th>Original poster</th><th>box86/box64</th><th>Status</th><th>Picture (if available)</th></tr></tbody></table>
<div id="please_wait_loading">Please wait, loading...</div>
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for (const issueID in resp) {
const issue = resp[issueID];
ttype = 0; // -1 = conflict, 0 = unknown, 1 = Not-working, 2 = Partially-working, 3 = Working
boxs = 0; // 1 = box86, 2 = box64 (bitfield)
for (const labelID in issue["labels"]) {
otype = ttype;
switch (issue["labels"][labelID].id) {
case 2018095883: // Not-working
ttype = 1;
case 2018095900: // Partly-working
ttype = 2;
case 2024688036: // Working
ttype = 3;
case 3486241431: // Box86
boxs |= 1;
case 3486242986: // Box64
boxs |= 2;
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console.error("Conflicting types for " + issue["title"] + ": " + otype + " and " + ttype);
ttype = -1;
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((boxs === 2) ? "box64" : "Both")),
typetxt: (ttype === -1) ? "Unknown*" :
((ttype === 0) ? "Unknown" :
((ttype === 1) ? "Not working" :
((ttype === 2) ? "Partially working" : "Working")))
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window.sel_box.className = "";
window.sel_box = button;
window.sel_box.className = "selected";
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