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Last active May 29, 2023 18:13
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Notes from 'The Rust Programming Language' at

DISCLAIMER: These notes from 'The Rust Programming Language' book are my own and meant for my personal reference. They are not endorsed by the Rust Foundation. Visit for the official material for learning Rust.

Installing Rust

  1. Install Rust from
  2. Check installation with -
    rustc --version
    cargo --version
  3. Update installation with -
    rustup update
  4. Uninstall Rust with -
    rustup self uninstall

Compiling Rust programs

  1. Compile simple programs with rustc and execute directly.

    fn main() {
        println!("Welcome to Rust!");
    $ rustc && ./welcome
    Welcome to Rust!
  2. Compile projects with cargo build system cum package manager.

    • Cargo project structure looks like -
    • Create a new project with -
      cargo new <project>
    • Quickly check that a project compiles without producing an executable -
      cargo check
    • Produce a debug build and execute it immediately -
      cargo run
    • Produce a release build -
      cargo build --release
  3. Try out simple programs at -


// Constants can have any scope including global scope;
const ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS: u32 = 60 * 60;

fn main() {
    // Immutable; Can't be reassigned; Has function scope;
    let i = 3;
    println!("i: {i}");  // i: 3

    // Mutable; Can be reassigned; Has function scope;
    let mut j = 5;
    j = 6;
    println!("j: {j}");  // j: 6

    // Has function scope; Can't use 'mut';
    const ONE_MINUTE_IN_SECONDS: u32 = 60;

    println!("1 min in seconds: {ONE_MINUTE_IN_SECONDS}");  // 1 min in seconds: 60
    println!("1 hour in seconds: {ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS}");  // 1 hour in seconds: 3600

    let x = 5;
    let x = x + 1;  // Shadowing another variable of the same name;

    println!("x: {x}");  // x: 6

    let y = "   ";  // 'y' is a string literal;
    let y = y.len();  // 'y' becomes an integer type;

    println!("y: {y}");  // y: 3

    let mut z: u32 = 1;
        let mut z = z;  // Shadowing in the inner scope;
        z += 2;
        println!("z: {z}");  // z: 3
    println!("z: {z}");  // z: 1

Data Types

1. Scalar Types

fn main() {
    // Integer Types;
    // Signed variants can store -2^(n-1) to (2^(n-1))-1 inclusive;
    // Unsigned variants can store 0 to (2^n)-1 inclusive;
    // n can be 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128;
    let a: i8 = 127;
    let b: u8 = 255;
    println!("a: {}, b: {}", a, b);  // a: 127, b: 255
    // isize and usize types depend on the arch and are used when indexing a collection;
    // Integer Literals;
    let i = 57u8;  // u8;
    let j = 98_222;  // i32 (default); Decimal;
    let k = 0xff;  // Hex;
    let l = 0o77;  // Octal;
    let m = 0b1111_0000;  // Binary;
    let n = b'A';  // Byte (u8 only);
    println!("i: {}, j: {}, k: {}, l: {}, m: {}, n: {}", i, j, k, l, m, n);  // i: 57, j: 98222, k: 255, l: 63, m: 240, n: 65
    // Floating-Point Types;
    let x = 2.0;  // f64 (default); double-precision float;
    let y: f32 = 3.0;  // f32; single-precision float;
    println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);  // x: 2, y: 3
    // Boolean Type;
    let u = true;
    let v: bool = false;
    println!("u: {}, v: {}", u, v);  // u: true, v: false
    // Char Type;
    // 'char' type is four bytes in size and represents a Unicode Scalar Value;
    let o: char = 'Z';
    println!("o: {o}");  // o: Z

2. Complex Types

fn main() {
  // Tuple Type;
  let t: (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1);
  let (a, b, c) = t;  // Destructuring;
  println!("a: {}, b: {}, c: {}", a, b, c);  // a: 500, b: 6.4, c: 1
  let x = (900, 3.5, 'a');
  let y = x.2;  // Accessing tuple elements using a zero-based index;
  println!("x: {:?}, y: {}", x, y);  // x: (900, 3.5, 'a'), y: a
  let u = ();  // Empty tuple is a 'unit' and is the implicit return value of a function;
  println!("u: {:?}", u);  // u: ()
  // Array Type;
  let p: [i32; 5] = [1,2,3,4,5];
  let q = [0; 7];  // Create an array with 7 zeros
  println!("p: {:?}, q: {:?}", p, q);  // p: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], q: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  let p1 = p[0];  // Accessing tuple elements using a zero-based index;
  let q3 = q[2];
  println!("p1: {}, q3: {}", p1, q3);  // p1: 1, q3: 0


// A curly brace block like { /* ... */ } is an expression that can contain statements and
// also defines a syntactic scope for 'let'-bindings inside it.

// Expressions can have results but statements can't.

// Statements end with a semi-colon and can't be used for implicit returns from a function.

fn f(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

fn main() {
    println!("{}", f({
        let y = 1;
        y + 1
    }));  // 3

Control Flow

use std::cmp::Ordering;

fn main() {
    // if-else expressions
    let num1 = 3;
    let num2 = 6;
    if num1 > num2 {
        println!("{num1} is greater than {num2}");   
    } else if num2 > num1 {
        println!("{num2} is greater than {num1}");
    } else {
        println!("{num1} is equal to {num2}");
    // Using if in a let statement
    let num3 = 7;
    let what = if num3 % 2 == 0 { "even" } else { "odd" };  // if & else arms should have compatible types
    println!("{} is {}", num3, what);  // 7 is odd
    // Using match instead of an if-else ladder
    let num4 = 43;
    let num5 = 39;
    match num4.cmp(&num5) {
        Ordering::Less => println!("{num5} is greater than {num4}"),
        Ordering::Greater => println!("{num4} is greater than {num5}"),
        Ordering::Equal => println!("{num4} is equal to {num5}"),
    // Repetition with loop
    let mut counter = 0;
    println!("Before loop starts, counter: {counter}");  // Before loop starts, counter: 0
    loop {
        if counter == 10 {
        counter += 1;
    println!("After loop ends, counter: {counter}");  // After loop ends, counter: 10
    // Conditional loops with while
    let mut countdown = 10;
    println!("Before while starts, countdown: {countdown}");  // Before while starts, countdown: 10
    while countdown != 0 {
        countdown -= 1;
    println!("After while ends, countdown: {countdown}");  // After while ends, countdown: 0
    // Looping over items in a collection with for
    let fibonacci = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
    for element in fibonacci {
    // Using a Range with for
    for item in (1..5).rev() {


// f takes ownership of argument i
fn f(i: i32) -> i32 {
    i * 2

// g acts on a reference s without assuming ownership
fn g(s: &String) -> usize {

// h acts on a mutable reference n without assuming ownership
fn h(n: &mut i32) {
    *n += 1;

fn main() {
    // Moving ownership
    let x = 7;
    let mut y = x;  // x is moved to y and can no longer be used after this line
    y += 6;
    println!("y: {y}");  // y: 13
    let n = 4;
    let z = f(n);  // n is moved to f and can no longer be used after this line
    println!("z: {z}");  // z: 8
    // References are non-owning pointers
    let hello = String::from("hello");
    let length = g(&hello);  // hello can still be used after this line
    println!("hello: {}, length: {}", hello, length);  // hello: hello, length: 5
    // Dereferencing a pointer
    let mut hval: Box<i32> = Box::new(1);
    let a: i32 = *hval;  // *hval reads the heap value
    *hval += 1;  // *hval on the LHS modifies the heap value
    println!("hval: {hval}, a: {a}");  // hval: 2, a: 1
    let ref1: &Box<i32> = &hval;  // ref1 points to hval on the stack
    let b: i32 = **ref1;  // 2 derefences to get to the heap value
    println!("ref1: {ref1}, b: {b}");  // ref1: 2, b: 2
    let ref2: &i32 = &*hval;  // ref2 points to the heap value directly
    let c: i32 = *ref2;  // 1 derefence to get to the heap value
    println!("ref2: {ref2}, c: {c}");  // ref2: 2, c: 2
    let ref3: Box<&Box<i32>> = Box::new(&hval);  // ref3 points to a stack reference to a heap pointer
    let d: i32 = ***ref3;  // 3 dereferences to get to the heap value
    println!("ref3: {ref3}, d: {d}");  // ref3: 2, d: 2
    // Mutable references
    let mut num = 1;
    h(&mut num);  // Pass a mutable reference to modify the value on stack
    println!("num: {num}");  // num: 2
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