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Created May 28, 2022 02:34
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This gist will contain the commands to generate private keys and certificates for the CarParkServer and CarParkClient which was used for the securing gRPC api blog
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "| Generating private keys and certs for CarParkServer and CarParkClient |"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Check the availability of openssl.
readonly KEYTOOL=$(which keytool)
if [[ ! ${KEYTOOL} ]]
echo "keytool is not installed. Exiting !"
exit 1
# Use keytool to generate keystores and truststores.
echo "Generating keystore for carparkserver.........."
${KEYTOOL} -genkey -alias carparkserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore carparkserver-keystore.jks \
-dname "CN=localhost" \
-storepass 111111 \
-keypass 111111
echo "Exporting carparkserver certificate........."
${KEYTOOL} -export -alias carparkserver \
-keystore carparkserver-keystore.jks \
-file carparkserver.crt \
-rfc -storepass 111111
echo "Generating a dummy truststore for carparkserver........."
${KEYTOOL} -genkey -alias carparkserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore carparkserver-truststore.jks \
-dname "CN=localhost" \
-storepass 111111 \
-keypass 111111
echo "Generating keystore for carparkclient........."
${KEYTOOL} -genkey -alias carparkclient -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore carparkclient-keystore.jks \
-dname "CN=localhost" \
-storepass 111111 \
-keypass 111111
echo "Exporting carparkclient certificate........."
${KEYTOOL} -export -alias carparkclient \
-keystore carparkclient-keystore.jks \
-file carparkclient.crt \
-rfc -storepass 111111
echo "Generating a dummy truststore for carparkclient........."
${KEYTOOL} -genkey -alias carparkclient -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore carparkclient-truststore.jks \
-dname "CN=localhost" \
-storepass 111111 \
-keypass 111111
echo "Importing carparkclient cert to carparkserver truststore........."
${KEYTOOL} -delete -alias carparkserver \
-keystore carparkserver-truststore.jks \
-storepass 111111
${KEYTOOL} -import -alias carparkclient -file carparkclient.crt \
-keystore carparkserver-truststore.jks \
-storepass 111111 \
echo "Importing carparkserver cert to carparkclient truststore........."
${KEYTOOL} -delete -alias carparkclient \
-keystore carparkclient-truststore.jks \
-storepass 111111
${KEYTOOL} -import -alias carparkserver -file carparkserver.crt \
-keystore carparkclient-truststore.jks \
-storepass 111111 \
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