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Last active March 20, 2023 18:19
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reference guide to run kafka command on CDP-DC cluster

CDP-DC kafka useful kafka commands

-- list topics
kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092

-- create topic 
kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic kafkatopic

-- produce messages
kafka-console-producer --broker-list `hostname -f`:9092 --topic kafkatopic

--consume messages
kafka-console-consumer --topic kafkatopic --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 

--list kafka consumer groups 
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --list
--describe consumer group 
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --describe --group console-consumer-87279 
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --describe --group console-consumer-87279 --members

--delete topic 
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092   --delete --topic kafkatopic1

--describe topic 
kafka-topics --describe --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 -- describe all the topic 
kafka-topics --describe --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092  --topic kafkatopic -- this will describe only kafkatopic 

--add partition to topic 
kafka-topics --alter --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --topic kafkatopic --partitions 3

--dumping log segments
kafka-run-class --deep-iteration  --files /var/local/kafka/data/kafkatopic-0/00000000000000000000.log 

--get the offset values of the various topics
kafka-run-class --broker-list `hostname -f`:9092 --topic kafkatopic --time -1

--list zookeeper acls 
kafka-acls --list  --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zkhost:2181

--adding acls 
kafka-acls --add --allow-principal user:kafka --operation ALL --topic kafkatopic1 --authorizer-properties  zookeeper.connect=zkhost:2181
kafka-acls –authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<zookeeper>:2181 -add -allow-principal User:<principal> -producer -topic kafka_test2 

--to get the jmx metrics 
kafka-run-class --object-name "kafka.server:type=kafka-metrics-count"  --jmx-url service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9393/jmxrmi

--see committed offsets in brokers
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server  `hostname -f`:9092    --topic __consumer_offsets --formatter  "\$OffsetsMessageFormatter"

--kafka config 
 kafka-configs --alter --zookeeper zkhost:2181 --add-config --entity-type topics --entity-name kafkatopic1

--get all brokers 
echo "ls /kafka/brokers/ids" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 
--get all topics
echo "ls /kafka/brokers/topics"  | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 
-- get all the partition for topic 
echo "ls /kafka/brokers/topics/kafkatopic/partitions" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 
-- get leader for the partition 
echo "get /kafka/brokers/topics/kafkatopic/partitions/0/state" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 
--get coontroller 
echo "get /kafka/controller" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 
--controller epoch 
echo "get /kafka/controller_epoch" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 

--get deleted topics
echo "get /kafka/admin/delete_topics" | /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/zookeeper-client -server zkhost:2181 

Kafka Delegation Token

cat /tmp/kafka-client.jaas 
KafkaClient { required

cat /tmp/consumer.props 

export KAFKA_OPTS=""

kafka-delegation-tokens  --create   --bootstrap-server `hostname -f`:9092 --command-config /tmp/consumer.props  --max-life-time-period 600000

Calling create token operation with renewers :[] , max-life-time-period :600000
Created delegation token with tokenId : 6AYwXCAxTBiiwnDYodB--g

TOKENID         HMAC                           OWNER           RENEWERS                  ISSUEDATE       EXPIRYDATE      MAXDATE        
6AYwXCAxTBiiwnDYodB--g 4OJdZtxlATkZmipahT/gBZPCG7vIflztl7yzGs/n1BrpsXkN+YjLbgbFIesUb4nJKHIWMhfcM1ZSsZv0XsIykw== User:kafka      []                        2020-04-26T01:14 2020-04-26T01:24 2020-04-26T01:24

kafka-delegation-tokens --bootstrap-server `hostname`:9092 --describe --command-config /tmp/consumer.props  --owner-principal User:kafka
Calling describe token operation for owners :[User:kafka]
Total number of tokens : 1

TOKENID         HMAC                           OWNER           RENEWERS                  ISSUEDATE       EXPIRYDATE      MAXDATE        
6AYwXCAxTBiiwnDYodB--g 4OJdZtxlATkZmipahT/gBZPCG7vIflztl7yzGs/n1BrpsXkN+YjLbgbFIesUb4nJKHIWMhfcM1ZSsZv0XsIykw== User:kafka      []                        2020-04-26T01:14 2020-04-26T01:24 2020-04-26T01:24

How to use Delegation token in kafka producer and consumer can be found here:-

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