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Created June 14, 2019 18:14
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AWS SQS - Move from the Deadletter Queue (DLQ) to Source Queues
import boto3
import json
import uuid
sqsClient = boto3.client('sqs', region_name='us-east-1')
# Source Queue (eg. DLQ)
srcQueueUrl = ''
# Destination Queues
destQueue = [
toQueueIndex = 0
while True:
recResp = sqsClient.receive_message(
if 'Messages' not in recResp:
sendResp = sqsClient.send_message_batch(
QueueUrl= destQueue[toQueueIndex],
Entries=[{ 'MessageBody': x['Body'], 'Id': str(uuid.uuid4()) } for x in recResp['Messages']]
delResp = sqsClient.delete_message_batch(
Entries=[{ 'Id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ReceiptHandle': x['ReceiptHandle'] } for x in recResp['Messages'] ]
print(len(recResp['Messages']), 'messages moved to: ', destQueue[toQueueIndex])
toQueueIndex += 1
if toQueueIndex == len(destQueue):
toQueueIndex = 0
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