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Last active November 21, 2022 08:13
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A utility function to enumerate all subsets of a given set
* Counts the number of `true` (or `1`) bits in the given integer.
* @remarks This is an efficient algorithm that works for 32-bit integers only.
* @param i The integer to count the number of `true` bits in.
* @returns The number of `true` bits in the given integer.
* @see {@link} for the source of this algorithm.
* @see {@link} for explanations & other efficient implementations.
export function trueBitCount(i: number): number {
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555);
i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333);
i = (i + (i >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
return (i * 0x01010101) >> 24;
* An efficient algorithm to enumerate all subsets of a given set of items. The given subset is allowed to have
* duplicate items. All that matters for inclusion is their unique position in the given set.
* @param {T[]} set The source superset.
* @param {number | undefined} minLength Optional parameter to limit the minimum number of items in an included subset.
* @param {number | undefined} maxLength Optional parameter to limit the maximum number of items in an included subset.
* @returns {T[][]} An array of all subsets of the given set (that match the length limits if given).
export function enumerateSubsets<T>(set: T[], minLength?: number, maxLength?: number): T[][] {
const arr = Array.from(set);
const subsets: T[][] = [];
// utility function to test if a given index position matches the give length limits
const isInclude = (() => {
// include all if limits not provided
if (minLength === undefined && maxLength === undefined) {
return () => true;
// filter out sets that are outside the limits
const min = minLength ?? 0;
const max = maxLength ?? arr.length;
return (i: number): boolean => {
const count = trueBitCount(i);
return count >= min && count <= max;
* How this works:
* Imagine counting in binary from 0 to 2^n - 1, where each bit position represents whether
* the corresponding item in the set is included in the subset. For example, for a set [3, 7, 9, 8]
* index position 0b1010 (decimal 10) represents the subset [3, 9].
* To filter out sets that are outside the limits, we just have to count the number of `1`s in the
* index position. If it's outside the limits, we skip it.
const max = 2 ** set.length;
for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {
// skip if the set length is outside the limits
if (!isInclude(i)) {
// collect values from the original set at positions where the bit is `1`.
const subset: T[] = [];
let j = i;
let k = 0;
while (j > 0) {
if (j & 1) {
j >>= 1;
return subsets;
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