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Created February 7, 2016 09:27
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$in operator in arrowdb cloud event query
/* $in operator in arrowdb cloud event query
Test Environment:
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0
Titanium SDK Version 5.1.2.GA
Appcelerator Studio, build: OS X,Version = 10.10.11.
Test code:
// create base UI tab and root window
var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title:'Tab 1',
// added during app creation. this will automatically login to
// ACS for your application and then fire an event (see below)
// when connected or errored. if you do not use ACS in your
// application as a client, you should remove this block
var ACS = require(''),
env = Ti.App.deployType.toLowerCase() === 'production' ? 'production' : 'development',
username = Ti.App.Properties.getString('acs-username-'+env),
password = Ti.App.Properties.getString('acs-password-'+env);
// if not configured, just return
if (!env || !username || !password) { return; }
* Appcelerator Cloud (ACS) Admin User Login Logic
* fires login.success with the user as argument on success
* fires login.failed with the result as argument on error
}, function(result){
if (env==='development') {'ACS Login Results for environment `'+env+'`:');;
where : {
"name" : {
// "$in" :['movie','netflix']
"$in" :['movie','netflix','']
//tags : {'$in': ['movie','netflix']}
}, function(e) {
if (e.success) {"Total event is "; "Total event is"+JSON.stringify( );
} else {
alert('Some error occurred');
if (result && result.success && result.users && result.users.length){
} else {
Test results (Console logs):
[INFO] : ACS Login Results for environment `development`:
[INFO] : {
[INFO] : error = 0;
[INFO] : meta = {
[INFO] : code = 200;
[INFO] : "method_name" = loginUser;
[INFO] : "session_id" = qAePTNLP9w2kXIf42GMzqledg7w;
[INFO] : status = ok;
[INFO] : };
[INFO] : success = 1;
[INFO] : users = (
[INFO] : {
[INFO] : admin = false;
[INFO] : "confirmed_at" = "2015-12-10T10:30:52+0000";
[INFO] : "created_at" = "2015-12-10T10:30:52+0000";
[INFO] : email = "";
[INFO] : "external_accounts" = (
[INFO] : );
[INFO] : "friend_counts" = {
[INFO] : friends = 0;
[INFO] : requests = 0;
[INFO] : };
[INFO] : id = 5669545c4a522f0907d824c2;
[INFO] : role = "appc-admin";
[INFO] : stats = {
[INFO] : photos = {
[INFO] : "total_count" = 0;
[INFO] : };
[INFO] : storage = {
[INFO] : used = 0;
[INFO] : };
[INFO] : };
[INFO] : tags = (
[INFO] : appcelerator
[INFO] : );
[INFO] : "updated_at" = "2016-02-07T09:23:29+0000";
[INFO] : username = "appc_app_user_dev";
[INFO] : }
[INFO] : );
[INFO] : }
[INFO] : Total event is 2
[INFO] : Total event is[{"id":"56b704e73477c0090b57a620","name":"netflix","start_time":"2016-02-07T08:47:00+0000","duration":7200,"created_at":"2016-02-07T08:48:39+0000","updated_at":"2016-02-07T08:48:39+0000","ical":"DTSTART:20160207T084700Z\nDURATION:PT2H","recurring_until":"2016-02-07T08:47:00+0000","num_occurrences":1,"details":"fun","user_id":"5669545c4a522f0907d824c2"},{"id":"56b704b2bb2d99bd563456d9","name":"movie","start_time":"2016-02-07T08:46:00+0000","duration":3600,"created_at":"2016-02-07T08:47:46+0000","updated_at":"2016-02-07T08:47:46+0000","ical":"DTSTART:20160207T084600Z\nDURATION:PT1H","recurring_until":"2016-02-07T08:46:00+0000","num_occurrences":1,"details":"enjoyment","user_id":"5669545c4a522f0907d824c2"}]
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