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Forked from anonymous/all-lein-templates.txt
Last active December 15, 2021 10:49
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1 acorn: A Leiningen template for a ClojureScript setup with Figwheel, Austin, Om.
8 amp: Leiningen template for AMP (Alfresco Module Package) projects.
1 angular-cl2: A Leiningen template for using AngularJS and ChlorineJS
1 angular: Clojure and AngularJS in perfect harmony.
6 angular: Clojure and AngularJS in perfect harmony. $ lein new angular <name>
2 angularjs-app: Leiningen template for web application with http-kit and angularjs
5 angular-simple: Clojure and AngularJS $ lein new angular-simple <name>
1 aperiodic-cljs: My cljs development starting point. Basically ripped from lein-cljsbuild.
1 apijr: clojurescript project template
1 appfgo: 'lein new' template for Funcgo application
2 atw-api: Compojure API project template for Leiningen
7 atw-om: Clojure, all the way with Om
15 back-end-template: Created with lein-create-template
1 backrest: A leiningen template ready to serve as a REST backend
1 basic: A minimal template for Leiningen
2 basic-speclj-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a basic leiningen project with speclj tests
2 basic-web-ch-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
2 basic-web-cs-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
2 basic-web-me-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
2 basic-web-mh-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
1 beanstalk-docker-app: Leiningen template for generating a clojure app that runs
2 blanc: A lein-newnew template for generating new noir projects.
1 blank-angular-website: FIXME: write description
1 blank-zurb-website: A leiningen template for a zurb foundation website skeleton
1 bn-service: Skeleton for a Clojure microservice
2 broken-template: This is a broken lein template. It is used for tests.
7 cahoot: dependencies and macros to help bootstrap your clojure application
1 cahoot: FIXME: write description
1 capstan: generate a Capstan clojure project skeleton
19 caribou: Leiningen template for generating Caribou sites
4 cascalog-avro: Leiningen Cascalog template
3 casper-cljs: Basic CasperJS project template
4 causeway: Project template for using with causeway
5 causeway-template: Project template for using with causeway
2 cbilson-web-app: My clojure web app template
3 cccp: Creates a new Clojure + ClojureScript + Compojure + Ring project template
9 chestnut: A Leiningen template for a ClojureScript setup with Figwheel, Austin, Om.
5 chrome-extension: A leiningen template for generating lein-chromebuild projects
2 chrome-extension: Created with lein-create-template
2 clarp: A Leiningen template for frontend development with Harp and ClojureScript
3 cli-app: Create a Clojure command line application
5 clj-cljs-weasel: A combined Clojure/ClojureScript project with basic ring support and a weasel based browser REPL
10 clj-eden-lib: A lein template for creating small, useful abstraction libraries
1 cljminecraft: FIXME: write description
2 cljs-app: A simple ClojureScript app template using Weasel and Simpleton
2 cljs-async: A core.async ClojureScript project template
3 cljs-austin: Austin ClojureScript template based on Austin sample project.
1 cljsbuild-skeleton: Leiningen template for ClojureScript build with lein-cljsbuild
2 cljsbuild-template: Leiningen template for ClojureScript build with lein-cljsbuild
1 cljsbuild-template-new: FIXME: write description
3 cljs-exnihilo: cljs-exnihilo: Leiningen template for ClojureScript
1 cljs-init: Created with lein-create-template
6 cljs-kickoff: Leiningen template for ClojureScript projects with lein-cljsbuild
4 cljs-node: cljs-node template
1 cljs-node: FIXME: write description
1 cljsnwk: FIXME: write description
1 cljsr: cljsr project template for Leiningen
2 cljs-repl-project: lein template to create a scaffolding for brepl-driven project.
5 cljs-ring: Lein template for a basic clojurescript project using ring
1 cljs-skeleton: FIXME: write description
14 cljs-start: A lein-template for creating ClojureScript libs with batteries included
1 cljs-start: A lein-template fro creating ClojureSCript libs with batteries included
2 cljs-start: FIXME: write description
2 cljs-template: A lein-newnew template for clojurescript projects
1 cljs-template-one: A lein-newnew template for clojurescript projects
1 cljs-webapp: FIXME: write description
10 cljs-webapp: Lein template for cljs webapp.
1 cljs-ws: Lein template for clojurescript websockets projects
8 clj-wamp: clj-wamp starter project template
1 clj-wamp: clj-wamp starter project template with example
1 clj-webapp: A template for webapps using Clojure and Clojurescript
3 clj-website: A leiningen template to create heroku-ready web app projects using Noir, Enlive and Twitter Bootstrap.
2 cljx-start: A cljx, cljsbuild lein template. Stop fighting with project.clj!
1 clojurebridge: Template for project used in ClojureBridge curriculum.
1 clojurescript-worksheet: FIXME: write description
9 clojurewerkz: A Leiningen 2.0 template for new ClojureWerkz projects
1 commandlineapp: leiningen template for command line app projects
11 compojure-api: Compojure-api template
1 compojure-api: Created with lein-create-template
23 compojure-app: Compojure project template for Leiningen
27 compojure: Compojure project template for Leiningen
1 compojurefgo: Funcgo Compojure project template for Leiningen
1 compojure-nginx-clj-docker-eb: FIXME: write description
2 com.softwarecurmudgeon.reloaded: A Leiningen 2 template to generate project skeletons using
1 cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook: FIXME: write description
1 cookbook-storm-project: Created with lein-create-template
20 cryogen: A Leiningen template for the Cryogen static site generator
5 d3-app: Lein template for creating D3.js-based ClojureScript applications.
3 dacom: A Leiningen template for the DACOM stack
2 darzana: Darzana leiningen template.
1 darzana: FIXME: write description
3 devcards: A Leinigen template for devcards
1 devcards: FIXME: write description
3 did-datomic-free: A basic template for working with Datomic Free. Includes logging configuration.
19 dog: A template for generating a single-page-app skeleton
4 dog-lib: A template for generating ClojureScript client-side libraries
5 dotcloud: A Leiningen template for new projects for dotCloud
9 duct: A template for a component-based web application.
4 elimai: Leiningen template for elimai
1 enfocus-template: A lein-newnew template for enfocus clojurescript projects
1 enlive-tutorial: Enlive Tutorial from David Nolan's github repo @
3 experement: A Leiningen template for creating a project that will contain a
4 experiment: A Leiningen template for creating a project that will contain a
2 express: A minimal ClojureScript ExpressJS project template
10 far-app: Template for creating FarBetter private apps
11 far-lib: Template for creating FarBetter private libraries
1 favfeed-template: FIXME: write description
1 fdsa: FIXME: write description
1 fdsa: (Web-)app template
10 figwheel: A Leinigen template for figwheel
1 finagle-clojure: A lein template for creating a new finagle-clojure Thrift project.
3 flat-layout: A project template for flat layout.
1 flat-layout-web: A web project template for flat layout.
10 fmn: A Leiningen 2.0 to simplify working on a webapps
3 foo-bar: FIXME: write description
2 foreclojure: A template to populate a project from a 4clojure problem
3 foundation-app: Leiningen template for Foundation apps
4 foxy: Leiningen template for FirefoxApp
2 fu-template: Created with lein-create-template
8 fw1: FW/1 template for lein newnew
3 gatling: Template for Gatling load-testing (sub-)projects
3 gcm-project: Created with lein-create-template
4 generators: Basic generators for the lein-gen plugin
6 gizmo-web: Leiningen template for Gizmo, ClojureWerkz web library
5 gpl3p: Basically same to the default `lein new` except for the license. GPLv3+.
1 gpl3p: FIXME: write description
2 grafter: Leiningen template for a simple grafter project
1 groupid: A leiningen 2 template for new projects containing a group-id prefix
1 gsn-spa: A single page application template based on Reagent, Sente, Component
2 gyag: Opinionated template for creating web applications in Clojure using ClojureScript and Ring
4 heroku: Template for new Heroku Compojure web apps.
2 heroku: Template for new ring-based Leiningen projects for Heroku.
2 hitokotonushi-template: A hitokotonushi project template.
1 hlisp: FIXME: write description
6 hoplon-castra: Create new Hoplon projects with Castra
1 hoplon: Create new Hoplon projects.
17 hoplon: Create new Hoplon projects with style and grace.
1 http-kit: A Leiningen 2.0 template for Clojure web project using http-kit
4 ice: Ease the pain creating a webservice
1 ide-files: Leiningen template for generating IDE files
4 jarppes-om-app: Simple lein template to create Clojure, ClojureScript, OM application
1 jessitron: my favorite template, because it comes with test.check
1 jkugiya: Leiningen template for ClojureScript projects with lein-cljsbuild
6 jme3: FIXME: write description
2 joodo: FIXME: write description
2 joodo: Leiningen template to create bare joodo app
1 jruby-sinatra: Leiningen template for a Sinatra web app that runs on the Jruby platform
1 juxt-training-exercises-webapp: FIXME: write description
1 juxt-training-exercises-webapp: JUXT training exercises
1 JUXT training exercises
1 kaj-default: FIXME: write description
1 kastermastandard: FIXME: write description
11 kastermastandard: template with standard settings for kasterma
2 kasyaar-http-kit: template for http-kit and compojure
11 kasyaar-http-kit: Template for http-kit, compojure simple projects
1 kasyaar-test1: FIXME: write description
1 kasyaar-test2: FIXME: write description
1 kasyaar-test3: FIXME: write description
1 kasyaar-test: FIXME: write description
1 ken-cljs-2: A template for cljs app with postgres as back-end
4 kick: ClojureScript starter template with testing
1 kinematic-app: A lein template to generate a basic Kinematic app
1 kinematic-app: FIXME: write description
1 koan: Koan template generator for Koan projects!
1 labs-template: FIXME: write description
1 lambdacd: FIXME: write description
6 lambdacd: leiningen template for lambdacd
1 lein-api-rest-template: A Leiningen template for REST API based on Liberator
4 lein-clr: Template for ClojureCLR project built by lein-clr
1 lein-create-template "0.1.0"] A Leiningen plugin for creating templates from existing skeleton projects
1 lein-create-template "0.1.1"] A Leiningen plugin for creating templates from existing skeleton projects
1 lein-gnome: A template for new Gnome Shell extensions.
4 lein-servlet: Templates for lein-servlet
1 lein-templater "0.1.0"] A leiningen plugin for creating leiningen templates
1 lein-templater "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] A leiningen plugin for creating leiningen templates
1 lein-templater "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"] A leiningen plugin for creating leiningen templates
3 lein-webapp-template: A Leiningen template for Web apps based on Compojure, Hiccup, Bootstrap and jQuery
4 lein-webapp-template: A Leiningen template for Web apps based on Compojure, Stencil, Bootstrap and jQuery
2 leipzig: A quickstart for Leipzig tracks.
7 liberagent: Created with lein-create-template
1 limonada: A web application using Limonada
2 littleprinter: A template for generating LittlePrinter publications
7 live-static-app: live-static project template for Leiningen
4 lt-plugin: LightTable Plugin Lein Template
135 luminus: a template for creating Luminus applications
13 mies: A minimal ClojureScript project template
3 mies-brepl: A minimal ClojureScript project template with REPL
3 mies: FIXME: write description
3 mies-node: A minimal ClojureScript Node.js project template
20 mies-om: A minimal Om project template
2 mies-weasel: A minimal ClojureScript project template with Weasel REPL, forked from mies.
11 migae: migae project template
1 misaki-compiler: FIXME: write description
5 misaki-compiler: Template for new misaki compiler.
1 misaki: FIXME: write description
3 mjstarter: Weasel and figwheel. Minimum setup. Emacs support
2 mockup: Easily create clickable wireframe prototypes
17 modular: Leiningen template for a full-featured component based app using modular extensions.
2 mondrian: A Leiningen template for mondrian projects
1 monolith: A leiningen template for a web application.
1 monolith: FIXME: write description
2 mr-clojure: MixRadio clojure skeleton template for Leiningen. Generates a Clojure HTTP REST service in the style of MixRadio
3 my-website-template: FIXME: write description
1 my-website-template-travis: FIXME: write description
1 naive-http-kit: FIXME: write description
1 ncljs: Leiningen template for Clojurescript and node.js
1 newnew-test-template: A template for testing newnew functionality
1 ninja: FIXME: write description
2 nocore: Leiningen template for a NoCore Clojure project
1 nocore: Leiningen templat for a nocore Clojure project
2 nodecljs: A ClojureScript on Node.js project template
5 node-cljs: Leiningen template for Node.js-hosted ClojureScript
1 noir: A lein-newnew template for generating new noir projects.
1 noir-ring: A lein-newnew template for generating new noir projects.
19 nsfw: Template for NSFW apps.
3 nwcljs: A lein template for building node-webkit app out-of-box with mocha testing
3 nwcljs: A lein template for building node-webkit app with mocha testing enabled
9 om-async-tut: Om async tutorial
9 om-bower: A lein-template for creating OM projects using Bower
2 om-cljs: FIXME: write description
1 om-fireplace-brepl: A minimum Om project template with browser repl via fireplace.vim
1 omr: omr project template for Leiningen
7 om-start: A lein-template for creating OM project
11 om-starter: A leiningen template for a server-backed Om application
2 om-weasel: A lein-template for creating Om projects based on Weasel
7 om-with-tests: A lein template for creating Om projects with test setup.
6 onyx-plugin: A Leiningen 2.0 template for new Onyx plugins
1 org.clojars.agile_jordi.midje: FIXME: write description
1 org.clojars.agofilo.cljsproj: FIXME: write description
1 org.clojars.kasyaar.http-kit: template for http-kit and compojure
4 org.clojars.kiran: A template for generating a web-app which supports hiccup and stencil rendering
1 org.clojurs.schmidh.fu-template: Created with lein-create-template
1 org.convana.plugin: Convana plugin project template for Leiningen
2 outfit: A Leiningen template for ClojureScript projects.
1 pallet-crate: A leiningen template for pallet crates
19 pallet: Leiningen plugin for creating Pallet projects
10 parseapp: A leiningnen template for creating Parse apps
21 pedestal-app: A Pedestal Application template.
2 pedestal-micro: Template for creating Pedestal micro-services
25 pedestal-service: A Pedestal Service template.
2 piggieback: Piggieback template.
1 pirlib: Default library template with hyPiRion's preferred settings.
28 play-clj: A template for making play-clj projects
1 pudge-app: A template to get developing an om app with a cljs repl as quickly as possible.
3 qbits: Tempate for qbits projects
2 qml-cljs: A template for creating QML Clojurescript projects.
4 qu: A Leiningen template for creating new Qu data APIs.
1 qu: FIXME: write description
8 quil-cljs: Leiningen template for Quil ClojureScript project.
5 quil: Leiningen template for Quil ClojureScript project.
13 reagent: A Leiningen template for a ClojureScript setup with Figwheel, Austin, and Reagent.
3 reagent-figwheel: Starter template for react/reagent applications with figwheel
5 reagent-project: Created with lein-create-template
8 reagent-seed: Template for creating React/Reagent applications in Clojurescript.
4 reloadable-app: Leiningen template for a new component based app implementing the reloaded workflow.
4 reloadable-compojure: Compojure project template for Leiningen
17 reloaded2: Created with lein-create-template
4 reloaded: A Leiningen 2 template to generate project skeletons using
1 reloaded-uberrepl: A Leiningen 2 template to generate project skeletons using
1 reloaded-with-tests: A Leiningen 2 template to generate project skeletons using
9 restful-app: Restful application template with a predefined set of dependencies.
6 reverie: template for setting up a basic reverie installation
1 ringo: A Leiningen template for Ringo
1 ring-piggieback: Created with lein-create-template
1 satori: A leiningen template for Satori
1 screen6: FIXME: write description
1 script: Leiningen plugin/template for generating stand-alone Clojure scripts
1 sean-web-app: Hello Clojure Web
1 serv: Plugins to scaffold document
4 sethtrain: Om project boilerplate template
2 skel: Project skeleton for my new projects
1 slack-app: FIXME: write description
1 smtraining: JUXT training exercises
2 sonian-pedestal-immutant: Leiningen template for a Pedestal project hosted in Immutant
2 sonian: Sonian's new project template
7 spa-template: A Leiningen template to create ClojureScript single page web applications.
8 speclj: A Leiningen template for speclj
3 specljs: A Leiningen template for specljs
55 splat: A Leiningen template to create ClojureScript single page web applications.
2 sqweb: Created with lein-create-template
3 starter: A lein-newnew starter template for heroku-ready apps using Noir, Bootstrap and cljs.
5 starter: FIXME: write description
1 static-cljs: FIXME: write description
2 static-cljs: Leiningen template to generate a static site generator with ClojureScript and Less CSS preconfigured
1 steve: Created with lein-create-template
1 steve: Makes austin projects
1 storm-project: Created with lein-create-template
4 sxm-clojure-ms: SynergyXM clojure microservice skeleton template for Leiningen. Generates a SynergyXM Clojure HTTP REST service
1 tenzing: Clojurescript application template built on Boot
1 tenzing: FIXME: write description
1 testtemplate: FIXME: write description
6 thing-babel: Leiningen project template for literate Clojure projects w/ org-mode babel
1 toyapp: FIXME: write description
4 trapperkeeper:
4 tux: A minimal ClojureScript template with Reagent
1 uochan-heroku: FIXME: write description
1 vaadin: A minimal Vaadin Clojure template
1 vagrant: Leiningen template for Vagrant-powered projects
4 vertx: leiningen template project for vertx
7 vertx-template: lein template for vertx development in maven
1 vertx-template: Lein template for vertx development with maven support
1 vom: A minimal Om project template setup for Vim users
10 web-app: Lein template for clojure web project
2 web-app-starter: Lein template for web app using Noir, CouchDB, Enlive, Forms-Bootstrap, with basic model and view namespaces, html and css.
1 webdb2: Created with lein-create-template
1 webdb: Created with lein-create-template
1 web-mongodb-ch-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a Leiningen web project with mongoDB
2 web-rdbms-chk-template: A Leiningen newnew template for a Leiningen web project with RDBMS
1 weixin-on-heroku: Template for new weixin robot on Heroku platform.
1 with-gorilla: Created with lein-create-template
1 working-template: A working leiningen template, for testing
2 working-template: FIXME: write description
1 wrom: Webjars + Ring + Om template
1 wwa-windows: A minimal template for building Windows Store Apps with ClojureScript.
1 wwa-windows-om: A minimal template for building Windows Store Apps with ClojureScript and Om.
3 www: Creates a new Clojure + ClojureScript (+ nREPL) + Compojure + Ring project template
2 www: Creates web project templates of different flavors: Om, ClojureScript (+ nREPL), Compojure, Hiccup, Ring, etc.
7 yawt: Yet Another Web Template. An opinionated Leiningen template to generate a base project for building Clojure web applications.
1 zenweb: Created with lein-create-template
4 zenweb: Luminus based lein template for beginners
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