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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
use Capture::Tiny ':all';
use Acme::Aheui;
use Encode qw/encode_utf8/;
use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
use constant {
TABLE => {
0 => '바',
1 => '반반나',
2 => '박',
3 => '받',
4 => '밤',
5 => '발',
6 => '밦',
7 => '밝',
8 => '밣',
9 => '밞',
sub println_unicode_to_win_cmd {
my ($string) = @_;
my $len = length $string;
print encode_utf8($string), ' ' x ($len*2), "\r\n";
sub p {
my ($string) = @_;
sub get_aheui_output {
my ($source) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr, @result) = capture {
my $interpreter = Acme::Aheui->new( source => $source );
return $stdout;
sub verify_table {
my ($table) = @_;
for my $key (keys %$table) {
my $source = $$table{$key};
my $output = get_aheui_output($source.'망히');
is ( $key, $output );
sub prime_factorize {
my ($num) = @_;
if ($num < 2) {
return {$num => 1};
my %result = ();
my $div = 2;
while ($num != 1) {
while ($num != 1 && ($num % $div == 0)) {
my $deg = $result{$div} or 0;
$result{$div} = $deg;
$num /= $div;
return condense_factors(\%result);
# from:
# 252: { 2=>2, 3=>2, 7=>1 }
# to:
# 252: { 4=>1, 9=>1, 7=>1 }
sub condense_factors {
my ($factors) = @_;
my %factors = %$factors;
my $result = undef;
my $condensed_anything = 1;
while ($condensed_anything) {
$condensed_anything = 0;
my %result = ();
for my $num (keys %factors) {
my $deg = $factors{$num};
if ($num == 2) {
if ($deg >= 3) {
my $deg_of_8 = int($deg/3);
$deg -= $deg_of_8*3;
$result{8} += $deg_of_8;
$condensed_anything = 1;
if ($deg >= 2) {
my $deg_of_4 = int($deg/2);
$deg -= $deg_of_4*2;
$result{4} += $deg_of_4;
$condensed_anything = 1;
$result{2} += $deg if $deg > 0;
elsif ($num == 3) {
if ($deg >= 2) {
my $deg_of_9 = int($deg/2);
$deg -= $deg_of_9*2;
$result{9} += $deg_of_9;
$condensed_anything = 1;
$result{3} += $deg if $deg > 0;
else {
$result{$num} += $deg if $deg > 0;
if (exists $result{2} && exists $result{3}) {
my $deg_of_2 = $result{2};
my $deg_of_3 = $result{3};
my $deg_min = ($deg_of_2 < $deg_of_3) ? $deg_of_2 : $deg_of_3;
$deg_of_2 -= $deg_min;
$deg_of_3 -= $deg_min;
my $deg_of_6 = $deg_min;
$result{6} += $deg_of_6 if $deg_of_6 > 0;
$result{2} = $deg_of_2;
$result{3} = $deg_of_3;
delete $result{2} if $deg_of_2 == 0;
delete $result{3} if $deg_of_3 == 0;
$condensed_anything = 1;
$result = \%result;
%factors = %$result;
return $result;
sub is_nth_number {
my ($num, $n) = @_;
my $root = nth_root_floor($num, $n);
return ($root ** $n) == $num;
sub nth_root_floor {
my ($num, $n) = @_;
return int( $num ** (1/$n) );
sub shortest_str {
my ($str_arr) = @_;
my $shortest = undef;
for my $str (@$str_arr) {
if (!$shortest && $str) {
$shortest = $str;
if ($str && $shortest && length $str < length $shortest) {
$shortest = $str;
die "all str are invalid\n" unless $shortest;
return $shortest;
sub num2ah_by_nth_root {
my ($num, $n) = @_;
if (is_nth_number($num, $n)) {
my $ah = num2ah(nth_root_floor($num, $n));
$ah .= '빠'x($n-1);
$ah .= '따'x($n-1);
return $ah;
else {
my $minor_root = nth_root_floor($num, $n);
my $minor = $minor_root ** $n;
my $shortage = $num - $minor;
my $minor_ah = num2ah($minor);
my $shortage_ah = num2ah($shortage);
my $ah_try1 = $minor_ah.$shortage_ah.'다';
my $major_root = $minor_root+1;
my $major = $major_root ** $n;
my $excess = $major - $num;
my $major_ah = num2ah($major);
my $excess_ah = num2ah($excess);
my $ah_try2 = $major_ah.$excess_ah.'타';
return shortest_str([$ah_try1, $ah_try2]);
sub num2ah_by_prime_factors {
my ($num) = @_;
my $factors = prime_factorize($num);
if ((scalar keys %$factors) == 1) { # prime number (19~)
my @trials = ();
for my $i (2..TABLE_LAST*2) {
my $ah = num2ah_by_div_by_n($num, $i);
push @trials, $ah;
return shortest_str(\@trials);
my @result = ();
for my $prime (keys %$factors) {
my $deg = $factors->{$prime};
my $ah = num2ah($prime).('빠'x($deg-1)).('따'x($deg-1));
push @result, $ah;
my $ah = join '', @result;
$ah .= '따' x ((scalar keys %$factors)-1);
return $ah;
sub num2ah_by_div_by_n {
my ($num, $n) = @_;
if ($num <= $n) {
return undef;
my $quo = int($num / $n);
my $rem = $num % $n;
my $quo_ah = num2ah($quo);
my $rem_ah = num2ah($rem);
my $n_ah = num2ah($n);
my $ah = $quo_ah.$n_ah.'따'.$rem_ah.'다';
return $ah;
sub num2ah {
my ($num) = @_;
# 0~9
return TABLE->{$num} if exists TABLE->{$num};
die "NEGATIVES not implemented\n" if $num < 0;
# 10~18
if ($num <= TABLE_LAST*2) {
my $part1 = int($num/2);
my $part2 = $num - $part1;
my $ah = num2ah($part1).num2ah($part2).'다';
TABLE->{$num} = $ah;
return $ah;
my $ah_try1 = num2ah_by_prime_factors($num);
my $ah_try2 = num2ah_by_nth_root($num, 2);
my $ah = shortest_str([$ah_try1, $ah_try2]);
TABLE->{$num} = $ah;
return $ah;
sub char2num {
my ($char) = @_;
return unpack 'U', $char;
sub char2ah {
my ($char) = @_;
return num2ah(char2num($char));
sub str2ah {
my ($str) = @_;
my @result = ();
my $prev_num = 0;
for my $char (split //, $str) {
my $num = char2num($char);
if ($prev_num == 0) {
push @result, char2ah($char);
else {
my $delta = $num - $prev_num;
if ($delta == 0) {
push @result, '';
elsif ($delta > 0) {
push @result, num2ah($delta).'다';
else {
push @result, num2ah(-$delta).'타';
$prev_num = $num;
return join('빠맣', @result).'맣희';
sub shuffle_str {
my ($str) = @_;
my @arr = shuffle(split //, $str);
return join '', @arr;
sub print_cost_list {
my ($str) = @_;
my @arr = split //, $str;
for my $char_from (@arr) {
my $num_from = char2num($char_from);
my $len = length char2ah($char_from);
p "FROM: $char_from ($len)";
my %result = ();
for my $char_to (@arr) {
if ($char_from eq $char_to) {
my $num_to = char2num($char_to);
my $delta = $num_to - $num_from;
my $ah = num2ah(abs($delta));
my $len = length $ah;
$result{$char_to} = $len;
for my $char (sort { $result{$a} <=> $result{$b} } keys %result) {
my $len = $result{$char};
p "\t[$len]\t$char";
p '';
p num2ah(123201);
type empty_lines.txt
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