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Created December 12, 2023 06:48
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AoC 2023 Day 12 pt 2.
def contents(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as handle:
memo = {}
def solver_rec(puz, scores):
key = puz, tuple(scores)
if key in memo:
return memo[key]
out = solver_rec_inner(puz, scores)
memo[key] = out
return out
def solver_rec_inner(puz, scores):
hashes_left = sum(scores)
if len(puz) < hashes_left:
return 0
if puz == "":
if hashes_left > 0:
return 0
return 1
if puz[0] == ".":
return solver_rec(puz[1:], scores)
if puz[0] == "#":
# consume with score
if len(scores) == 0:
return 0
cur_score = scores[0]
rest = scores[1:]
for i in range(cur_score):
if puz[i] == ".":
return 0
if len(puz) == cur_score and rest == []:
return 1
if puz[cur_score] == "#":
return 0 # must be dot
return solver_rec(puz[cur_score + 1:], rest)
if puz[0] == "?":
hash_count = 0
q_count = 0
for ch in puz:
if ch == "?":
q_count += 1
if ch == "#":
hash_count += 1
if q_count + hash_count > hashes_left:
return solver_rec("#" + puz[1:], scores) + solver_rec("." + puz[1:], scores)
return solver_rec("#" + puz[1:], scores)
assert False, "unreachable"
def problem(filename):
input = contents(filename).split("\n")
input = [x for x in input]
cur = 0
for x in input:
zpuz, zscore = x.split(" ", 1)
multi = 5
puz = []
score = []
for i in range(multi):
puz = "?".join(puz)
score = ",".join(score)
#print(puz, score)
score = [int(x) for x in score.split(",")]
combs = solver_rec(puz, score)
#print(puz, combs)
cur += combs
return cur
def main():
day = 12
# print(problem("test%02d.txt" % day))
assert problem("test%02d.txt" % day) == 525152
print(problem("input%02d.txt" % day))
#assert problem("input00.txt") == 1190
if __name__ == "__main__":
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