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Last active October 3, 2018 06:45
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Reactive Conf 2018 ⚡️ Lighting Talk Proposal ⚡️ - Integrating React and d3.js

This is a proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf 2018. Please star ⭐️ this gist to let it happen!!

ReactiveConf 2018

Integrating React and d3.js

Hello everyone, I am Rafał and I work as Front-End Developer in Business Intelligence industry. In this lighting talk I would like to bring your attention to integrating React components with my favourite data visualization library.


Image of d3.js and React combined, from medium CDN

Well designed data driven dashboard answers your questions, supports decision making and generally makes everyone happy. Except developers.

d3.js is great library, but it is relatively low-level. Implementing whole dashboard project might be very hard, as d3.js charts tend to transform into spaghetti code.

But then React comes to the rescue. With component reusability in mind, you, as developer, can save your sanity in next data visualization project.

d3.js and React is fantastic marriage. Please star ⭐️ this gist to spread the good news to the world!

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