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Last active January 5, 2021 22:01
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Pipes and filters à la Steve Bate - but with a twist :-) Not just classes are filters, but also objects and functions.
public class PipelineOf<T> : IFilterOf<T>
public class Result
public static Result Success(T value)
return new Result {IsSuccess = true, Value = value};
public static Result Failure(Exception exception)
return new Result {HasFailed = true, Exception = exception};
public bool IsSuccess { get; private set; }
public bool HasFailed { get; private set; }
public T Value { get; private set; }
public Exception Exception { get; private set; }
private class Catcher
public PipelineOf<Exception> CatchPipeline;
private readonly IList<Func<T, T>> _stages = new List<Func<T, T>>();
private readonly Stack<Catcher> _catchers = new Stack<Catcher>();
public PipelineOf<T> Register(IFilterOf<T> singletonFilter)
return this;
public PipelineOf<T> Register<F>() where F : IFilterOf<T>, new()
_stages.Add(msg => {
var f = new F();
return f.Process(msg);
return this;
public PipelineOf<T> Register(Func<T, T> filter)
return this;
public PipelineOf<T> Try()
var catcher = new Catcher();
Register(msg => {
return msg;
return this;
public PipelineOf<T> Catch(PipelineOf<Exception> catchPipeline)
_catchers.Pop().CatchPipeline = catchPipeline;
Register(msg => {
return msg;
return this;
public T Process(T message)
return _stages.Aggregate(message, (current, stage) => stage(current));
catch (Exception ex)
if (_catchers.Count > 0)
throw new WarningException("Exception handled by catch filter.", ex);
throw new ApplicationException("No catch filter registered!", ex);
public Result ProcessSafely(T message)
return Result.Success(Process(message));
catch (WarningException ex)
return Result.Failure(ex);
public interface IFilterOf<T>
T Process(T message);
var p = new PipelineOf<string>();
p.Register(msg => msg + "Hello")
.Register(msg => msg + ", ")
.Register(msg => msg + "world!");
var r = p.ProcessSafely("the message is: ");
Console.WriteLine("result({0}, '{1}')", r.IsSuccess, r.Value);
p = new PipelineOf<string>();
.Register(msg => msg + "Hello")
.Register(msg => msg + ", ")
.Register(msg => { throw new ApplicationException("argh!!!"); })
.Register(msg => msg + "world!")
.Catch(new PipelineOf<Exception>().Register(ex => { Console.WriteLine("*** {0}", ex.Message); return ex; }));
r = p.ProcessSafely("the message is: ");
Console.WriteLine("result({0}, '{1}')", r.HasFailed, r.Exception.Message);
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