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Created November 7, 2012 04:43
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Matt Kruse on Javascript
Here is my outline. I have some code examples and details that I am going to
mix in as I talk. It's a bit more rough than I wanted it to be, but oh well.
It's an informal training session and I can talk through it.
Quick Testbeds: , ,
- JS is loosely typed
- Only a few data types: boolean, number, and string - everything else is an
object (even functions)
- JS automatically converts objects between types as necessary
- objects are just storage for key/value pairs. They are NOT Objects in the
same sense as in Java
- No classical inheritance
- No encapsulation
- ex: { name: "Bob", age: 43 }
- null and undefined are special types
- Literals get automatically converted to objects when used as objects, then
"unwrapped" back to literals
- "string".valueOf()
- false.toString()
- 3.toString() doesn't work because JS expects . to be beginning of decimal
- (3).toString() works instead
- () is the grouping operator and evaluates to the expression contained
within it
- new Date().getDate() doesn't work
- (new Date()).getDate() does
- Everything (except literals) is an object! Even functions!
- Everything (except the global object) is a property of another object! Even
Identifiers (variables)
- Identifiers (variables) are just properties of objects
- Default to being 'undefined' aka empty ( typeof=="undefined" )
- Not the same as null, which is a value
- The 'var' keyword creates a key in the current context object (more on this
- Identifier resolution is the process of finding a key with the given name,
then returning its value (more on this later)
var a = 2; // Creates a property named "a" in the global scope and assigns it
to be 2
var b; // Creates a property named 'b' but it is undefined
c = 3; // Tries to resolve "c", doesn't find it, so creates the property in the
global scope
alert(a); // "a" is resolved and the value is 2
alert(d); // There is no property named "d" so it cannot be resolved and an
error is thrown
Identifier Types
- Since JS is loosely typed, the ability to determine data types is very
- The typeof operator returns a string with the identifier's type
Array=='object' // Unfortunate
null=='object' // Unfortunate
- Typeof is helpful, but not robust
- Much more helpful: Object.prototype.toString(Array) == '[Object Array]'
- Coding based on identifier types is a bad practice because it can be fragile
Global Object
- The "container" for everything
- In browsers, this is 'window'
- The last resort to resolve identifiers
- Functions are just objects. Named functions are always properties of some
other object.
- Function declaration aka statement
- ex: function count() { ... }
- Maps a function expression to a name
- Function expression
- function() { ... }
- No name, so doesn't map to a property. aka, anonymous function
- var func = function() { ... }
- Function expression creates a function object, and maps it to the
property func
- Function declarations are "hoisted", expressions are not
- They are evaluated before is executed, so function names exist before the
function is declared
- The functions are "hoisted" to the top
- This way, code need not be in dependency order
- The () operator executes a function object
- A function's name is really just the name of the property referencing it
- function abc() {...} ===
- A single function can be referenced via multiple properties, so it can be
called by multiple names.
- var x = function() {...}; var y=x; y();
- Since references to functions can be made in lots of ways, functions can be
called in lots of different ways and in different contexts
- var x = function(){...}; var y={func:x}; y.func();
- Functions can be passed into and returned from other functions
- ex: var newfunc = myfunc( function(){...} );
- Functions are just objects!
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
- ex: (function(){ ... })();
- Define a function expression, use () to return the expression, then () to
execute it
- Useful for creating a new scope (see below)
- Javascript has lexical scoping - scope is defined by definition, not by
- When an identifier (variable) needs to be resolved, it needs to be found
- variables are just properties of objects - but which object?
- The scope chain is checked for any object with the desired property name
- When a function is defined, it sits "on top of" its containing function,
creating a new "execution context" object in the scope chain
- Properties in the containing scope are available inside the nested
function's scope
- A function's scope chain is determined by its list of containing functions
- Identifiers are resolved by looking up the scope chain
- If not found as a property of the current scope, the parent is checked
- "var" creates a property in the current execution context
- It will be found first during identifier resolution, so the rest of the
scope chain is not checked
- var "hoists" identifiers in the same way that functions are hoisted
- When a function is entered, all "var" statements are found and all
properties are created BEFORE code is executed
- alert(x); var x=2; // Alerts "undefined" but does not error out,
because x is created before the alert is executed!
- Hoisting happens first, but assigned to value "2" happens as the
line is executed
- Javascript does not have block scope!
- for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { ... }
- i is a property of the function, not a property of the for loop
- var i=0; for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { ... }
- These are the same i!
- The for loop is over-writing the other i!
- A closure is a function that is referenced from outside its scope chain,
forcing its entire scope chain to stay intact and available with every
- Useful to implement encapsulation
- Maintain state on asynchronous calls
- (Almost) always refers to the object to the left of the .
- Can be explicitly set using and function.apply()
- Since functions can be called many ways, "this" inside a function may change
from what you think it should be
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