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Last active January 26, 2016 21:36
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SolrCloud backups

A little background on my context:

We run multiple Solr JVMs per box, which live in directories like:


I also keep a directory at /mnt/solr that can be written by the solr user, whom all Solr processes run as.

I have two SolrCloud collections indexing identical content, there's two because they have different performance SLAs and retention requirements.


curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1_shard1_replica1/replication?command=backup&location=/mnt/solr/data"

Note that the backup call above is asynchronous. You can poll for completion by pinging this endpoint:

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1_shard1_replica1/replication?command=details&wt=json"

With a backup in progress you'll see something like this (ex, pipe the curl above into: jq .details.backup):

  "Mon Oct 13 18:18:19 UTC 2014",
  "Mon Oct 13 18:20:29 UTC 2014",

This endpoint is also useful for measuring how much disk the backup will occupy since it reports the size of the index on disk.


cd /mnt/tmp/index_transfer
scp -r .
cd /mnt/solr_8983/home/myconfig/collection2_shard1_replica1/
# stop indexers
curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=UNLOAD&core=collection1_shard1_replica1"
sudo mv ./data ./data_old
sudo mkdir ./data && sudo chown solr.solr ./data
sudo mv /mnt/tmp/index_transfer/snapshot.20141013181819643/ ./data/index
sudo chown -R solr.solr ./data
curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATESHARD&shard=shard1&collection=collection2&"

Note that you only need to update the port designation in the node parameter, SolrCloud will handle routing for you otherwise.

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