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Created May 25, 2016 16:40
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env.GIT_PROJECT = "thisgroup/thisproject"
// TODO: have team decide where and how much they want to receive slack notifications
//env.SLACK_ROOM = "alerts"
stage 'Init'
lib = node('swarm') {
git url: 'git@ourgithost:infra/CI.git', branch: 'develop'
load 'pipelines/gitlab_v1.groovy'
def images = [
paidsubscriptionservice: [
DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: "myorg/myimage",
DOCKER_FILE: "./Dockerfile",
def tests = [
unittest: [
TEST_YAML: "ci/docker-compose.yml",
TEST_TARGET: "ci-unittest",
// the images to build, tests to run, branches to run tests on, branches to run releases on, then some other feature flag
lib.pipeline(images, tests, ['develop', 'feature/'], ['master', 'release/', 'other-customer-master'], false)
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