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Last active February 17, 2024 09:56
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Restarts Bluetooth Module on Mac OS X. You can use the script as shortcut to restart Bluetooth on demand or you can use it with "SleepWatcher" to automatically restart Bluetooth on wakeup (See I created it, because my Logitech Bluetooth Mouse doesn't stay connected after sleep-mode, so i had to manually re-pair my mouse.
# Restart Bluetooth Module on Mac OS X
# Requires Blueutil to be installed:
log() {
echo "$@"
logger -p notice -t bt_restarter "$@"
err() {
echo "$@" >&2
logger -p error -t bt_restarter "$@"
if [ -f "$BT" ]; then
if [[ $("$BT" -p) == *1 ]];
echo "Bluetooth on, restarting ..."
($("$BT" -p 0) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module stopped") || (err "Couldn't stop Bluetooth Module" && exit 1)
($("$BT" -p 1) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module started") || (err "Couldn't start Bluetooth Module" && exit 1)
log "Successfully restarted Bluetooth" && exit 0
echo "Bluetooth is off, nothing to do ..."
err "Couldn't find blueutil, please install" && exit 1

There is a program called [SleepWatcher] ( that monitors sleep, wakeup and idleness of a Mac. To restart Bluetooth everytime your Mac comes up from sleep, you have to tell SleepWatcher to execute the script from above automatically. Restarting Bluetooth takes approximately 2s, so it doesn't attract negative attention.

The script makes use of BlueUtil, so you have to install it too. (I'm assuming you have HomeBrew installed)

brew install sleepwatcher
brew install blueutil

To make use of SleepWatcher, you have to put the gist to ~/.wakeup (For more information about sleepwatcher open terminal and insert: man sleepwatcher)

After you put your script to ~/.wakeup do the following:

chmod +x ~/.wakeup

Now you can test the script. Add the following command to your terminal:

/usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher --verbose -w ~/.wakeup

Now you have to enter sleep mode and wakeup your Mac again. After that, you should see the following console output:

Bluetooth on, restarting ...
Bluetooth Module stopped
Bluetooth Module started
Successfully restarted Bluetooth
sleepwatcher: wakeup: /Users/ralph/.wakeup: 0

If it works, you can set up launchd to start sleepwatcher at login by using brew services.

brew services start sleepwatcher

For debugging purposes you can enter Console App and search for "bt_restarter". Maybe there are some messages indicating a problem.

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/usr/local/bin/blueutil -p 0 was also insufficient for me on Sierra 10.12.6, so I walked through solderjs's steps. The kextunload calls failed for me, but the following seemed to be sufficient in my case:

/usr/local/bin/blueutil -p 0
sudo launchctl stop
/usr/local/bin/blueutil -p 1

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Sorry if the question is too stupid but what does this mean -"To make use of SleepWatcher, you have to put the gist to ~/.wakeup"
I dont know how to do this, please help!

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ralph089 commented Apr 13, 2023

@masterslovar: You can do this for example using vscode or nano using the Create the file using nano by executing the following command:

nano ~/.wakeup

paste the script from above and press CTRL + O to save the file and then CTRL + X to exit nano.

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JoeOIVOV commented Apr 21, 2023

On Ventura 13.3.1 and encountering small issue:

administrator@Mac-Pro ~ % /usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher --verbose -w ~/.wakeup
Bluetooth on, restarting ...
Failed to switch bluetooth power off in 10 seconds
Couldn't stop Bluetooth Module
Bluetooth Module
Successfully restarted Bluetooth
sleepwatcher: wakeup: /Users/administrator/.wakeup: 0

It works nicely... but, it has about a 10 sec wait time after waking until the bluetooth starts working. Would be nice to iron that out if at all possible.

I tried editing the first part of the command in the .\wakeup script out:
($("$BT" -p 0) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module stopped") || (err "Couldn't stop Bluetooth Module" && exit 1)
, so that it didn't try to turn Bluetooth off, skipping that failure and 10 sec wait, but Bluetooth didn't work after waking it up.
So even though theres that failure in the verbose output, seems to function with the 10 second delay.

Any ideas to speed it up?

Thank you!!

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@JoeOIVOV there is a similar issue on Ventura here toy/blueutil#78

Not sure if the reporter found a solution, but you could try to ask.

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