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Created August 30, 2011 16:26
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Save ralphbean/1181295 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test overriding reflected column types in with sqlalchemy.
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Demonstrates an issue with overriding reflected column types.
Author: Ralph Bean <>
Take a look at :meth:`reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_mangle`.
Running this script produces the following output::
% ./
Using dbfile: mysql://test:test@localhost/testdb
The value in the db was 1314725346 of type <type 'long'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 130, in <module>
reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_mangle(engine) # fails
File "./", line 115, in reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_mangle
assert(type(from_db) == type(once_upon_a_datetime)) # This fails
import tempfile
import time
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, DateTime
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import types
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, mapper
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
maker = sessionmaker()
DeclarativeBase = declarative_base()
# Constants we use for testing
once_upon_a_time = int(time.time())
once_upon_a_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(once_upon_a_time)
class Thing(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'thing_table'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
create_time = Column(Integer)
def setup_pretend_legacy_db(engine):
""" Setup a pretend legacy db that we'll reflect later. This works. """
DBSession = scoped_session(maker)
metadata = DeclarativeBase.metadata
metadata.drop_all(engine) # Lordy!
t = Thing(create_time=once_upon_a_time)
def verify_legacy_db_integer(engine):
""" Verify that the legacy db works as we expect. This works. """
DBSession = scoped_session(maker)
assert(DBSession.query(Thing).one().create_time == once_upon_a_time)
def reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_normal(engine):
""" Verify that normal old reflection works as we expected. It does. """
DBSession = scoped_session(maker)
metadata = MetaData(engine.url)
table = Table('thing_table', metadata, autoload=True)
class Thing(object):
mapper(Thing, table)
assert(DBSession.query(Thing).one().create_time == once_upon_a_time)
def reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_mangle(engine):
""" The bulk of the problem.
I have a database with tons of tables (many are dynamically created by
another app). Each table has a few '*_time' fields that are stored as
Integers. I can succesfully reflect the db (and the dynamic tables) but it
would be sweet if any '*_time' column played out in python as a datetime
object, not an int.
Here I use the events system to modify the column_info. It works, but
fails on the query.
Question is:
1) Am I doing this wrong? Is SQLAlchemy not supposed to be able to
support this kind of thing?
2) Is this a bug in SQLAlchemy somewhere. If so, I'd love to turn this
into a patch for the test-suite.
def listen_for_reflect(table, column_info):
if 'time' in column_info['name']:
column_info['type'] = types.DateTime()
event.listen(Table, 'column_reflect', listen_for_reflect)
DBSession = scoped_session(maker)
metadata = MetaData(engine.url)
table = Table('thing_table', metadata, autoload=True)
t = table.columns.create_time.type
# Here's the crazy thing. It works as far as the table is concerned.
assert(type(table.columns.create_time.type) == types.DateTime)
class Thing(object):
mapper(Thing, table)
from_db = DBSession.query(Thing).one().create_time
print "The value in the db was", from_db, "of type", type(from_db)
# But the mapped class returns not what you'd expect.
assert(type(from_db) == type(once_upon_a_datetime)) # This fails
assert(from_db == once_upon_a_datetime) # This fails too
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = "mysql://test:test@localhost/testdb"
engine = create_engine(url)
print "Using dbfile:", engine.url
setup_pretend_legacy_db(engine) # succeeds
verify_legacy_db_integer(engine) # succeeds
reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_normal(engine) # succeeds
reflect_and_verify_legacy_db_mangle(engine) # fails
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