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Created May 30, 2012 20:54
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 17.03.2012
@author: moschlar
import tw2.core as twc
import tw2.forms as twf
import tw2.sqla as twsa
import tw2.bootstrap as twb
from awesome.model import Group, User
class DbSelectionField(twf.SelectionField):
entity = twc.Param('SQLAlchemy mapped class to use', request_local=False)
query = twc.Param()
def prepare(self):
self.options = [(, unicode(x)) for x in self.query.all()]
super(DbSelectionField, self).prepare()
class GroupSelectField(twb.SingleSelectField, DbSelectionField):
def post_define(cls):
if getattr(cls, 'entity', None):
cls.validator = twsa.RelatedValidator(entity=cls.entity)
class UserForm(twb.HorizontalForm):
id = twf.HiddenField()
group_id = GroupSelectField(
def prepare(self):
self.child.c.group_id.query = \
super(UserForm, self).prepare()
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