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Created May 12, 2020 10:08
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Kodi 18 with Netflix add-on on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi 3)

Running Kodi 18 on Raspbian with Netflix add-on and VPN

My goal was to run Kodi 18 on a vanilla Raspbian, install the Netflix add-on, and tunnel all traffic via a VPN. A great number of tutorials exist for that purpose, but none of them was entirely correct or up to date. At the time of writing, 2019-08-11, there are a number of obstacles to overcome. It took me the better part of an afternoon to piece the following together from several sources, with the general approach for the Netflix add-on - differing in details - following the instructions at The advantage of installing Kodi on a normal Raspbian (instead of opting for LibreElec and other media centre-focusing distributions) is that you can use a variety of other software and, importantly, can use VPN clients other than OpenVPN. Admittedly, I haven't tried OpenVPN in a long while and I think it will have the necessary performance, but I actually like the ExpressVPN client for its ease of use, so I wanted to run that one.

Hardware and software

I used a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Stretch - not Buster. For some reason, the Buster repositories contain only the older Kodi 17, for which I could not find a workable Netflix add-on. The Raspberry homepage hides the older Stretch version, find it on and install Raspbian the usual way.

Installing Kodi

On Stretch, you can simply do apt install kodi and apt install kodi-inputstream-adaptive. The latter is required for Netflix but not pulled in by default.

This should give you a working Kodi 18 - try it out.

Installing the Netflix add-on


The Netflix add-on needs pycryptodome installed, which is not standard on Stretch. Install under your normal user (not root) with pip: pip install --user pycryptodomex. I also added the symlink, although I believe it is not strictly necessary: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cryptodome.

Finding the right repository

Most tutorials will point you to the asciidisco repository. This did not work for me - the error was that Kodi couldn't connect to it. After some searching, I found the more modern repository by CastagnaIT: This worked very well. The direct link is:

Install this repository by going to the Kodi add-ons, Install from zip file, and choosing the zip file. This install the repository under Kodi.

Now go to add-ons again, select Install from repository, and choose the Netflix addon repository, then Video add-ons, then Netflix. Make sure no error is displayed during the installation.

I am not sure if a reboot is strictly necessary, but I did one at this point.

Configuring Kodi and Netflix

Next, configure Kodi to use the adaptive InputStream, which is needed to decode Netflix: Go to the add-on settings again, find my My add-ons, choose VideoPlayer InputStream and set it to InputStream Adaptive.

You will need to configure your Netflix account next. There was no Switch account or the like; I was queried for username and password on opening Netflix.

Netflix still needs the Widevine CMD decryption module. Fortunately, the add-on can fetch it for you. Try to stream a video and you are asked a number of questions, which you all answer with Yes - this will fetch the necessary module from a ChromeOS image. It takes a little while.

Configuring the VPN

I used ExpressVPN and installed the client as per their instructions. I am sure pretty much any other VPN client will also work. Start it before Kodi, and you are good to go.

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