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PHP Write to stdout via /proc/1/fd/1 using FFI (useful for logging inside a container)
// php can't write directly to a non-regular-file due to the php filesystem
// abstraction in place. But, we can use direct calls to the low level standard
// library to achieve this.
// normally, you should use the dio extension:
// -
// -
// But this is how to achieve it with FFI:
$ffi = FFI::cdef("
int open(const char *pathname, int flags /* mode_t mode */ );
ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);
int close(int fildes);
$fd = $ffi->open('/proc/1/fd/1', 1);
$string = "Hello " . rand(0, 100) . '!!';
$string .= "\n";
$ffi->write($fd, $string, strlen($string));
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