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Last active April 26, 2022 12:06
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upload manifest to ansible tower using bash
USER=$(oc get AutomationController -n ansible-automation-platform -o=jsonpath='{.items..status.adminUser}')
PASS=$(oc get -n ansible-automation-platform secret $(oc get AutomationController -n ansible-automation-platform -o=jsonpath='{.items..status.adminPasswordSecret}') -o go-template='{{index .data "password" | base64decode}}')
FILENAME=$(cat | base64)
ROUTE=$(oc get AutomationController -n ansible-automation-platform -o=jsonpath='{.items..status.URL}')
header="Content-Type: application/json"
request_body=$(cat <<EOF
"eula_accepted": true,
"manifest": "$FILENAME"
_RETURN=$(curl -o /dev/null -k -i --user $USER:$PASS -sL --post302 -w "%{http_code}" -H "$header" -X POST -d "$request_body" "$ROUTE/api/v2/config/")
if [ $_RETURN == "200" ] ;
echo "OK: Manifest uploaded"
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