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Created April 14, 2020 21:06
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if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400) {
die("Gazelle requires PHP 5.4 or later to function properly");
// Main settings
define('SITE_NAME', 'Orpheus Dev'); //The name of your site
define('NONSSL_SITE_URL', 'localhost:8080'); //The FQDN of your site
define('SSL_SITE_URL', 'localhost:8080'); //The FQDN of your site, make this different if you are using a subdomain for ssl
define('SITE_IP', ''); //The IP address by which your site can be publicly accessed
define('SITE_HOST', 'localhost');
//define('SITE_URL', 'http://localhost:8080');
define('MAIL_HOST', 'mail.'.SITE_HOST); // The host to use for mail delivery (e.g.
define('SERVER_ROOT', '/var/www'); //The root of the server, used for includes, purpose is to shorten the path string
define('ANNOUNCE_URL', 'http://'.NONSSL_SITE_URL.':34000'); //Announce URL
define('ANNOUNCE_HTTP_URL', 'http://localhost:34000');
define('ANNOUNCE_HTTPS_URL', 'https://localhost:34000');
define('REFERRAL_BOUNCER', ''); // URL to referral bouncer.
define('REFERRAL_KEY', hash('sha512', '')); // Shared key to encrypt data flowing to bouncer.
define('REFERRAL_SEND_EMAIL', false); // Whether to send invite emails for referrals.
define('GRANDFATHER_NO_SOURCE', strtotime('1970-01-01')); // End date to ignore source flag
define('GRANDFATHER_OLD_SOURCE', strtotime('1970-01-01')); // End date to allow APL
// Allows you to run static content off another server. Default is usually what you want.
define('NONSSL_STATIC_SERVER', 'static/');
define('SSL_STATIC_SERVER', 'static/');
// Keys
define('ENCKEY', 'JRFb5tW89xBSjaJP'); //Random key. The key for encryption
define('SITE_SALT', 'xwNXjg2BL5C5gLPIUMlq'); //Random key. Default site wide salt for passwords, DO NOT LEAVE THIS BLANK/CHANGE AFTER LAUNCH!
define('SCHEDULE_KEY', 'OL9n0m2JxhBxYyMvXWJg'); // Random key. This key must be the argument to schedule.php for the schedule to work.
define('RSS_HASH', 'weFQmRVNrfcbhq0TNWZA'); //Random key. Used for generating unique RSS auth key.
// MySQL details
define('SQLHOST', 'mysql'); //The MySQL host ip/fqdn
define('SQLLOGIN', 'gazelle');//The MySQL login
define('SQLPASS', 'password'); //The MySQL password
define('SQLDB', 'gazelle'); //The MySQL database to use
define('SQL_PHINX_USER', 'gazelle');
define('SQL_PHINX_PASS', 'password');
define('SQLPORT', 3306); //The MySQL port to connect on
define('SQLSOCK', null);
// Memcached details
$MemcachedServers = [
// unix sockets are fast, and other people can't telnet into them
//array('host' => '/var/run/memcached.sock', 'port' => 0),
['host' => 'memcached', 'port' => 11211]
// Sphinx details
define('SPHINX_HOST', 'sphinxsearch');
define('SPHINX_PORT', 9312);
define('SPHINXQL_HOST', 'sphinxsearch');
define('SPHINXQL_PORT', 9306);
define('SPHINXQL_SOCK', false);
define('SPHINX_MAX_MATCHES', 1000); // Must be <= the server's max_matches variable (default 1000)
define('SPHINX_INDEX', 'torrents');
// Ocelot details
define('DISABLE_TRACKER', true);
define('TRACKER_HOST', 'localhost');
define('TRACKER_PORT', 34000);
define('TRACKER_SECRET', '1737853d77069dc24824916a8d0e501e'); // Must be 32 characters and match site_password in Ocelot's config.cpp
define('TRACKER_REPORTKEY', '1737853d77069dc24824916a8d0e501e'); // Must be 32 characters and match report_password in Ocelot's config.cpp
// This is special to the vagrant setup as we are not using the default 80 port and at the same time cannot use SSL
/*if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) {
} else {
// Site settings
define('CRYPT_HASH_PREFIX', '$2y$07$');
define('DEBUG_MODE', true); //Set to false if you dont want everyone to see debug information, can be overriden with 'site_debug'
define('DEBUG_WARNINGS', true); //Set to true if you want to see PHP warnings in the footer
define('SHOW_PUBLIC_INDEX', true); // Show the public index.php landing page
define('OPEN_REGISTRATION', true); //Set to false to disable open regirstration, true to allow anyone to register
define('USER_LIMIT', 40000); //The maximum number of users the site can have, 0 for no limit
define('STARTING_INVITES', 0); //# of invites to give to newly registered users
define('STARTING_UPLOAD', 3221225472); //Upload given to newly registered users, in bytes using IEC standard (1024 bytes per KiB)
define('BYTES_PER_FREELEECH_TOKEN', 536870912); // Amount of bytes to use per token
define('STACKABLE_FREELEECH_TOKENS', true); // Allow stacking tokens
define('REQUEST_TAX', 0.0); //Percentage Tax (0 - 1) to charge users on making requests
define('BLOCK_TOR', false); //Set to true to block Tor users
define('BLOCK_OPERA_MINI', false); //Set to true to block Opera Mini proxy
define('DONOR_INVITES', 2);
define('SYSTEM_USER_ID', 1);
define('TRASH_FORUM_ID', 4);
define('EDITING_FORUM_ID', 34);
if (!defined('FEATURE_EMAIL_REENABLE')) {
// User class IDs needed for automatic promotions. Found in the 'permissions' table
// Name of class Class ID (NOT level)
define('ADMIN', '40');
define('USER', '2');
define('MEMBER', '3');
define('POWER', '4');
define('ELITE', '5');
define('VIP', '26');
define('LEGEND', '27');
define('CELEB', '31');
define('MOD', '11');
define('CODER', '24');
define('LEAD_DEV', '43');
define('SYSOP', '15');
define('ARTIST', '19');
define('DONOR', '20');
define('FLS_TEAM', '23');
define('POWER_TM', '29');
define('ELITE_TM', '28');
define('FORUM_MOD', '21');
define('TORRENT_MOD', '22');
define('INTERVIEWER', '30');
define('DESIGNER', '32');
define('SECURITY', '33');
define('IRC', '34');
define('SHADOW', '35');
define('ALPHA', '36');
define('BRAVO', '37');
define('CHARLIE', '38');
define('DELTA', '39');
define('RECRUITER', '41');
// Pagination
define('POSTS_PER_PAGE', 25);
define('TOPICS_PER_PAGE', 50);
define('TORRENTS_PER_PAGE', 50);
define('REQUESTS_PER_PAGE', 25);
define('MESSAGES_PER_PAGE', 25);
define('LOG_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE', 50);
// Cache catalogues
define('THREAD_CATALOGUE', 500); // Limit to THREAD_CATALOGUE posts per cache key.
// IRC settings
define('DISABLE_IRC', true);
define('BOT_NICK', '');
define('BOT_SERVER', ''); // IRC server address. Used for onsite chat tool.
define('BOT_PORT', 6667);
define('BOT_CHAN', '#'.NONSSL_SITE_URL);
define('BOT_ANNOUNCE_CHAN', '#');
define('BOT_STAFF_CHAN', '#');
define('BOT_DISABLED_CHAN', '#'); // Channel to refer disabled users to.
define('BOT_HELP_CHAN', '#');
define('BOT_DEBUG_CHAN', '#');
define('BOT_REPORT_CHAN', '#');
define('BOT_NICKSERV_PASS', '');
define('BOT_INVITE_CHAN',BOT_CHAN.'-invites'); // Channel for non-members seeking an interview
define('BOT_INTERVIEW_CHAN',BOT_CHAN.'-interview'); // Channel for the interviews
define('BOT_INTERVIEW_STAFF',BOT_CHAN.'-interviewers'); // Channel for the interviewers
define('SOCKET_LISTEN_PORT', 51010);
define('SOCKET_LISTEN_ADDRESS', 'localhost');
define('ADMIN_CHAN', '#');
define('LAB_CHAN', '#');
define('STATUS_CHAN', '#');
// Miscellaneous values
define('RANK_ONE_COST', 5);
define('RANK_TWO_COST', 10);
define('RANK_THREE_COST', 15);
define('RANK_FOUR_COST', 20);
define('RANK_FIVE_COST', 30);
define('MAX_RANK', 6);
define('MAX_EXTRA_RANK', 8);
define('DONOR_FORUM_RANK', 6);
define('DONOR_FORUM', 70);
define('MAX_SPECIAL_RANK', 3);
$ForumsRevealVoters = [];
$ForumsDoublePost = [];
$Categories = ['Music', 'Applications', 'E-Books', 'Audiobooks', 'E-Learning Videos', 'Comedy', 'Comics'];
$GroupedCategories = array_intersect(['Music'], $Categories);
$CategoryIcons = ['music.png', 'apps.png', 'ebook.png', 'audiobook.png', 'elearning.png', 'comedy.png', 'comics.png'];
$Formats = ['MP3', 'FLAC', 'AAC', 'AC3', 'DTS'];
$Bitrates = ['192', 'APS (VBR)', 'V2 (VBR)', 'V1 (VBR)', '256', 'APX (VBR)', 'V0 (VBR)', 'q8.x (VBR)', '320', 'Lossless', '24bit Lossless', 'Other'];
$Media = ['CD', 'DVD', 'Vinyl', 'Soundboard', 'SACD', 'DAT', 'Cassette', 'WEB'];
$CollageCats = [0=>'Personal', 1=>'Theme', 2=>'Genre introduction', 3=>'Discography', 4=>'Label', 5=>'Staff picks', 6=>'Charts', 7=>'Artists'];
$ReleaseTypes = [1=>'Album', 3=>'Soundtrack', 5=>'EP', 6=>'Anthology', 7=>'Compilation', 9=>'Single', 11=>'Live album', 13=>'Remix', 14=>'Bootleg', 15=>'Interview', 16=>'Mixtape', 21=>'Unknown'];
//$ForumCats = array(1=>'Site', 5=>'Community', 10=>'Help', 8=>'Music', 20=>'Trash'); //No longer needed
$ZIPGroups = [
0 => 'MP3 (VBR) - High Quality',
1 => 'MP3 (VBR) - Low Quality',
2 => 'MP3 (CBR)',
3 => 'FLAC - Lossless',
4 => 'Others'
//3D array of attributes, OptionGroup, OptionNumber, Name
$ZIPOptions = [
'00' => [0,0,'V0'],
'01' => [0,1,'APX'],
'02' => [0,2,'256'],
'03' => [0,3,'V1'],
'10' => [1,0,'224'],
'11' => [1,1,'V2'],
'12' => [1,2,'APS'],
'13' => [1,3,'192'],
'20' => [2,0,'320'],
'21' => [2,1,'256'],
'22' => [2,2,'224'],
'23' => [2,3,'192'],
'30' => [3,0,'FLAC / 24bit / Vinyl'],
'31' => [3,1,'FLAC / 24bit / DVD'],
'32' => [3,2,'FLAC / 24bit / SACD'],
'33' => [3,3,'FLAC / Log (100) / Cue'],
'34' => [3,4,'FLAC / Log (100)'],
'35' => [3,5,'FLAC / Log'],
'36' => [3,6,'FLAC'],
'40' => [4,0,'DTS'],
'41' => [4,1,'Ogg Vorbis'],
'42' => [4,2,'AAC - 320'],
'43' => [4,3,'AAC - 256'],
'44' => [4,4,'AAC - q5.5'],
'45' => [4,5,'AAC - q5'],
'46' => [4,6,'AAC - 192']
// Ratio requirements, in descending order
// Columns: Download amount, required ratio, grace period
$RatioRequirements = [
[50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.60, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
[40 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.50, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
[30 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.40, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
[20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.30, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
[10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.20, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
[5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0.15, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 14))]
//Captcha fonts should be located in /classes/fonts
$CaptchaFonts = [
//Captcha images should be located in /captcha
$CaptchaBGs = [
// Special characters, and what they should be converted to
// Used for torrent searching
$SpecialChars = [
'&' => 'and'
// Deny cache access to keys without specified permission
$CachePermissions = [
'api_apps' => 'site_debug',
'catalogue' => 'site_debug'
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