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Created November 8, 2011 21:11
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Generate report from pycon-pc IRC log (hard coded skipping)
import sys
from itertools import dropwhile
import re
START = re.compile(r'''<pycon_bot> ==== Talk (\d{1,3}): (.*?) now, (http://.*?) ====''')
VOTES = re.compile(r'''<pycon_bot> Talk Votes: (\d+) yays, (\d+) nays, (\d+) abstentions''')
DECISION = re.compile(r'''<pycon_bot> ==== Chair decision: talk (\w+)''')
LINE_FORMAT = '{talk_id:>3} {decision} {yays:>2} {nays:>2} {abst:>2} {title}'
# skipped talks or postponed decisions
SKIP = [67]
def find_line(regex):
lines = dropwhile(lambda s: not, log)
found = next(lines).strip()
print LINE_FORMAT.format(talk_id='ID', decision='D', yays='Y', nays='N', abst='A', title='TALK TITLE')
with open(sys.argv[1]) as log:
while True:
talk_id, title, url = find_line(START)
if int(talk_id) in SKIP:
print '{talk_id:>3} SKIPPED/POSTPONED/WITHDRAWN'.format(**locals())
continue # hack to ignore skipped/postponed decisions
yays, nays, abst = find_line(VOTES)
decision = '+' if find_line(DECISION)[0][0] == 'a' else '-'
print LINE_FORMAT.format(**locals())
except StopIteration:
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