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endolith /
Last active July 18, 2024 18:29
How to stream a webcam to a web browser in Ubuntu

Grr this took hours to figure out. I was trying to install MJPG-streamer and running VLC command lines and all this crap but nothing worked.

First install motion:

~> sudo apt-get install motion

Then create a config file:

~> mkdir ~/.motion

~> nano ~/.motion/motion.conf

amertkara /
Last active March 13, 2024 11:10
Amazon SNS Notification Verification with Python, M2Crypto. When the SNS pushes a notification, a receiver should verify the origin/integrity of the push notification (AWS) using the signature and certificate provided in the notification data. The function `verify_sns_notification` below takes the request object and verifies the origin/integrity…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import urllib2
from M2Crypto import X509
from base64 import b64decode
from M2Crypto.Err import M2CryptoError
SNS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SUB_NOTIFICATION = "SubscriptionConfirmation"
twidi /
Created December 21, 2016 14:34
Make Django Rest Framework correctly handle Django ValidationError raised in the save method of a model
Sometimes in your Django model you want to raise a ``ValidationError`` in the ``save`` method, for
some reason.
This exception is not managed by Django Rest Framework because it occurs after its validation
process. So at the end, you'll have a 500.
Correcting this is as simple as overriding the exception handler, by converting the Django
``ValidationError`` to a DRF one.
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
breeze1990 /
Last active September 14, 2022 04:17
Python: recursively import modules under a folder.
import importlib
import pkgutil
def import_submodules(package, recursive=True):
""" Import all submodules of a module, recursively, including subpackages
:param recursive: bool
:param package: package (name or actual module)
:type package: str | module