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Created January 13, 2023 07:24
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const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs');
const filePath = "./radarrTorrents.json" // where to store info about current torrents being downloaded
const maxAcceptedDownloadTime = 6000000; // any torrent that takes longer than this time (in milliseconds) to download is abandonded
const maxFileSize = 4000000000 // any torrent greater than this size (in bytes) is exempt from the time limit restriction
const waitTime = 600000; // how much time (in milliseconds) to give the torrent to find peers and lower it's download time
const dateLocale = "en-GB";
const dateOptions = { dateStyle: 'short', timeStyle: 'short' };
const radarrUrl = ""; // change this to match your Radarr URL
const apiKey = "ENTER_UR_KEY_HERE"; // change this to match your Radarr API Key
const baseUrl = radarrUrl + "/api/v3/queue";
const apiKeyString = `&apikey=${apiKey}`;
let fetchMoviesUrl = baseUrl + "?includeUnknownMovieItems=true&includeMovie=true" + apiKeyString;
let torrents;
try {
const torrentsFile = readFileSync(filePath);
torrents = JSON.parse(torrentsFile);
if (!torrents.lastRun) {
torrents.lastRun = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(dateLocale, dateOptions).format(new Date());
if (!torrents.movies) {
torrents.movies = {};
} catch (e) {
torrents = {
lastRun: new Intl.DateTimeFormat(dateLocale, dateOptions).format(new Date()),
movies: {},
const currTime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(dateLocale, dateOptions).format(new Date());
fetch(fetchMoviesUrl, { method: "Get" })
.then(res => res.json())
.then((json) => {
json.records.forEach(t => {
if (t.size && t.size > maxFileSize) return; // if size doesn't exist then its still processing the torrent
// torrent is new
if (!torrents.movies[]) {
torrents.movies[] = {
title: t.title,
timeleft: t.timeleft,
timeleftInMS: hmsToMilliseconds(t.timeleft)
// torrent was previously seen
else {
const timeleftInMS = hmsToMilliseconds(t.timeleft);
torrents.movies[].timeleft = t.timeleft;
torrents.movies[].timeleftInMS = timeleftInMS;
// torrent will take too long to download
if (timeleftInMS > maxAcceptedDownloadTime || timeleftInMS == null) {
// torrent has previously been marked as gonna take too long to download
if (torrents.movies[].firstFailedAt) {
const first = Number(new Date(torrents.movies[].firstFailedAt));
const now = Number(new Date());
// its been past the wait time to let the torrent figure its shit out
if (now - first > waitTime) {
console.log(`[${currTime}] Third Strike [DELETE] (time left: ${msToTime(timeleftInMS)}): ${t.tile}`);
const delUrl = `${baseUrl}/${}?removeFromClient=true&blocklist=true${apiKeyString}`;
fetch(delUrl, {method: 'DELETE'});
} else {
console.log(`[${currTime}] Second Strike (time left: ${msToTime(timeleftInMS)}): ${t.tile}`);
// first time torrent has been marked as gonna take too long to download
} else {
console.log(`[${currTime}] First Strike (time left: ${msToTime(timeleftInMS)}): ${t.tile}`);
torrents.movies[].firstFailedAt = new Date();
// torrent used to be marked as gonna take too long to download, but has since recovered
} else if (torrents.movies[].firstFailedAt) {
console.log(`[${currTime}] Recovered: ${t.tile}`);
delete torrents.movies[].firstFailedAt;
// remove any torrents that were completed/deleted
Object.keys(torrents.movies).forEach(k => {
if (!json.records.find(r => == k)) {
console.log(`[${currTime}] Completed or deleted: `, torrents.movies[k].title)
delete torrents.movies[k];
torrents.lastRun = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(dateLocale, dateOptions).format(new Date());
// write the results to the file
try {
writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(torrents, null, 2), 'utf8');
} catch (error) {
console.log(`[${currTime}] An error has occurred writing to file`, error);
function hmsToMilliseconds(str) {
if (!str) return;
var p = str.split(':'),
s = 0, m = 1;
while (p.length > 0) {
s += m * parseInt(p.pop(), 10);
m *= 60;
return s * 1000;
function msToTime(duration) {
if (!duration) return "infinite";
var milliseconds = parseInt((duration%1000)/100)
, seconds = parseInt((duration/1000)%60)
, minutes = parseInt((duration/(1000*60))%60)
, hours = parseInt((duration/(1000*60*60))%24);
hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours;
minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "." + milliseconds;
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