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Last active July 7, 2024 14:13
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  • Save ramazansancar/6c4f57c8a1285a5a98ef89164665cbd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ramazansancar/6c4f57c8a1285a5a98ef89164665cbd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. JS Cripted Algoritm Decode (JS Wise) (Encryted here: UnPacker:
var o = {
y = "xx???x=xx?xx?="
var abc = String.fromCharCode(65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122);
var dechar = function (x) {
return String.fromCharCode(x)
var salt = {
_keyStr: abc + "0123456789+/=",
e: function (e) {
var t = "";
var n, r, i, s, o, u, a;
var f = 0;
e = salt._ue(e);
while (f < e.length) {
n = e.charCodeAt(f++);
r = e.charCodeAt(f++);
i = e.charCodeAt(f++);
s = n >> 2;
o = (n & 3) << 4 | r >> 4;
u = (r & 15) << 2 | i >> 6;
a = i & 63;
if (isNaN(r)) {
u = a = 64
} else if (isNaN(i)) {
a = 64
t = t + this._keyStr.charAt(s) + this._keyStr.charAt(o) + this._keyStr.charAt(u) + this._keyStr.charAt(a)
return t
d: function (e) {
var t = "";
var n, r, i;
var s, o, u, a;
var f = 0;
e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (f < e.length) {
s = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
o = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
u = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
a = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
n = s << 2 | o >> 4;
r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2;
i = (u & 3) << 6 | a;
t = t + dechar(n);
if (u != 64) {
t = t + dechar(r)
if (a != 64) {
t = t + dechar(i)
t = salt._ud(t);
return t
_ue: function (e) {
e = e.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
var t = "";
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = e.charCodeAt(n);
if (r < 128) {
t += dechar(r)
} else if (r > 127 && r < 2048) {
t += dechar(r >> 6 | 192);
t += dechar(r & 63 | 128)
} else {
t += dechar(r >> 12 | 224);
t += dechar(r >> 6 & 63 | 128);
t += dechar(r & 63 | 128)
return t
_ud: function (e) {
var t = "";
var n = 0;
var r = 0;
var c1 = 0;
var c2 = 0;
while (n < e.length) {
r = e.charCodeAt(n);
if (r < 128) {
t += dechar(r);
} else if (r > 191 && r < 224) {
c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
t += dechar((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);
n += 2
} else {
c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);
t += dechar((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63);
n += 3
return t
var sugar = function (x) {
x = x.split(dechar(61));
var result = '';
var c1 = dechar(120);
var chr;
for (var i in x) {
if (x.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var encoded = '';
for (var j in x[i]) {
if (x[i].hasOwnProperty(j)) {
encoded += (x[i][j] == c1) ? dechar(49) : dechar(48)
chr = parseInt(encoded, 2);
result += dechar(chr.toString(10))
return result.substr(0, result.length - 1)
var pepper = function (s, n) {
s = s.replace(/\+/g, "#");
s = s.replace(/#/g, "+");
var a = sugar(o.y) * n;
if (n < 0) a += abc.length / 2;
var r = abc.substr(a * 2) + abc.substr(0, a * 2);
return s.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g, function (c) {
return r.charAt(abc.indexOf(c))
var decode = function (x) {
if (x.substr(0, 2) == "#1") {
return salt.d(pepper(x.substr(2), -1))
} else if (x.substr(0, 2) == "#0") {
return salt.d(x.substr(2))
} else {
return x
var w = '8302f3x3b3q1v3s241d391g2734133x29162u2y251b3x293u0x3u1f1g1g1e1o293u1q25292u1q251g1d3q292u2y2514293t133o282e2q1b393u331f3q0f152e3z1s391b3x3q182y14163q0w2q3u3b30372o3b372s1v3s241t3y1t232d25241t1d1r1g27292b3r371e1o2729133x291t1b2922163q0t3q2c1q251w3d3u1o253f293h1t0q1g1t3a391d2b3t38141829141o212g3w1u3y2t1o14353u1i142q3s3y3b383q2o251y2u2v1b16163b1y2u2v2b3r37191y2u2v1b161a1t3b141i252b3t3814161h2q112q2434133u0b2y3514192419393b1h3b3t38142u2r2z161d1g193u3u371i1o1y2u2v15341q1w372n1o1w251o251q163u373o251q341g1q3y382q37391o29331y1d232d252t161d3b3x37142v3b3t38141616361d3a391d232d25241o1d3a391d3b3t3814161i1d3a391g1y1y3y3f3b163b29331f392d163u373b3x3q2815381t2425151o373q01233b3y181x38393539111g253y353k2b263y1d18211y1g3k2b3u311w253k2b3u3118363q37182d393b3m1s341s25183k2k251m141e1o18211527212q3a1i3i2v0w1u28143y383m1g3w1f2d142y3x373x142804363b221f3b281d3b29331y392q3e25142s243b2817371o212g353q3o3q19282e26242h251o3o';
var i = '77e9a728222o313w351c343o013q2a1o231u3d3s1m253r133v27121d1d1b143r163x3s3r1u3v3u161m273r1w3b3s1m1r1d3p3a3o3b3u3m2616222q193v122o2739301m253f393z33121b3v1t361234173s3d221q23313w331g231w2s2t1o123d14143q0r1r38371a143o0r1o2c1o23342s2y23193v313u0v3s192722142t271r3h393w142o1826331r212d23221r1b163s3s3212353s142o2b27223m1r22293122313s2v293r3612141b32293r381r38371b2b3r3612141r1q122l1m2v1r212b23141b3r123q2x3711113v2w3326121w1b2612243b232b231d2b19321o142o3a15383m343b3r3612371q1q173s123q2f342t3o1435383g2t3q11143927331d372b143u353m231w2u2t1w121o1g2534121w1d212b23221d363o1626351w2s2t1i163o1626331d212b23221o3o1626331o232b371236322q2239282s3315383i25392a2927232q2s391622193v0w081e23392633322533142v2b37392k2t1e231o3i2b24393k35342o2f392k373236351b15321s2616212230241q34393k1q32141612163i2b3s3z1u352o3g3w1w113y3337312c1622121a0v3q361535161t1v1c193r3q193o3o122s2239333d393z1m1o3w382o3w32143u3s26193724223o3b3s152r3z343g';
var s = '8f3ef2w132t2a2731371f3b3v3a3s0x3u192720163q0b3o2a1q251b1818141d3927271d3b272714163t1b39272216393o27341b37331c3q3b2q3r3m273q3z3s2624143o0d1d3529171m252q212m193o3a1f1t3w2v2a2931242t2b3t36121629141b393v3q1826331b1b3x3d3s0v3u291u3b3s1o2727113v29162s2w231y1t1p3132201e3r293p37191w2s2t1o143d141g3831232b25241t1s3w2r3i3b1z2o221x39201w1r232d23151p1g1t212b231828331r212d2512141c2q1t123w131y2u2t191p3h1q322z3616152a2s1b1t1112143s351t3f1w2s2v1p1a1n261q163u352m29333g1b212d2535141b2q3a121b1v1d1y1b121e29331w1b1234342q2239282u3315383i2v393r36142n1o143o083q1m231w2u2v1i1p1e373b3p35393t3812141b3b3r35171w2u2v1i143b3b3r35142t0u2813131e1q3y362o35391o27313o0813253o3s2u3t12341t35273v3v342v3b2o2a253u3e343w1s28182z1w142v3q393k2r382113253z1x182z132531361m1237153y333i2i251m1230162124302l143824393k35343o173s3g3i25212b3735243i243z252u2v30210y34023912181o1d313m1b391m1o3w38123c2625163b27311d3937331g363z14262z2r1b39331m3o221d1g1';
var e = 'b926bf356482879c82b1372fdb23bed8';
var first = 0;
var second = 0;
var third = 0;
var forth = [];
var fiveth = [];
while (true) {
if (first < 5) fiveth.push(w.charAt(first));
else if (first < w.length) forth.push(w.charAt(first));
if (second < 5) fiveth.push(i.charAt(second));
else if (second < i.length) forth.push(i.charAt(second));
if (third < 5) fiveth.push(s.charAt(third));
else if (third < s.length) forth.push(s.charAt(third));
if (w.length + i.length + s.length + e.length == forth.length + fiveth.length + e.length) break
var lI1l = forth.join('');
var eighth = fiveth.join('');
second = 0;
var sixth = [];
for (first = 0; first < forth.length; first += 2) {
var seventh = -1;
if (eighth.charCodeAt(second) % 2) seventh = 1;
sixth.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(lI1l.substr(first, 2), 36) - seventh));
if (second >= fiveth.length) second = 0
var oldXHROpen =; = function (method, url, async, user, password) {
const args = arguments;
args[1] = url.includes('') ? '' : url;
return oldXHROpen.apply(this, args);
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if (v['partner' + x.x[j] + 'or' + i] == 'or50') {
pp[y] = pp[y] + '[50%]';
v['partner' + x.x[j] + 'or' + i] = 'or'
if (v['partner' + x.x[j] + 'or' + i] == 'stop') {
pp[y] = pp[y] + '[stop]';
v['partner' + x.x[j] + 'or' + i] = 'and'
var prtvx = 'prt' + (exist(pp['cpm']) ? 'cpm' + pp['cpm'] : '') + (xp.indexOf('myvast') == 0 ? xp : pp['title'].substr(0, pp['title'].indexOf(' '))) + (exist(pp['imp']) ? '[imp]' + pp['imp'] : '') + '_' + (exist(pp['pimp']) ? '[pimp]' + pp['pimp'] + '**' : '') + pp[y];
if (x.x[j] == 'midroll') {
v['midroll' + (i == 1 ? '' : i)] = prtvx;
} else {
v[x.x[j]] += (v[x.x[j]] != '' ? ' ' + (exist(lgk2) ? (lgk2 != 'def' ? lgk2 : lgk) : lgk) + ' ' : '') + prtvx;
if (v.midrolls == 1) {
for (var jj = 1; jj < 8; jj++) {
var zi = jj == 1 ? '' : jj;
if (typeof v['midroll' + zi] == 'string') {
if (v['midroll' + zi].substr(0, 3) == 'prt') {
if (exist(v['partnermidrolltimes' + zi]) && exist(v['midroll' + zi])) {
if (v['partnermidrolltimes' + zi] != '') {
!o.midrollo ? o.midrollo = [] : '';
var z = v['partnermidrolltimes' + zi].split(',');
for (var j = 0; j < z.length; j++) {
var nomd = false;
for (var j2 = 0; j2 < o.midrollo.length; j2++) {
if (o.midrollo[j2].time == trim(z[j])) {
o.midrollo[j2].vast = o.midrollo[j2].vast + ' ' + v['partnermidrollor'] + ' ' + v['midroll' + zi];
nomd = true;
} !nomd ? o.midrollo.push({
time: trim(z[j]),
vast: v['midroll' + zi]
}) : '';
o.prted = true
function fd0(s) {
if (s.indexOf('.') == -1) {
s = s.substr(1);
s2 = '';
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i += 3) {
s2 += '%u0' + s.slice(i, i + 3)
s = unescape(s2)
return s
function optStr() {
if (o.u != '') {
v = UpdateObject(v, JSON.parse(decode(o.u)))
if (options.indexOf("#" + v.enc2) == 0) {
try {
options = JSON.parse(o[o.fd[0]](options))
} catch (e) { }
} else {
if (options.indexOf("#" + v.enc3) == 0) {
try {
options = JSON.parse(o[o.fd[1]](options))
} catch (e) { }
function SettingsTimers(x, y) { }
function Touch(y, event) { }
var Alert = function () {
var xbg = createElement("div");
css(xbg, {
'position': 'absolute',
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'width': '100%',
'height': 30,
'background-color': v.alertsbgcolor,
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'display': 'none'
var x = createElement("div");
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'padding': (v.alertspaddingv + 'px ' + v.alertspaddingh + 'px'),
'display': 'none'
this.txt = function (text, n) {
x.innerHTML = text;
css(xbg, {
'height': x.offsetHeight,
'display': 'block'
}); = "1005";
for (var i = 0; i < x.getElementsByTagName('a').length; i++) {
x.getElementsByTagName('a')[i].style.color = '#fff'
if (n) {
setTimeout(this.close, 1000 * n)
} = "1006"
this.close = function () {
function datetime(x) {
x == 1 ? o.container.appendChild(o.frame) : '';
x == 2 && v.vast == 1 && ? : '';
var now = new Date().getTime();
var xdt = new Date('2023-03-01');
xdt.setDate(xdt.getDate() + 3);
xdt = xdt.getTime();
o.dt = xdt > now;
function fplace(x) {
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
if (x.indexOf("{v " + i + "}") > -1) {
if (exist(v["fpv" + i])) {
var re = new RegExp("{v " + i + "}", "ig ");
x = x.replace(re, (v["fpv" + i].indexOf("js:") == 0 ? window[v["fpv" + i].substr(3)] : v["fpv" + i]))
return x
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vast_linktxtonmobile: 1,
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vast_default_volume: 0.5,
vast_unmutebutbgcolor: "#ffffff",
vast_unmutebutcolor: "#000000",
vast_openclick: 1,
vast_preroll_vmap: 1,
vast_pauseroll_vmap: 1,
vast_postroll_vmap: 1,
vast_midroll_vmap: 1,
vpaid_timeout: 10,
vpaid_timeout2: -1,
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introclosetime: -1,
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introtxt: 0,
rc_version: 1,
rc_anyway: 0,
heartbeatinterval: 30,
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tagsinterval: 10,
playedquartile: 0,
minivis: 30,
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v.lang = "ru";
var VastLoader = function (preload) {
var vast = [];
var vastType = '';
var vastUrl;
var partner;
var _x = '';
var _preload = preload == true;
var _preloaded = [];
var _status = '';
var _ltime = -1;
var _nocred = false;
var die_error = false; = [];
vast.wrapper0 = ' -> ';
o.vast_adid = '';
var no = ['desktop', 'mobile', 'mobiletv', 'tv', 'lg'];
this.Load = function (x, y, z) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var xdt = new Date('2023-03-01');
xdt.setDate(xdt.getDate() + 3);
xdt = xdt.getTime();
o.dt = xdt > now;
vastType = y;
vast.second = z;
var z = ',';
var zz = z.split(',');
var g = false;
o.vok = true;
zz.forEach(function (d) {
if (d.indexOf('_' + 'dt20') > 0) {
var dt = d.substr(-10);
var dt2 = new Date(dt).getTime();
var dtn = new Date().getTime();
if (dt2 > dtn || != 1) {
d = d.substr(0, d.indexOf('_' + 'dt20'));
} else {
d = 'expired'
o.d = location.hostname;
if (d.indexOf('.*') > 0) {
o.d.indexOf(d.substr(0, d.indexOf('.'))) > -1 ? d = o.d : '';
if ((d.indexOf('.') > 0 || d == 'localhost') && (new RegExp(d + '$', 'i').test(o.d) || x.indexOf('<VAST><Pjs') == 0)) {
g = true;
x.indexOf('prt') == 0 ? g = true : '';
x = ChX(x);
if (x == '') {
if (x == 'no') {
if (x.indexOf('id:') == 0) {
var sqr = '';
if (x.indexOf('[') > 0) {
sqr = x.substr(x.indexOf('['));
x = x.substr(0, x.indexOf('['));
x = x.substr(3);
if (!exist2(o.p)) {
var sv = JSON.parse(decode(o.p));
for (var l in sv) {
if (sv.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
if (exist(sv[l].id)) {
if (x == sv[l].id) {
sv[l].preroll = ChX(sv[l].preroll + sqr);
x = 'prt' + (exist(sv[l]['cpm']) ? 'cpm' + sv[l]['cpm'] : '') + y + '_' + sv[l].preroll;
g = true;
if (!g && exist(options[y])) {
log('VAST Domains Error ' + o.d + ' ' + y);
v.zdmn = z;
v.vast = 0;
} else {
js('vast_load', vastType);
var wait_url;
var wait_wrap;
function LoadXml(x, wrap) {
if (preload) {
if (x != '') {
_x == '' ? _x = x : '';
_nocred = false;
var stop = false;
if (o.waitingads == 1 || o.destroyed) {
if (!o.destroyed) {
if (!wait_url) {
wait_url = x;
wait_wrap = wrap
setTimeout(LoadXml, 500)
} else {
if (!x && !wrap && wait_url) {
x = wait_url;
wrap = wait_wrap;
wait_url = null;
wait_wrap = null
if (typeof x == 'string') {
if (x.indexOf("js:") == 0) {
try {
x = eval(x.substr(3) + '()')
} catch (e) { }
if (x == '' || !x) {
x = '';
if (x.indexOf("<VAST>") == 0) {
if (x.indexOf('[remove]') > -1) {
o.vast_remove ? o.vast_remove.push(x) : '';
x = x.replace('[remove]', '')
o.vast_stop = 0;
if (x.indexOf('[stop]') > -1) {
o.vast_stop = 1;
x = x.replace('[stop]', '')
if (x.indexOf('[skipimp]') > -1) {
vast.skipimp = 1;
x = x.replace('[skipimp]', '')
if (x.indexOf("nocontrols") > -1) {
vast.nocontrols = 1;
if (x.indexOf("nocontrolsvpaid") > -1) {
vast.nocontrolsvpaid = 1
if (x.indexOf("yescontrols") > -1) {
vast.yescontrols = 1
if (x.indexOf('[ima]') > -1) {
if (v.vast_ima == 1) {
vast.ima = 1
x = x.replace('[ima]', '')
if (x.indexOf('[pausemute]') > -1) {
vast.pause_mute = 1
if (x.indexOf('[mute]') > -1) {
vast.mute = 1;
x = x.replace('[mute]', '')
if (x.indexOf('[unmute]') > -1) {
vast.mute = -1;
x = x.replace('[unmute]', '')
if (x.indexOf("[skip:") > 0) {
var to = x.match(/\[skip:\d*\]/g);
if (to) {
if (to.length > 0) {
var tmp = to[0].substr(to[0].indexOf(":") + 1);
!vast.extensions ? vast.extensions = [] : '';
vast.extensions.skipTime = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length - 1)
x = x.replace(/\[skip:\d*\]/g, '')
if (x.indexOf("[imp:") > 0) {
var to = x.match(/\[imp:\d*\]/g);
if (to) {
if (to.length > 0) {
var tmp = to[0].substr(to[0].indexOf(":") + 1);
v["vast_" + vastType + "_" + "andlimit"] = tmp.substr(0, tmp.length - 1)
x = x.replace(/\[imp:\d*\]/g, '')
if (x.indexOf("[controls]") > 0) {
vast.yescontrols = 1;
x = x.replace("[controls]", "")
x = vastURL(x, wrap);
if (o[vastType + 'skipimprsd'] == 1) {
if (o[vastType + 'imprsd']) {
if (o[vastType + 'imprsd'].indexOf(x) > -1) {
stop = true
if (!stop) {
o.vast_poster ? : '';
if (o.vast_loadtxt) {
o.vldcntr = 1;
vastUrl = x;
v.vast_ima == 1 ? DestroyIma() : '';
if (vast.ima == 1) {
o.ima = new VastIMA(x, vast)
} else {
if (!wrap) {
vast.vasturl = x;
o.current_vast_url = x
js((wrap ? "vast_wrapper" : "vast_url"), x);
if (trim(x) == '') {
log('empty vast url');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', x, true);
if (v.vast_nocredentials == 1 || x.indexOf("nocredentials") > -1 || x.indexOf('') > 0 || x.indexOf('') > 0 || x.indexOf('') > 0) {
_nocred = true
} else {
xhr.withCredentials = true
xhr.timeout = parseInt(v.vast_timeout) * 1000;
xhr.onload = function (e) {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
if ( == 0 && !_nocred) {
} else {
xhr.ontimeout = function (e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
} else {
die_error = true;
_status = 'next';
if (!_preload) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
} else {
function LoadXmlNoCredentials(x) {
var xhr = XHR(x);
xhr.timeout = parseInt(v.vast_timeout) * 1000;
xhr.onload = function (e) {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
xhr.ontimeout = function (e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function ParsTxt(x) {
var x2 = new Object();
if (window.DOMParser) {
var p = new DOMParser();
x2.responseXML = p.parseFromString(x, "text/xml")
} else {
var p = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOC");
p.async = "false";
p.loadXML = x;
x2.responseXML = p
function ChX(x) {
if (x) {
if (o.vast_remove) {
if (o.vast_remove.indexOf(x) > -1) {
log('VAST removed');
x = ''
for (var i = 0; i < no.length; i++) {
if (x.indexOf('[no_' + no[i] + ']') > -1) {
x = x.replace('[no_' + no[i] + ']', '');
if (o.system[no[i]]) {
log('VAST no ' + no[i]);
x = ''
if (v.geo == 1 && o.geo) {
x = o.geo.V(x)
return x
function ErrorLoad(x) {
var z;
if (vastUrl.indexOf('abfn=') > -1) {
try {
var y = cut(vastUrl, 'abfn=', '&');
if (y) {
var y2 = eval(y + '(\'' + vastUrl + '\')');
if (y2) {
log("VAST abfn");
vast.abfn = vastUrl;
z = true
} catch (e) { }
if (!z) {
log("VAST Loading Error", x);
if (vast.isWrapper) {
Event("Error", (x > 0 ? x : 300))
} else {
Event("Error", 100)
_status = 'error';
!die_error && !_preload ? o.actions.VastError() : '';
die_error = true
this.break = function () {
if (!die_error) {
function Parsing(x) {
var rxml = x.responseXML;
if (rxml == null && x.responseText) {
try {
if (x.responseText.indexOf("VAST") > 0) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
rxml = parser.parseFromString(x.responseText, "text/xml")
} catch (e) { }
if (rxml == null || vastType == '') {
js("vast_empty", VastInfo());
log("VAST XML Error");
} else {
vast.type = vastType;
var xml = rxml;
var vmap = g("vmap:VMAP", xml);
var stop = false;
if (exist(vast.wrapperTime)) {
_ltime = new Date().getTime() - vast.wrapperTime;
if (vmap) {
var vmaps = vmap.getElementsByTagName("vmap:AdBreak");
if (vmaps.length > 0) {
var vmap_ands = [];
var vmap_ors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < vmaps.length; i++) {
if (vmaps[i].getAttribute("breakType") == "linear") {
var vmaptag = t("vmap:AdTagURI", g("vmap:AdSource", vmaps[i]));
if (vmaptag != "") {
if (v["vast_" + vastType + "_vmap"] == 0) {
} else {
if (vmap_ands.length > 0) {
o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vmap_ands, _x)
if (vmap_ors.length > 0) {
o.actions.VastInsertOr(vmap_ors, _x)
_status = 'error';
!_preload ? o.actions.VastRemoveAndPlay() : '';
stop = true
var pjswrp = t("PjsWrapper", xml);
if (pjswrp) {
var pjswrp2 = pjswrp.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < pjswrp2.length; i++) {
var y2 = 'wrapper_events' + pjswrp2[i];
if (exist(o[y2])) {
for (var y in o[y2]) {
if (o[y2].hasOwnProperty(y)) {
if (!exist([y])) {[y] = []
}[y] =[y].concat(o[y2][y])
var ads = xml.getElementsByTagName("Ad");
if (ads.length > 1) {
var rnd = random(10000, 20000);
o['wrapper_events' + rnd] = [];
for (var y in {
if ( {
o['wrapper_events' + rnd][y] =[y].slice()
var ad_ands = [];
var ad_ors = [];
for (var i = 1; i < ads.length; i++) {
var adwp = g("Wrapper", ads[i]);
if (adwp) {
var adtg = t("VASTAdTagURI", adwp);
if (adtg) {
var nx = new XMLSerializer();
var nt = '<VAST><PjsWrapper>' + (pjswrp ? pjswrp + ',' : '') + rnd + '</PjsWrapper>' + nx.serializeToString(ads[i]) + '</VAST>';
if (nt != '') {
if ((adwp.getAttribute("allowMultipleAds") == "true" || v.vast_adsfalland == 1) && v["vast_" + vastType + "_" + "vmap"] == 1) {
} else {
} else {
if (ads[i]) {
var nx = new XMLSerializer();
var nt = '<VAST><PjsWrapper>' + (pjswrp ? pjswrp + ',' : '') + rnd + '</PjsWrapper>' + nx.serializeToString(ads[i]) + '</VAST>';
if (v.vast_adsfalland == 1 || ads[i].getAttribute("allowMultipleAds") == "true") {
} else {
if (ad_ands.length > 0) {
o.actions.VastInsertAnd(ad_ands, _x)
if (ad_ors.length > 0) {
o.actions.VastInsertOr(ad_ors, _x)
if (!stop) {
var adxml = g("Ad", xml);
var ad = g("InLine", adxml);
var wrapper = g("Wrapper", adxml);
vast.isWrapper = false;
vast.isVpaid = false;
vast.isImg = false;
_Event("Error", adxml);
if (wrapper) {
vast.isWrapper = true;
ad = wrapper;
vast.wrapper ? vast.wrapper0 += vast.wrapper + ' -> ' : '';
vast.wrapper = t("VASTAdTagURI", ad);
var vz = wrapper.getAttribute("minVisibility");
if (vz) {
if (vz > 0 && exist(o.visibility)) {
if (o.visibility < vz) {
log("Wrapper visibility", (o.visibility + '<' + vz));
vast.file = undefined;
vast.isWrapper = false
var xml_string = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xml.documentElement);
js("vast_xml", escape(xml_string));
if (ad) {
var creatives;
o.vast_adid += (o.vast_adid != '' ? ' -> ' : '') + adxml.getAttribute("id");
vast.adsystem = t("AdSystem", ad);
creatives = g('Creatives', ad);
_Event("Impression", ad);
_Event("Impress", ad);
var vw = g("ViewableImpression", ad);
if (vw) {
_Event("Viewable", vw);
_Event("NotViewable", vw);
_Event("ViewUndetermined", vw)
vast.version = xml.documentElement.getAttribute("version");
_Event("Error", ad);
if (vast.adsystem == "PjsVast" && vast.pjstat) {['Error'].push(vast.pjstat + "err")
var creative;
if (creatives) {
var crtvs = creatives.getElementsByTagName("Creative");
for (var i = 0; i < crtvs.length; i++) {
creative = g("Linear", crtvs[i]);
var overlays = g("NonLinearAds", crtvs[i]);
if (overlays) {
var over = overlays.getElementsByTagName("NonLinear");
for (var j = 0; j < over.length; j++) {
if (creative) {
if (t("Duration", creative) != "") {
vast.duration = seconds(t("Duration", creative))
if (t("AdParameters", creative) != "") {
vast.adparameters = t("AdParameters", creative)
if (g("MediaFiles", creative)) {
vast.file = _Media("MediaFile", g("MediaFiles", creative));
if (exist(v.vast_denied_files)) {
var dnfs = v.vast_denied_files.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < dnfs.length; i++) {
if (vast.file.indexOf(dnfs[i]) > -1) {
log("VAST file denied", dnfs[i]);
js("vast_file_denied", vast.file);
vast.file = undefined
if (g("TrackingEvents", creative)) {
_Tracking("Tracking", "event", g("TrackingEvents", creative))
var clicks = g("VideoClicks", creative);
if (clicks) { = t("ClickThrough", clicks);
_Tracking("ClickTracking", "id", clicks)
var skipoffset = creative.getAttribute("skipoffset");
if (skipoffset) {
!exist(vast.extensions) ? vast.extensions = [] : '';
vast.extensions.skipTime = seconds(skipoffset)
var companions = g("CompanionAds", crtvs[i]);
if (companions) {
var cmpns = companions.getElementsByTagName("Companion");
var aspct = 100;
var ppl = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < cmpns.length; j++) {
var sr = g("StaticResource", cmpns[j]);
if (sr) {
var srct = sr.getAttribute("creativeType");
if (srct) {
if (srct.indexOf("image") > -1) {
var tmp = Math.abs(cmpns[j].getAttribute("width") / cmpns[j].getAttribute("height") - o.aspect);
var tmp2 = cmpns[j].getAttribute("width") * cmpns[j].getAttribute("height");
if (tmp < aspct && tmp2 >= ppl) {
aspct = tmp;
ppl = tmp2;
vast.companionImg = textContent(sr);
_Event("CompanionClickThrough", cmpns[j])
} !exist(vast.extensions) ? vast.extensions = [] : '';
var extensions = g("Extensions", ad);
if (extensions) {
if (vast.isWrapper) {
vast.wrapperTime = new Date().getTime();
if (vast.wrapper.indexOf('data://text/xml,') == 0) {
log("Wrapper", "XML");
} else {
log("Wrapper", vast.wrapper);
LoadXml(vast.wrapper, true)
} else {
function Done() {
if (exist(vast.file) && o.vok) {
_status = 'ready';
!_preload ? o.actions.VastReady(vast) : ''
} else {
js("vast_empty", VastInfo());
Event("Error", 401);
_status = 'error';
!die_error && !_preload ? o.actions.VastError() : '';
die_error = true
function g(x, xml) {
if (exist(xml)) {
return xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[0]
} else {
return null
function t(x, xml, i) {
if (!exist(i)) {
i = 0
var y = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i];
var z = '';
if (exist(y)) {
if (exist(y.childNodes[0])) {
if (y.childNodes[0].wholeText) {
z = y.childNodes[0].wholeText.trim()
return z
function _Event(x, xml) {
if (!exist([x])) {[x] = []
if (exist(xml)) {
if (exist(xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[0])) {
for (var i = 0; i < xml.getElementsByTagName(x).length; i++) {
var y = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i].childNodes;
for (var j = 0; j < y.length; j++) {
if (y[j].wholeText) {
var y2 = y[j].wholeText;
if (exist(y[j].nextSibling)) {
if (y[j].nextSibling.localName == "URL") {
y2 = textContent(y[j].nextSibling)
var z;
if (y2) {
z = y2.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
if (z && z != '') {
if (x == "CompanionClickThrough") { = z
} else {
if ([x].indexOf(z) == -1) {[x].push(z)
if (z.indexOf("pjstat") && x == "Impression") {
vast.pjstat = z
function _Tracking(x, x2, xml, vpd) {
if (exist(xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[0])) {
for (var i = 0; i < xml.getElementsByTagName(x).length; i++) {
var y = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i].getAttribute(x2);
if (x == "ClickTracking" && y != "skipAd") {
y = "click"
if (y) {
var n = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i].childNodes;
if (vpd == 1) {
!vast.vpdevnts ? vast.vpdevnts = [] : '';
if (n.length > 0) {
var z = n[0].wholeText.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
if (y == "impression") {
y = "Impression"
if (y == "progress") {
var prgtime = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i].getAttribute("offset");
if (prgtime) {
if (!exist(vast.progresstimes)) {
vast.progresstimes = []
y = y + '_' + seconds(prgtime)
if (!exist([y])) {[y] = []
function _Extensions(xml) {
if (exist(xml.getElementsByTagName("Extension")[0])) {
var ct = "CustomTracking";
for (var i = 0; i < xml.getElementsByTagName("Extension").length; i++) {
var xi = xml.getElementsByTagName("Extension")[i];
var y = xi.getAttribute("type");
if (y) {
var z = '';
if (exist(xi.childNodes[0])) {
if (exist(xi.childNodes[0].wholeText)) {
z = xi.childNodes[0].wholeText.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
var ctx = xi.getElementsByTagName(ct);
var vpd;
if (ctx.length > 0) {
xi = ctx[0];
y == 'subscribeVpaid' ? vpd = 1 : '';
y = ct
if (y == ct) {
_Tracking("Tracking", "event", xi, vpd)
if (y == "or") {
o.actions.VastInsertOr(t("Extension", xml, i))
if (y == "and") {
o.actions.VastInsertAnd(t("Extension", xml, i))
var dur = exist( ? : 0;
if (y == "Allowblock" && (dur > 120 || dur == 0)) {
if (z == '1') {
if (vastType == "preroll") {
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=1") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=1", "vr=5")) : '';
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=5") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=5", "vr=9")) : ''
if (vastType == "midroll") {
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=2") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=2", "vr=6")) : '';
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=6") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=6", "vr=10")) : ''
if (vastType == "pauseroll") {
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=3") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=3", "vr=7")) : '';
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=7") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=7", "vr=11")) : ''
if (vastType == "postroll") {
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=4") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=4", "vr=8")) : '';
vastUrl.indexOf("vr=8") > 0 ? o.actions.VastInsertAnd(vastUrl.replace("vr=8", "vr=12")) : ''
} else {
if (y == "loadTime" || y == "skipAd" || y == "addClick" || y == "viewable" || y.indexOf("second") == 0) {
if (y.indexOf("second") == 0) {
if (!exist( { = []
if (!exist([y])) {[y] = []
} else {
if (y.indexOf("Time") > -1 && z != -1) {
z = seconds(z)
if (y.indexOf("Txt") > -1) {
z = decodeHtml(z)
if (y == "controls") {
var x_control = xml.getElementsByTagName("Extension")[i].getElementsByTagName("control");
if (x_control.length > 0) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < x_control.length; i2++) {
if (x_control[i2].getAttribute("id")) {
vast["control_" + x_control[i2].getAttribute("id")] = x_control[i2].getAttribute("layout")
if (y == "minVisibility") {
if (z > 0 && v.vast_visibility != 0 && exist(o.visibility)) {
if (o.visibility < z) {
log("VAST visibility", (o.visibility + "<" + z));
js("vast_visibility", (o.visibility + "<" + z));
vast.file = undefined;
vast.isWrapper = false
if (y == "callPjsEvent") {
if (z) {
js(z, VastInfo())
if (y == "hideAfterComplete") {
vast.hidevpaid = 1
if (vast.extensions.extensionsPriority == 1 && z.toString().indexOf('//') == -1) {
if (!exist(vast.extensions[y])) {
vast.extensions[y] = z
} else {
vast.extensions[y] = z
function _Media(x, xml) {
var r = "";
var mp4 = [];
if (exist(xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[0])) {
for (var i = 0; i < xml.getElementsByTagName(x).length; i++) {
var y = xml.getElementsByTagName(x)[i];
var type = y.getAttribute("type");
var api = y.getAttribute("apiFramework");
r = textContent(y);
if (type) {
vast.filetype = type;
if (type.indexOf("javascript") > -1 && api == "VPAID") {
vast.isVpaid = true;
if (type.indexOf("mp4") > -1) {
var m = {};
m.x = r;
if (y.getAttribute("width")) {
m.w = y.getAttribute("width")
if (type.indexOf("image") > -1) {
if (mp4.length == 0) {
vast.isImg = true;
if (type.indexOf("iframe") > -1) {
if (mp4.length == 0) {
vast.isImg = true;
vast.isFrm = true;
if (mp4.length > 0) {
r = mp4[0].x;
var w = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < mp4.length; i++) {
if (mp4[i].w) {
if (mp4[i].w > w) {
r = mp4[i].x;
w = mp4[i].w
if (mp4[i].w >= o.screen_w) {
return mp4[i].x
return r
function textContent(x) {
if (x) {
var y = x.textContent;
if (y) {
return y.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
function vastURL(x, wrap) {
if (x.indexOf("prt") == 0) {
partner = true;
x = Prt(x);
log("VASTP " + vast.prt)
if (x.indexOf('random') == -1 && v.vast_addrandom == 1 && x.indexOf('//') > -1) {
x = x + (x.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'rand=(random)'
x = x.replace(/\{/g, "(");
x = x.replace(/\}/g, ") ");
x = x.replace(/\(ref\)/g, Href());
x = x.replace(/\(referer\)/g, Href());
x = x.replace(/\(rand_id\)/g, o.sessid);
x = x.replace(/\(userid\)/g, o.userid);
x = x.replace(/\(host\)/g, encodeURIComponent(o.domain));
x = x.replace(/\(referrer\)/g, encodeURIComponent(exist(v.parent_domain) ? v.parent_domain : document.referrer));
x = x.replace(/\(rereferer\)/g, encodeURIComponent(exist(v.parent_domain) ? v.parent_domain : document.referrer));
x = x.replace(/\(random\)/g, Math.random());
x = x.replace(/\(vast_id1\)/g, v.vast_id1);
x = x.replace(/\[random\]/g, Math.random());
x = x.replace(/\(adblock\)/g, (o.ab ? 1 : 0));
x = x.replace(/\[CACHEBUSTING\]/g, Math.random());
x = x.replace(/\(width\)/g, o.screen_w);
x = x.replace(/\(bitrate\)/g, existv(o.bitrate, 0));
x = x.replace(/\(videowidth\)/g, ( ? : ''));
x = x.replace(/\(videoheight\)/g, ( ? : ''));
x = x.replace(/\(quality\)/g, apiProcessor("quality"));
x = x.replace(/\(height\)/g, o.screen_h);
x = x.replace(/\(duration\)/g, ? : 0);
x = x.replace(/\(visibility\)/g, (exist(o.visibility) ? o.visibility : -1));
if (x.indexOf("(platform)") > 0) { ? x = x.replace(/\(platform\)/g, "smarttv") : '';
if ( {
x = x.replace(/\(platform\)/g, "mobile")
} else {
x = x.replace(/\(platform\)/g, "web-html5")
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
var y = '';
i > 1 ? y = i : '';
if (x.indexOf("(timeout" + y + ":") > 0) {
var re = new RegExp('\\(timeout' + y + ':\\d*\\)', 'g');
var to = x.match(re);
if (to.length > 0) {
var tmp = to[0].substr(to[0].indexOf(":") + 1);
tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.indexOf(")"));
if (y == '') {
v.vast_timeout = tmp * 1;
v.vpaid_timeout = tmp * 1
} else {
v['vpaid_timeout' + y] = tmp * 1
x = x.replace(re, '')
if (x.indexOf("(connection)") > 0) {
var cn = navigator.connection || navigator.mozConnection || navigator.webkitConnection;
x = x.replace(/\(connection\)/g, ((typeof (cn) != "undefined" && typeof (cn.type) != "undefined") ? cn.type : "undefined"))
x = VastReplace(x);
if (wrap != true) {
v.vpaidimpression == 1 || x.indexOf("vpaidimpression") > 0 ? vast.vpaidImOnVdSrt = 1 : ''
if (x.indexOf("http://") == 0) {
x = '//' + x.substr(7)
return x
function seconds(x) {
var y = x.split(":");
var z = 0;
if (y.length == 3) {
z = parseInt(y[0]) * 3600 + parseInt(y[1]) * 60 + parseInt(y[2])
if (y.length == 2) {
z = parseInt(y[0]) * 60 + parseInt(y[1])
return z
function decodeHtml(x) {
var div;
if (x) {
div = createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = x;
return decodeURIComponent(div.textContent)
} else {
return void 0
function Event(x, code) {
if (exist(vast)) {
if ((exist(vast.prt) && v.eventstrackervast == 0) || vast.adsystem == "intro" || vast.adsystem == "outro") { } else {
code > 0 ? js(("vast_" + x), code) : js("vast_" + x)
if (exist([x])) {
for (var i = 0; i <[x].length; i++) {
log("VAST " + x);
var stop = false;
var z =[x][i];
if (code > 0) {
if (z.indexOf("[ERRORCODE]") > 0) {
z = z.replace("[ERRORCODE]", code)
if (z.indexOf("(time)") > 0) {
z = z.replace("(time)", _ltime)
if (z.indexOf("(url)") > 0) {
z = z.replace("(url)", encodeURIComponent(vastUrl))
z = VastReplace(z);
z = z.replace("(adblock)", (o.ab ? 1 : 0));
if (z.indexOf(".pjstat") > 0) {
z = z + "&h=" + (exist(v.parent_domain) ? v.parent_domain : o.d) + (v.ab == 1 ? "&a=" + (o.ab ? 1 : 0) : '') + (o.vasttype == 'overlay' ? '&r=1' : '') + '&s=' + o.sessid
if (!stop) {
function AddEvnt(x, y) {
if (!exist([y])) {[y] = []
if (x) {
var z = x.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
z[i] = z[i].replace(/\(random\)/g, random(1000, 2000));
if ( == -1) {[y].push(z[i])
function VastReplace(x) {
x = x.replace(/\(visibility\)/g, (exist(o.visibility) ? o.visibility : -1));
if (typeof v.vast_replace == "string") {
try {
v.vast_replace = v.vast_replace.replace(/'/ig, '"');
v.vast_replace = JSON.parse(v.vast_replace)
} catch (e) {
if (typeof v.vast_replace == "object") {
for (var y in v.vast_replace) {
if (v.vast_replace.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
x = x.replace(y, v.vast_replace[y])
return x
this.Ready = function () {
}; this.disablePreload = function () {
_preload = false
}; this.Status = function () {
return _status
}; = function (x) {
return vast ? vast[x] : false
}; this.getVolume = function () {
return undefined
}; this.preloaded = function (x) {
return _preloaded.indexOf(x) > -1
function Prt(x) {
if (x.indexOf('[imp]') > 0) {
var tmp = x.indexOf('[imp]');
var tmp2 = x.substr(tmp + 5, x.indexOf('_') - (tmp + 5));
AddEvnt(tmp2, 'Impression');
AddEvnt(tmp2 + 'err', 'Error');
x = x.substr(0, tmp) + x.substr(x.indexOf('_'))
if (x.indexOf('[pimp]') > 0) {
var tmp = x.indexOf('[pimp]');
var tmp2 = x.substr(tmp + 6, x.indexOf('**') - (tmp + 6));
AddEvnt(tmp2, 'Impression');
x = x.substr(0, tmp) + x.substr(x.indexOf('**') + 2)
if (x.indexOf('prtcpm') == 0) {
vast.cpm = x.substr(6, 4);
vast.prt = x.substr(10, x.indexOf('_') - 10)
} else {
vast.prt = x.substr(3, x.indexOf('_') - 3)
if (vast.cpm) {
var xx = 'https://' + vast.cpm + '' + vast.cpm;
o.vast ? o.vast.imp(xx) : '';
AddEvnt(xx, 'Impression')
x = x.substr(x.indexOf('_') + 1);
return x
function OverlayParsing(x) {
if (x) {
vast.overlay = [];
vast.overlay.width = x.getAttribute("width");
vast.overlay.height = x.getAttribute("height");
var dur = x.getAttribute("minSuggestedDuration");
if (dur) {
vast.duration = seconds(dur)
vast.overlay.scalable = x.getAttribute("scalable");
vast.file = textContent(g("StaticResource", x));
_Event("NonLinearClickTracking", x);
var so = x.getAttribute("skipoffset");
if (so) {
!vast.extensions ? vast.extensions = [] : '';
vast.extensions.skipTime = seconds(so)
} = textContent(g("NonLinearClickThrough", x))
function DestroyIma() {
if (o.ima) {
try {
} catch (e) {
log(o.ima, e)
o.ima = undefined
var VastVideo = function () {
var vast;
var over = o.mousehere;
var no = ['desktop', 'mobile', 'mobiletv', 'tv', 'lg', 'winmob'];
o.vastcontainer = createElement("div");
css(o.vastcontainer, {
"position": "absolute",
"left": 0,
"top": 0,
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"background-color": (exist(v.vast_bgcolor) ? v.vast_bgcolor : "#000000")
if (exist(v.vast_bga)) { } else {
v.hidevideo == 1 ? v.vast_bga = 0.5 : ''
css(o.vastcontainer, {
"opacity": v.vast_bga
if (! {
o.vastcontainer.addEventListener("mouseover", onOver, false);
o.vastcontainer.addEventListener("mouseleave", onOut, false)
var tag = createElement("video");
o.vastcontainer.appendChild(tag); = 1001;
css(tag, {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'object-fit': 'contain',
'min-height': 'auto',
'max-height': 'none',
'min-width': 'auto',
'max-width': 'none'
if (v.vpaid_waitstart !== 1) {
css(tag, {
'autoplay': 1
attr(tag, {
'preload': 'auto',
'x-webkit-airplay': 'deny',
'webkit-playsinline': true,
'cursor': 'pointer',
'playsinline': '1',
'pip': 'false'
if (v.vast_unmutehover == 1 || v.vast_unmutebut == 1) {
tag.muted = true;
attr(tag, {
'muted': 'true'
var duration;
var paused;
var controls;
var uiplay, uiplay2;
var uibuffer;
var uiposter;
var uit;
var uitxt;
var uimute;
var uifull;
var uinorm;
var uiunmutebut;
var uiprogress;
var uix;
var uiskip;
var vpaidframe;
var vpaidslot;
var vpaidslot2;
var vpaid;
var vpaid_int;
var vpaidframe_int;
var vpaid_t;
var vpaid_stop_t;
var vpaid_complete_t;
var push_wait_int;
var video_t;
var vpaidvolume = 1;
var vpaidvolume2;
var vpaidstopped = false;
var vpaidstarted = false;
var vaststarted = false;
var vpaidskipped = false;
var vpaidcompleted = false;
var vpaidvideostarted = false;
var vpaidquartile = false;
var vpaid_int2;
var removed = false;
var last_skiptime = 0;
var last_time = 0;
var imgtime = 0;
var img_int;
var _move = false;
var _go = false;
var _muted = false;
var muteicon = "<svg width='20' height='20' xmlns:xlink='' xmlns=''><g><path fill='" + v.vast_volumecolor + "' stroke-width='0' d='m2.49931,6.8746l0,6.25079l3.10029,0l4.64114,4.37461l0.00276,-15l-4.64182,4.37461l-3.10237,0l0,-0.00001zm10.44167,-0.75275c-0.26762,-0.30766 -0.69733,-0.30766 -0.96359,0.00158c-0.26557,0.30925 -0.26557,0.80989 0.00136,1.11992l0,-0.00157c0.58769,0.68334 0.94997,1.62056 0.94997,2.66218c0,1.04083 -0.3616,1.97489 -0.94861,2.65823c-0.2683,0.30766 -0.2683,0.8083 -0.00136,1.11912c0.13279,0.15423 0.30713,0.23173 0.48146,0.23173c0.17501,0 0.34934,-0.0775 0.48213,-0.23173c0.83216,-0.9649 1.34835,-2.30548 1.34767,-3.77735c0.00068,-1.47504 -0.51755,-2.8172 -1.34903,-3.7821l0,-0.00001zm1.55246,-1.75907c-0.27124,0.30979 -0.27124,0.81211 0,1.12031c1.00334,1.14962 1.62195,2.73104 1.62195,4.4852c0,1.75256 -0.61861,3.3332 -1.62056,4.48361c-0.27125,0.30899 -0.27125,0.81053 0,1.12031c0.13493,0.1545 0.31208,0.23214 0.48991,0.23214c0.17713,0 0.35428,-0.07764 0.48921,-0.23214c1.25105,-1.43327 2.02674,-3.41876 2.02536,-5.60392c0.00069,-2.18675 -0.775,-4.17383 -2.02813,-5.60551c-0.27194,-0.30979 -0.70857,-0.30979 -0.97774,0z'/></g></svg>";
var unmuteicon = "<svg width='20' height='20' xmlns:xlink='' xmlns=''><g><path fill='" + v.vast_volumecolor + "' stroke-width='0' d='m2.49931,6.8746l0,6.25079l3.10029,0l4.64114,4.37461l0.00276,-15l-4.64182,4.37461l-3.10237,0l0,-0.00001z'/><path d='m18.125,12.20836l-2.20816,-2.20816l2.20776,-2.20816l-1.13498,-1.13579l-2.20816,2.20816l-2.20816,-2.20816l-1.13498,1.13579l2.20776,2.20816l-2.20816,2.20816l1.13579,1.13539l2.20776,-2.20816l2.20776,2.20816' fill-opacity='null' stroke-opacity='null' stroke-width='0' fill='" + v.vast_volumecolor + "'/></g></svg>";
var impression = false;
var remainigs = 0;
var unmute_volume = 0;
var slow_unmute;
var js_events;
var remove_t;
var complete_t;
var ytag;
var youtube = false;
var vimeo = false;
var mp3 = false;
var ytinterval;
var imps = [];
var qrts = [];
var start_timeout = true;
if (v.vpaid_waitstart !== 1) {
var pp =;
if (pp !== undefined) {
pp.then(function () { }).catch(function (error) {
if (error.message.indexOf("interact") > 0) {
log("play mute");
tag.muted = true;
attr(tag, {
'muted': 'true'
this.break = function () {
if (exist(uiplay)) {
log("VAST break");
this.Go = function (x) {
removed ? show(tag) : '';
tag.volume = 0.4;
duration = 0;
paused = false;
controls = true;
impression = false;
remainigs = 0;
removed = false;
last_time = 0;
last_skiptime = 0;
vast = x;
die_error = false;
js_events = [];
_go = true;
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if (vast.nocontrolsvpaid == 1) {
vast.isVpaid ? controls = false : ''
} else {
controls = false
if (vast.yescontrols == 1) {
controls = true
if (o.controls) {
if (o.controls.SettingsVisible()) {
if (exist(vast.prt)) {
vast.prtg = 1
if (vast.isVpaid && v.vast_novpaid == 1) {
onError('NO VPAID');
var stop = false;
if (exist(vast.file)) {
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youtube = true
if (v.vimeo == 1 && vast.file.indexOf('') > -1) {
vimeo = true
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mp3 = true
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if (vast.file.indexOf('[no_' + no[i] + ']') > -1) {
vast.file = vast.file.replace('[no_' + no[i] + ']', '');
if (o.system[no[i]]) {
onError("no " + no[i]);
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if (vimeo) {
ytag = new MediaVimeo('intro' + vast.file, vpaidslot)
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_clck = vast.extensions.isClickable == 1
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elm.addEventListener("touchend", onScreenClick);
elm.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart);
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if ( {
uiplay.addEventListener("touchend", onScreenClick)
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uiplay.addEventListener("click", onScreenClick)
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"background-size": "contain"
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controlCSS(v.control_buffer.icon, v.control_buffer.color, uibuffer);
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"transform": "scale(" + v.control_buffer.scale + ")"
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vast.buffering = true
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"pointer-events": "none"
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uitxt.firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', onInvite)
if (!o.mouseHere && ! { } else {
setTimeout(function () {
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uitxt.innerHTML = vast.extensions.linkTxt
} else {
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uimute = createElement("div");
CreateUiBut(uimute, 10, 10, muteicon, onToggleMute);
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"top": -1000
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uiprogress = createElement("div");
uiprogress.innerHTML = '<svg id="pljsvastprogress_' + + '" width="20" height="20" viewPort="0 0 10 10" version="1.1" xmlns="" style="transform:rotate(-90deg);float: left "><circle r="9 " cx="10 " cy="10 " fill=" transparent " stroke-dasharray="56.48 " stroke-dashoffset="0 " stroke-width="2 " style="stroke: ' + v.vast_progresscolor + ';opacity: 0.3 "></circle><circle id="pljsvastprogressbar_ ' + + '" r="9 " cx="10 " cy="10 " fill=" transparent " stroke-dasharray="56.48 " stroke-dashoffset="0 " stroke-width="2 " style="stroke: ' + v.vast_progresscolor + ';opacity: 0; -webkit-transform-origin: center center;transform-origin: center center;"></circle></svg>';
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