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Last active March 6, 2021 13:37
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GitLab CI Configuration YAML

Firebase Deployment

Step 1: Get Token

Generate the firebase token from your terminal using the command $ firebase login:ci

Waiting for authentication...

✔ Success! Use this token to login on a CI server:


Example: firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN"

Step 2: Setup Variable

GitLab Repo -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Secret Variables -> Add the below




  • Replace the <project-name> with your firebase project name
  • Entire cache: block and yarn, yarn run build scripts (Line no: 6-9, 16-17) are not needed for non node projects like simple webpages having no package.json

Heroku Deployment

Step 1: Get Token

Go to Account Settings from your account and Reveal the API Key


Get the heroku auth token from your terminal using the command $ heroku auth:token


Step 2: Setup Variable

GitLab Repo -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Secret Variables -> Add the below


Value: 79xxYOUR-HERO-KUxx-AUTH-TOKENxxxxx62

Note: Heroku deployment will occur only if pushed to heroku's master branch (Line no: 10).

  • For master branch deployments, git push heroku master can be used as usual
  • For non-master branch deployments, the current branch / HEAD is pushed with different remote-tracking branch name as 'master' git push heroku HEAD:master
  • The flag -f force push is needed if 'force push' is allowed in your code repository
image: rambabusaravanan/firebase
- deploy
cache: # no need if not node project
paths: # no need if not node project
- node_modules/ # no need if not node project
key: "$CI_REPOSITORY_URL" # no need if not node project
stage: deploy
- master
- yarn # no need if not node project
- yarn run build # no need if not node project
- firebase use <project-name> --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
- firebase deploy --only hosting -m "Pipe $CI_PIPELINE_ID Build $CI_BUILD_ID @ Hash ${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:7}" --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
- deploy
stage: deploy
- dev
- git remote add heroku https://heroku:$
- git push heroku HEAD:master -f
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