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Last active December 25, 2023 01:02
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AWS Lambda function to forward UptimeRobot up / down events to a Telegram group chat
# Needed previous configuration:
# - In UptimeRobot, configure a new **Webhook** Alert Contact with this POST payload:
# ```
# {
# "monitorID": "*monitorID*",
# "monitorURL": "*monitorURL*",
# "monitorFriendlyName": "*monitorFriendlyName*",
# "alertType": "*alertType*",
# "alertTypeFriendlyName": "*alertTypeFriendlyName*",
# "alertDetails": "*alertDetails*",
# "alertDuration": "*alertDuration*",
# "friendlyMessage": "Monitor is *alertTypeFriendlyName*: *monitorFriendlyName* (*monitorURL*) *alertDetails*. Duration: *alertDuration*"
# }
# ```
# Make sure "Send as JSON (application/json)" is ACTIVE.
# - In AWS API Gateway, create a new REST API. Then, under the / resource, create a method of type POST. Make its integration type "Lambda proxy" and select the Lambda. Then, deploy the API under a `prod` stage and use the provided URL as "URL to notify" in UptimeRobot. It should look something like: ``
# - In the Lambda configuration, under Environment variables, define `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` and `TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID`
import os
import requests
# Set your Telegram Bot token and chat ID here (or use environment variables)
def send_telegram_message(message):
"""Send a message to the Telegram group."""
url = f"{TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage"
data = {
"chat_id": TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID,
"text": message,
"parse_mode": "Markdown",
"disable_web_page_preview": True
response =, data=data)
return response.json()
def seconds_to_human(seconds):
"""Convert seconds to a human-readable time format."""
days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 86400)
hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
human_readable = f"{days}d {hours}h {minutes}m {seconds}s"
return human_readable.strip()
def compose_message(event):
"""Compose a custom message based on the alert type."""
alert_type = event.get("alertTypeFriendlyName")
monitor_name = event.get("monitorFriendlyName")
monitor_url = event.get("monitorURL")
alert_details = event.get("alertDetails", "No details provided.")
# Use emojis and custom messages for different alert types
if alert_type == "Down":
emoji = "🔴‼️😨"
return f"{emoji} Heads up: {monitor_name} is DOWN\nURL: {monitor_url}\n\nDetails: {alert_details}."
elif alert_type == "Up":
emoji = "🟢✅😮‍💨"
duration_seconds = int(event.get("alertDuration", 0))
duration_human_readable = seconds_to_human(duration_seconds)
return f"{emoji} Solved: {monitor_name} is BACK UP\nURL: {monitor_url}\n\nDowntime was {duration_human_readable}."
return f"Monitor update for {monitor_name}: {alert_type}\nURL: {monitor_url}.\n\nDetails: {alert_details}."
def lambda_handler(event, context):
"""Process UptimeRobot notification and send message to Telegram."""
# Compose the message based on the event
message = compose_message(event)
# Send the message to Telegram
response = send_telegram_message(message)
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(response)
except Exception as e:
return {
"statusCode": 500,
"body": json.dumps({"error": str(e)})
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