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Created January 24, 2011 15:30
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Real-time probability-based beat generator
# digable - Real-time probability-based beat generator
# Author: David Benjamin <>
# Last updated: Mon Apr 30 20:54:52 MST 2001
# The next line restarts using wish \
exec wish "$0" "$@"
# Constants
# ---------
# Socket settings for the "syntmono" server
set SOCKET_HOST localhost
set SOCKET_PORT 2001
# Color scheme for the program
set COLOR_MAIN #cc33ff
set COLOR_START #cc0099
set COLOR_STOP #990066
set COLOR_QUIT #660033
# Global variables
# ----------------
set active 0 ;# Is the beat playing?
set pos 0 ;# Current position in the sequence (starting with 0)
set toggle 0 ;# Toggles between 0 and 1 for each position in the sequence
set doSwing 1 ;# Is the beat swung?
set complex 0.00 ;# Complexity of the beat (-1.00 .. 1.00)
set funk 0.05 ;# Funkiness of the beat (0.00 .. 1.00)
set nudge 0 ;# Nudge amount
# Functions
# ---------
# Reports an error and exits the program
proc tkerror {msg} {
tk_messageBox -parent . -title Error -type ok -icon error -message $msg
# Opens a socket connection to the "syntmono" server
proc init {} {
# Try to read the default beat
if [catch {source "beats/default"}] {
tkerror "Error reading the default beat!"
# Try to connect to the "syntmono" server socket
if [catch {set sockID [socket $SOCKET_HOST $SOCKET_PORT]}] {
tkerror "Error connecting to syntmono!"
# Configure the socket to flush after each line of output
fconfigure $sockID -buffering line
# Event handler for start button
proc start {} {
global active pos toggle playID
set pos 0
set toggle 0
if {$active} {
after cancel $playID
} else {
set active 1
# Event handler for stop button
proc stop {} {
global active
set active 0
# Event handler for quit button
proc quit {} {
global sockID
close $sockID
# Begins playing the beat
proc play {} {
global active toggle tick nudge swing playID
set tick2 [expr $tick - $nudge]
if {$nudge > 0} { incr nudge -1 } \
elseif {$nudge < 0} { incr nudge 1 }
if {$active} {
if {$toggle} {
set toggle 0
set playID [after [expr $tick2 - $swing] play]
} else {
set toggle 1
set playID [after [expr $tick2 + $swing] play]
# Updates internal timing based on BPM
proc updateTiming {bpm} {
global tick doSwing swing nudge
set tick [expr 15000 / $bpm]
if {$doSwing} {
set swing [expr $tick / 3]
} else {
set swing 0
# Triggers the sample(s) for this position
proc trigger {} {
global PATTERN_LEN pos toggle complex funk
set kickProb [lindex $KICK_PROBS $pos]
set snareProb [lindex $SNARE_PROBS $pos]
set clhhProb [lindex $CLHH_PROBS $pos]
set kickVol [lindex $KICK_VOLS $pos]
set snareVol [lindex $SNARE_VOLS $pos]
set clhhVol [lindex $CLHH_VOLS $pos]
if {$complex < 0.0} {
if {$kickProb != 1.0} {
set kickProb [expr $kickProb + $complex]
if {$snareProb != 1.0} {
set snareProb [expr $snareProb + $complex]
set multiplier 1.0
} else {
set multiplier [expr 1.0 - $complex]
set randPre [expr rand()]
set randPost [expr $randPre * $multiplier]
if {$randPre < $funk} {
set tmp $kickProb
set kickProb $snareProb
set snareProb $tmp
set tmp $kickVol
set kickVol $snareVol
set snareVol $tmp
if {$randPost < $kickProb} {
kick $kickVol
} elseif {$randPost <= $snareProb} {
snare $snareVol
if {$randPost < $clhhProb} {
clhh $clhhVol
incr pos
if {$pos == $PATTERN_LEN} {
set pos 0
# Sample triggers
proc kick {vol} { global sockID; puts $sockID "NoteOn 0 1 36 $vol" }
proc snare {vol} { global sockID; puts $sockID "NoteOn 0 1 38 $vol" }
proc clhh {vol} { global sockID; puts $sockID "NoteOn 0 1 42 $vol" }
# Main routine
# ------------
# Hide the main window
wm withdraw .
# Initialize the program
# User Interface
# --------------
# Set the main color scheme for the program
tk_setPalette $COLOR_MAIN
# Create the buttons frame
frame .buttons
button .buttons.start -text "Start" -command start -background $COLOR_START
button .buttons.stop -text "Stop" -command stop -background $COLOR_STOP
button .buttons.quit -text "Quit" -command quit -background $COLOR_QUIT
pack .buttons.start .buttons.stop .buttons.quit \
-side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .buttons -side top -fill x
# Create the status frame
frame .status
label .status.tickLabel -text "Tick:"
label .status.tick -textvariable tick
label .status.tickMS -text "ms"
label .status.swingLabel -text "Swing:"
label .status.swing -textvariable swing
label .status.swingMS -text "ms"
pack .status.tickLabel .status.tick .status.tickMS -side left
pack .status.swingLabel .status.swing .status.swingMS -side left
pack .status -side bottom
# Create the scales frame
frame .scales
scale -label "Complexity:" -from -1 -to 1 \
-resolution 0.01 -orient horizontal \
-variable complex
scale -label "Funkiness:" -from 0 -to 1 \
-resolution 0.01 -orient horizontal \
-variable funk
pack -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack -side top -fill x
frame .scales.bottom
scale .scales.bottom.bpm -label "BPM:" -from 60 -to 240 -length 600 \
-orient horizontal -command updateTiming
.scales.bottom.bpm set $DEFAULT_BPM
scale .scales.bottom.nudge -label "Nudge:" -from -10 -to 10 \
-orient horizontal -variable nudge
checkbutton .scales.bottom.swing -text "Swing" -variable doSwing \
-command { updateTiming [.scales.bottom.bpm get] }
pack .scales.bottom.bpm .scales.bottom.nudge .scales.bottom.swing \
-anchor s -side left -fill x -expand 1
pack .scales.bottom -side bottom -fill x
pack .scales -side bottom -fill x
# Set up the main window
wm title . "Digable by Ramenboy <>"
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit
wm deiconify .
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