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Created August 10, 2023 09:22
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Inputs on resume skills & projects section

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  • Github link with some commit history
  • Skills
    • HTML
    • Css
    • JavaScript / Typescript
    • Frameworks: Bootstrap, tailwindcss, reactjs, nextjs, remix, angular.
    • Tools: Git, linux, webpack, vitejs, prettier, eslint, npm and yarn


  • Projects This is important section.
    • live hosted links or (to project readme file which have demo/details of the project.
    • link to git repo

Sample project descriptions:

Project: E-Commerce Product Catalog

Description: Developed a responsive e-commerce product catalog web application using React.js. The application allows users to browse a variety of products, filter products by categories, and view product details.

Key Features:

  • Displayed a grid of products with product images, names, and prices.
  • Implemented category filters to refine product listings.
  • Created dynamic product detail pages with detailed information and images.
  • Used React Router for navigation between product listings and details.
  • Ensured responsive design for optimal user experience across devices.
  • Utilized state management to handle product data and user interactions.

Tech Stack: React.js, React Router, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

GitHub Repository: Link to GitHub repository

Project: Weather Dashboard

Description: Developed a weather dashboard application using React.js that allows users to search for current weather conditions and forecasts for different locations. Users can input a city name, and the app displays weather details including temperature, humidity, and conditions.

Key Features:

  • Integrated a weather API to fetch real-time weather data based on user input.
  • Designed a user-friendly interface with clear weather icons and data presentation.
  • Implemented error handling for cases where user inputs an invalid city name.
  • Utilized React state to manage user input and weather data updates.

Tech Stack: React.js, Axios (for API calls), HTML, CSS, JavaScript

GitHub Repository: Link to GitHub repository

Project: Task Management App

Description: Built a task management web application using React.js that allows users to create, edit, and mark tasks as complete. The app helps users stay organized by providing an intuitive interface for managing their to-do list.

Key Features:

  • Implemented a dynamic task list that updates as users add or edit tasks.
  • Enabled task editing by allowing users to modify task titles and descriptions.
  • Utilized React state and props for managing task data and interactions.
  • Designed the app with a clean and minimalist user interface for enhanced usability.

Tech Stack: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

GitHub Repository: Link to GitHub repository

Project: Portfolio Website

Description: Created a personal portfolio website using React.js to showcase projects, skills, and achievements. The website includes sections for an about me, project showcase, skills, and contact information, providing a platform to demonstrate my development capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Designed a visually appealing layout with smooth transitions and animations.
  • Showcased projects using images, descriptions, and links to GitHub repositories.
  • Highlighted technical skills and technologies used in various projects.
  • Incorporated responsive design to ensure optimal viewing across different devices.

Tech Stack: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Website: Link to portfolio website

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