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Forked from vfarcic/
Created January 2, 2022 13:16
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# Source:
# Preparing For The Exercises #
git clone \
cd devops-catalog-code
git pull
# Docker Desktop (
# Minikube (
# GKE (
# EKS (
# AKS (
# Make sure that you have Helm CLI v3+ installed
cd helm
# Creating Helm Charts #
helm create my-app
ls -1 my-app
rm -rf my-app
ls -1 go-demo-9
cat go-demo-9/Chart.yaml
ls -1 go-demo-9/templates
cat go-demo-9/templates/deployment.yaml
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
cat go-demo-9/templates/ingress.yaml
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
cat go-demo-9/templates/hpa.yaml
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
# Adding Application Dependencies #
cat go-demo-9/requirements.yaml
helm repo add stable \
helm search repo mongodb
helm show readme stable/mongodb
helm repo add bitnami \
helm repo list
helm search repo mongodb
cat go-demo-9/requirements.yaml
helm show values bitnami/mongodb \
--version 7.13.0
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
# Deploying Applications To Production #
kubectl create namespace production
helm dependency list go-demo-9
helm dependency update go-demo-9
helm dependency list go-demo-9
helm --namespace production \
upgrade --install \
go-demo-9 go-demo-9 \
--wait \
--timeout 10m
helm --namespace production list
kubectl --namespace production \
get ingresses
curl -H "Host:" \
kubectl --namespace production \
get hpa
kubectl get persistentvolumes
# Deploying Applications To Development And Preview Environments #
export GH_USER=[...]
kubectl create namespace $GH_USER
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
cat dev/values.yaml
export ADDR=$
helm --namespace $GH_USER \
upgrade --install \
--values dev/values.yaml \
--set$ADDR \
go-demo-9 go-demo-9 \
--wait \
--timeout 10m
kubectl --namespace $GH_USER \
get ingresses
curl -H "Host: $ADDR" \
kubectl --namespace $GH_USER \
get hpa
kubectl --namespace $GH_USER \
get pods
kubectl get persistentvolumes
helm --namespace $GH_USER \
delete go-demo-9
kubectl delete namespace $GH_USER
# Deploying Applications To Permanent Non-Production Environments #
kubectl create namespace staging
cat staging/values.yaml
helm --namespace staging \
upgrade --install \
--values staging/values.yaml \
go-demo-9 go-demo-9 \
--wait \
--timeout 10m
kubectl --namespace staging \
get ingresses
curl -H "Host:" \
kubectl --namespace staging \
get hpa
kubectl get persistentvolumes
# Packaging And Deploying Releases #
git checkout -b my-new-feature
cat go-demo-9/Chart.yaml
cat go-demo-9/Chart.yaml \
| sed -e "s@version: 0.0.1@version: 0.0.2@g" \
| sed -e "s@appVersion: 0.0.1@appVersion: 0.0.2@g" \
| tee go-demo-9/Chart.yaml
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml
cat go-demo-9/values.yaml \
| sed -e "s@tag: 0.0.1@tag: 0.0.2@g" \
| tee go-demo-9/values.yaml
helm lint go-demo-9
helm package go-demo-9
helm --namespace production \
upgrade --install \
go-demo-9 go-demo-9-0.0.2.tgz \
--wait \
--timeout 10m
helm --namespace production list
helm --namespace production \
get all go-demo-9
curl -H "Host:" \
# Rolling Back Releases #
helm --namespace production \
history go-demo-9
helm --namespace production \
rollback go-demo-9
helm --namespace production \
history go-demo-9
helm --namespace production \
status go-demo-9
curl -H "Host:" \
# Destroying The Resources #
git stash
git checkout master
git branch -d my-new-feature
kubectl delete namespace staging
kubectl delete namespace production
cd ../
cd ../
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