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Forked from sveinn-steinarsson/powerssh.ps1
Created July 26, 2018 12:55
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Use Powershell to connect to a remote server via SSH and run a shell script/command
# Script Name: powerssh
# Version: 1.1.0 (9. July, 2014)
# Author: Sveinn Steinarsson
# Description: Use Powershell to connect to a remote server via SSH and run a shell script/command
# Prerequisite:
# plink.exe in script path (
# Examples:
# With key file (*.ppk) and script file
# .\powerssh.ps1 -server hostname -login username -key keyfile.ppk -script
# With key file and command
# .\powerssh.ps1 -server hostname -login username -key keyfile.ppk -cmd "ls; pwd"
Param (
[string]$server = $(Throw "Please provide a server hostname/ip"),
[string]$login = $(Throw "Please provide a login username"),
[switch]$batch = $false,
[switch]$agentForwarding = $true,
[switch]$verbose = $false,
[switch]$acceptHostKey = $true # For convenient. Make sure the server is the computer you think it is.
$scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$plinkPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -Childpath "Plink.exe"
if (-not (Test-Path $plinkPath)){
Throw "Missing Plink.exe in script path. Please download it from"
if ($key -eq "" -and $pw -eq "") {
Throw "You must supply either a password or key file."
if ($script -eq "" -and $cmd -eq "") {
Throw "You must supply either a shell script file or command."
if ($key -ne "" -and $pw -ne "") {
Write-Output "Notice: Only password or key file is required. Using key file."
if ($script -ne "" -and $cmd -ne "") {
Write-Output "Notice: Only script file or command is required. Using script file."
if ($acceptHostKey -eq $true) {
$command = "echo Y|" + $plinkPath
} else {
$command = $plinkPath
$command += " -ssh " + $server + " -l " + $login
if ($key -ne "") {
$command += " -i " + $key
} else {
$command += " -pw " + $pw
if ($batch -eq $true) {
$command += " -batch"
if ($agentForwarding -eq $true) {
$command += " -a"
if ($verbose -eq $true) {
$command += " -v"
if ($script -ne "") {
$command += " -m " + $script
} else {
$command += ' "' + $cmd + '"'
$command += " 2>&1"
if ($verbose -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Command to Plink:"
Write-Output $command # Write out the command for debugging
Write-Output ""
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Throw $output
} else {
Write-Output $output
Exit 0
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