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Last active February 15, 2016 21:10
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3D-PCA of CyTOF Data from Newell et al. (2012)
Interactive Visualization of CyTOF Data
```{r setup, echo=FALSE}
knit_hooks$set(webgl = hook_webgl)
opts_knit$set( = imgur_upload, base.url = NULL) # upload all images to
This report produces a 3D visualization of the CD8+ T-cell subsets from [Newell et al. (2012)]( using principal components analysis (PCA).
The CD8+ cells for a single sample have been overlaid with the following cellular subpopulations:
* Naive (Green)
* Short-lived Effector (Red)
* Central Memory (Orange)
* Effector Memory (Blue)
The CD8+ cells have been faded so that the subsets are easier to see.
```{r webgl=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig.width=12, fig.height=12}
plot3d(pca_original, alpha = 0.15)
plot3d(pca_subsets, col = as.character(plot_colors), add = TRUE)
# Original samples for experiment 2 donor 5 (E2D5)
fcs_file <- "E2D5PI.fcs"
flow_frame <- read.FCS(fcs_file)
markers <- colnames(flow_frame)
markers <- markers[!grepl("Tet", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("blank", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("DNA", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("CD3", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("LiveDead", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("MuCD45", markers)]
markers <- markers[!grepl("Ba138", markers)]
markers <- setdiff(markers, c("Time", "Cell_length"))
# Filters out markers irrelevant to the analysis of Newell et al. (2012)
x_original <- exprs(flow_frame[, markers])
colnames(x_original) <- sapply(strsplit(markers, "\\("), head, n = 1)
# The CD8+ T-cell subsets were provided as separate FCS files rather than via a
# workspace with the requisite gates.
fcs_subsets <- c("E2D5Naive.fcs", "E2D5SLEC.fcs", "E2D5CM.fcs", "E2D5EM.fcs")
fs_subset <- read.flowSet(files = fcs_subsets)
# Filters out markers irrelevant to the analysis of Newell et al. (2012)
fs_subset <- fs_subset[, markers]
colnames(fs_subset) <- sapply(strsplit(markers, "\\("), head, n = 1)
df_subset <- rbind(
data.frame(exprs(fs_subset[[1]]), Population = "Naive"),
data.frame(exprs(fs_subset[[2]]), Population = "SLEC"),
data.frame(exprs(fs_subset[[3]]), Population = "CM"),
data.frame(exprs(fs_subset[[4]]), Population = "EM")
# ggplot(df_subset, aes(x = CCR7, y = CD45RA, color = Population)) + geom_point()
# Below, we replicate the so-called 3D-PCA analysis from Newell et al. (2012).
pca_out <- prcomp(x_original, scale = TRUE)
pca_rotation <- pca_out$rotation
# Extracts PCA variance
pca_prop <- summary(pca_out)$importance[2, ]
pca_cumprop <- summary(pca_out)$importance[3, ]
# Replicates Figure 3B
barplot(pca_prop[1:10], ylim = c(0, 0.8))
lines(pca_cumprop[1:10], type = "b")
# Replicates Figure 3C-3E
pca_3D_out <- pca_rotation[, 1:3]
pca_3D_out <- melt(pca_3D_out)
colnames(pca_3D_out) <- c("Marker", "PC", "Loading")
p <- ggplot(pca_3D_out, aes(x = Marker, weight = Loading)) + geom_bar()
p <- p + ylab("Principal Component Loading") + facet_wrap(~ PC, ncol = 1)
p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
# Scales subsetted cells using those from the original data
x_subset <- scale(x = as.matrix(subset(df_subset, select = -Population)),
center = pca_out$center, scale = pca_out$scale)
# Rotates the cells using the PCA obtained from the original data
x_subset <- x_subset %*% pca_rotation
# Plots the first 3 PCs of the original data using 'rgl'
# Then, overlays the subsetted cells
# The colors mostly follow Newell et al. (2012).
# I changed yellow to orange, which is easier to see.
# Also, the original observations are small and in gray rather than black;
# otherwise, they overwhelm the plot.
plot_colors <- df_subset$Population
levels(plot_colors) <- list(green = "Naive", red = "SLEC", orange = "CM", blue = "EM")
pca_original <- pca_out$x[, 1:3]
pca_subsets <- x_subset[, 1:3]
save(pca_original, pca_subsets, plot_colors, file = "PCA-CyTOF.RData")
plot3d(pca_original, alpha = 0.15)
plot3d(pca_subsets, col = plot_colors, add = TRUE)
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