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Last active April 21, 2023 13:38
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  • Save ramiabraham/e8356e00130351ddcbe2c62125e6c52a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ramiabraham/e8356e00130351ddcbe2c62125e6c52a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy all actions and filters in a plugin and save to a file.
# Prints all hooks in a dir to a .log file.
# Permissions issues:
# run: chmod +x gethooks
# gist:
# Easy usage:
# wget gethooks && chmod +x gethooks
# To answer your question:
# Yes! This will indeed print matches for any occurence of `apply_filters` or `do_action`
# within .php files, including substring matches,
# and any occurrences that may be within doc blocks.
# Why?
# Mostly because I really don't want to write that awk regex.
# In addition, adding this would potentially introduce some weird bugs,
# due to the varying ways in which inline comments are added/decorated.
# The expected plugin dir.
# Today's date.
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
# Prints a new line.
newline() {
printf "\n"
# Colorz
green() {
echo -e "\033[33;32m $1 \033[0m"
red() {
echo -e "\033[33;31m $1 \033[0m"
yellow() {
echo -e "\033[33;33m $1 \033[0m"
magenta() {
echo -e "\033[33;35m $1 \033[0m"
__get_hooks() {
echo "Type the plugin slug, without slashes, for which you'd like to generate hooks."
read -r plugin
if [[ ! -d "wp-content" ]]; then
red "No wp-content directory was found! Use this script in a WordPress site root."
exit || 0
# create log file
if [[ ! -f $__log ]]; then
touch "$__log"
yellow "Getting all hooks for $plugin and copying to hooks-$plugin.log file in site root..." &&
echo "Hooks for $plugin_path, generated on $now." >> $__log &&
echo $'\n' >> $__log &&
echo "Actions:" >> $__log &&
echo $'\n' >> $__log
echo "------------------" >> $__log
echo $'\n' >> $__log
for i in $(find "$plugin_path" -type f -name "*.php"); do
# Uncomment to get line numbers and filenames;
# comment out the other awk command if doing so.
# awk '/do_action(/{print NR":"$0}' $i >> $__log
awk '/do_action/' $i >> $__log
echo $'\n' >> $__log
echo "Filters:" >> $__log &&
echo $'\n' >> $__log
echo "------------------" >> $__log
echo $'\n' >> $__log
for i in $(find "$plugin_path" -type f -name "*.php"); do
# Uncomment to get line numbers and filenames;
# comment out the other awk command if doing so.
# awk '/apply_filters(/{print NR":"$0}' $i >> $__log
awk '/apply_filters/' $i >> $__log
echo $'\n' >> $__log
mv "$__log" "hooks-$plugin-$now.log"
green "Done!"
exit || 1
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