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Created October 18, 2016 15:11
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FAIL: test_docstrings (tests.modules.test_math.MathTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/modules/", line 165, in test_docstrings
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: 'acos[76 chars] the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.\nasin(x)\[3067 chars]d.\n' != 'acos[76 chars] the hyperbolic arc cosine (measured in radian[3121 chars]d.\n'
Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.
- Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
+ Return the hyperbolic arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.
Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x.
- Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
+ Return the hyperbolic arc sine (measured in radians) of x.
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.
atan2(y, x)
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x.
Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered.
- Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
+ Return the hyperbolic arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.
Return the ceiling of x as an int.
This is the smallest integral value >= x.
copysign(x, y)
Return a float with the magnitude (absolute value) of x but the sign
of y. On platforms that support signed zeros, copysign(1.0, -0.0)
returns -1.0.
Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.
Convert angle x from radians to degrees.
Error function at x.
Complementary error function at x.
Return e raised to the power of x.
Return exp(x)-1.
This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x.
Return the absolute value of the float x.
factorial(x) -> Integral
Find x!. Raise a ValueError if x is negative or non-integral.
Return the floor of x as an int.
This is the largest integral value <= x.
fmod(x, y)
Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. x % y may differ.
Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e).
m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e.
If x is 0, m and e are both 0. Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0.
Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable.
Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.
Gamma function at x.
hypot(x, y)
Return the Euclidean distance, sqrt(x*x + y*y).
isfinite(x) -> bool
Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise.
isinf(x) -> bool
Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.
isnan(x) -> bool
Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.
ldexp(x, i)
Return x * (2**i).
Natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function at x.
log(x[, base])
Return the logarithm of x to the given base.
If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.
Return the base 10 logarithm of x.
Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e).
The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.
Return the base 2 logarithm of x.
Return the fractional and integer parts of x. Both results carry the sign
of x and are floats.
pow(x, y)
Return x**y (x to the power of y).
Convert angle x from degrees to radians.
Return the sine of x (measured in radians).
Return the hyperbolic sine of x.
Return the square root of x.
Return the tangent of x (measured in radians).
Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.
trunc(x:Real) -> Integral
Truncates x to the nearest Integral toward 0. Uses the __trunc__ magic method.
: Global context
FAIL: test_math_acos_float (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: '>>> import math\n>>> f = math.acos\n>>> [514 chars]\n\n' != ">>> import math\n>>> f = math.acos\n>>> [773 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 2.3456
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 0.0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -3.14159
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -4.81756
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 5.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -3.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 4.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -4.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_acos_float
FAIL: test_math_acos_int (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: ">>> [48 chars](x)\nnan\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.acos[2273 chars]\n\n" != ">>> [48 chars](x)\n<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error\[2865 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 3
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -3
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 1
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -1
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acos
>>> x = -179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_acos_int
FAIL: test_math_acosh_float (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: ">>> [474 chars]574219\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.acosh\[251 chars]\n\n" != ">>> [474 chars]5742184\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.acosh[253 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = 2.3456
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = 0.0
>>> f(x)
<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = -3.14159
>>> f(x)
<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = -4.81756
>>> f(x)
<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = 5.5
>>> f(x)
- 2.389526434574219
? ^
+ 2.3895264345742184
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = -3.5
>>> f(x)
<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = 4.5
>>> f(x)
- 2.184643791605109
? ^
+ 2.1846437916051085
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.acosh
>>> x = -4.5
>>> f(x)
<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_acosh_float
FAIL: test_math_asin_float (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: '>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asin\n>>> [499 chars]\n\n' != ">>> import math\n>>> f = math.asin\n>>> [758 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 2.3456
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 0.0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -3.14159
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -4.81756
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 5.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -3.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 4.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -4.5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_asin_float
FAIL: test_math_asin_int (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: ">>> [48 chars](x)\nnan\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asin[2275 chars]\n\n" != ">>> [48 chars](x)\n<class 'ValueError'> : math domain error\[2867 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 3
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -3
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 5
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 1
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -1
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
- nan
+ <class 'ValueError'> : math domain error
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asin
>>> x = -179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_asin_int
FAIL: test_math_asinh_float (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: '>>> [225 chars]4383545\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asinh[380 chars]\n\n' != '>>> [225 chars]438355\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asinh\[378 chars]\n\n'
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 2.3456
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 0.0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -3.14159
>>> f(x)
- -1.8622949384383545
? -
+ -1.862294938438355
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -4.81756
>>> f(x)
- -2.2760164998714094
? ^^
+ -2.2760164998714085
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 5.5
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -3.5
>>> f(x)
- -1.9657204716496524
? ^^
+ -1.9657204716496515
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 4.5
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -4.5
>>> f(x)
- -2.2093477086153355
? ^^
+ -2.209347708615334
? ^
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_asinh_float
FAIL: test_math_asinh_int (tests.modules.test_base64.Base64Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1306, in func
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 1361, in assertOneArgModuleFuction
File "/home/ramiro/python/pybee/batavia-dev/batavia/tests/", line 504, in assertCodeExecution
self.assertEqual(js_out, py_out, context)
AssertionError: ">>> [212 chars]272756\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asinh\[2284 chars]\n\n" != ">>> [212 chars]2727525\n\n>>> import math\n>>> f = math.asinh[2370 chars]\n\n"
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 3
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 0
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -5
>>> f(x)
- -2.312438341272756
? ^
+ -2.3124383412727525
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -3
>>> f(x)
- -1.8184464592320657
? ^^
+ -1.8184464592320668
? ^^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 5
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 1
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -1
>>> f(x)
- -0.8813735870195428
? ^
+ -0.8813735870195429
? ^
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -9223372036854775807
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -44.3614195558365
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -9223372036854775808
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -44.3614195558365
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -18446744073709551615
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -45.054566736396445
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -18446744073709551616
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -45.054566736396445
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -18446744073709551617
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -45.054566736396445
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -1361129467683753853853498429727072845824
>>> f(x)
- -inf
+ -90.80228065335284
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
>>> import math
>>> f = math.asinh
>>> x = -179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216
>>> f(x)
<class 'OverflowError'> : int too large to convert to float
: Global context: Error running math module test_math_asinh_int
Ran 11223 tests in 1493.910s
FAILED (failures=8, skipped=3, expected failures=5228)
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