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Created February 26, 2012 03:39
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Collection of knitr Hooks
% Full Screen Environment for Beamer Slides
# Wraps chunk in a fragile frame environment for beamer
fragile = function(before, options, envir){
if (before) {
} else {
# Wraps figures inside a full figure environment for beamer
fullfig = function(before, options, envir) {
if (before) {
} else {
# Higher Order Functions for Latex Hooks
wrap_in_env <- function(begin, end = begin){
function(x, options){
str_c("\n\\begin{", begin, "}\n", x, "\n\\end{", end, "}")
# Example Usage
frame_hook <- wrap_in_env('frame')
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So instead of print(x), I could just do return(x) ? Is there any advantage to doing it this way?

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yihui commented Mar 12, 2012

yes you can return(x); in this case, print(x) is equivalent to return(print(x)) and the function both prints x and returns x, because print(x) returns x

in short, print(x) brings the side effect of printing, which is not necessary here

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Got it. Makes sense. I have updated the gist based on your comment.

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