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Created April 18, 2012 16:51
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Looping Through a Data Frame with Sweave
# Generate PDF for a Pid
gen_pdf <- function(sdf){
rnw_file <- sprintf("%s.rnw", unique(sdf$Pid))
tex_file <- sub('.rnw$', '.tex$', rnw_file)
file.copy('template.Rnw', rnw_file)
tools::texi2pdf(tex_file, clean = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
unlink(c(rnw_file, tex_file))
# Loop through all unique Pids
d_ply(df, .(Pid), gen_pdf)
% Modify the text as needed. Note that sdf is a subset of the original
% data frame for a given Pid.
This is the report for \Sexpr{unique(sdf$Pid)}.
% Generate the plot
<<plot, fig = T, width = 5, height = 5>>=
plot(sdf$ksap1, sdf$ksap2)
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