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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Morris Plot with Dynamically Sorted Legend

This demo shows how to customize the legend in a morrisjs plot, created using rCharts. If you hover over the line, you will observe that the order of the variables traj1 and traj2 in the legend switches based on which value is greater. This demo was created in response to a question posed on github.

month = 0:10
dat <- data.frame(
month = month,
traj1 = rnorm(11),
traj2 = rnorm(11)
m1 <- mPlot(x = 'month', y = c('traj1', 'traj2'), data = dat, type = 'Line')
m1$set(parseTime = FALSE)
m1$set(hoverCallback = "#! function(index, options, content){
var row =[index]
month = 'Month: ' + row.month
line1 = 'Traj1: ' + row.traj1
line2 = 'Traj2: ' + row.traj2
if (row.traj1 < row.traj2){
tmp = line1; line1 = line2; line2 = tmp;
return [month, line1, line2].join('<br/>')
} !#")
<!doctype HTML>
<meta charset = 'utf-8'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" >
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
.rChart {
display: block
margin: auto auto;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
body {
margin-top: 60px;
<div class='container'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='span8'>
<div class="bs-docs-example">
<div id='chart15961f0c408' class='rChart morris'>
<pre><code class='r'>month = 0:10
dat &lt;- data.frame(
month = month,
traj1 = rnorm(11),
traj2 = rnorm(11)
m1 &lt;- mPlot(x = 'month', y = c('traj1', 'traj2'), data = dat, type = 'Line')
m1$set(parseTime = FALSE)
m1$set(hoverCallback = &quot;#! function(index, options, content){
var row =[index]
month = 'Month: ' + row.month
line1 = 'Traj1: ' + row.traj1
line2 = 'Traj2: ' + row.traj2
if (row.traj1 &lt; row.traj2){
tmp = line1; line1 = line2; line2 = tmp;
return [month, line1, line2].join('&lt;br/&gt;')
} !#&quot;)
<script type='text/javascript'>
var chartParams = {
"element": "chart15961f0c408",
"width": 700,
"height": 400,
"xkey": "month",
"ykeys": [
"data": [
"month": 0,
"traj1": -1.043545070837,
"traj2": -0.3738552629869
"month": 1,
"traj1": 1.178902021019,
"traj2": -0.02622395872875
"month": 2,
"traj1": 1.418269738111,
"traj2": 1.789230918333
"month": 3,
"traj1": -1.718234157295,
"traj2": -2.046378574553
"month": 4,
"traj1": 1.471426259781,
"traj2": 2.246902862323
"month": 5,
"traj1": 1.196944295267,
"traj2": 1.845120537351
"month": 6,
"traj1": -1.504747109399,
"traj2": -0.7289058610983
"month": 7,
"traj1": -1.432637917079,
"traj2": -0.7096412934887
"month": 8,
"traj1": 1.392273894799,
"traj2": -1.300984562468
"month": 9,
"traj1": -0.4115259684652,
"traj2": -2.095647356595
"month": 10,
"traj1": -0.04985627691913,
"traj2": 0.5969627708814
"parseTime": false,
"hoverCallback": function(index, options, content){
var row =[index]
month = 'Month: ' + row.month
line1 = 'Traj1: ' + row.traj1
line2 = 'Traj2: ' + row.traj2
if (row.traj1 < row.traj2){
tmp = line1; line1 = line2; line2 = tmp;
return [month, line1, line2].join('<br/>')
} ,
"id": "chart15961f0c408",
"labels": [ "traj1", "traj2" ]
chartType = "Line"
new Morris[chartType](chartParams)
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var pres = document.getElementsByTagName("pre");
for (var i=0; i < pres.length; ++i) {
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