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Last active December 14, 2017 19:53
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Python code to Publish ManualTransmission Web Service and generate csharp client using swagger
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# imports
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import DataSetMtCars
import pandas as pd
from revoscalepy import rx_lin_mod, rx_predict
# using rx_lin_mod from revoscalepy package, create glm model with `mtcars` dataset
cars_model = rx_lin_mod(
formula='am ~ hp + wt',
# -- provide some sample inputs to test the model
mydata = pd.DataFrame({
rx_predict(cars_model, data=mydata)
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# Define Function to deploy as webservice
def manualTransmission(hp, wt):
import pandas as pd
from revoscalepy import rx_predict
newData = pd.DataFrame({'hp':[hp], 'wt':[wt]})
return rx_predict(cars_model, newData, type='response')
# Import the DeployClient and MLServer classes from the azureml-model-management-sdk package.
from azureml.deploy import DeployClient
from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer
from azureml.common.configuration import Configuration
# Define the location of the ML Server
# for local onebox for Machine Learning Server: http://localhost:12800
# Replace with connection details to your instance of ML Server.
HOST = 'http://localhost:12800'
context = ('<username>', '<password>')
client = DeployClient(HOST, use=MLServer, auth=context)
# Deploy the web service
service_name = 'ManualTransmissionService'
service_version = '1.0.0'
service = client.service(service_name)\
.inputs(hp=float, wt=float)\
.description('Manual Transmission Service')\
# Invoke the service with sample values
res = service.manualTransmission(120, 2.8)
# Pluck out the named output `answer` as defined during publishing and print
# Save service swagger to json file
with open("manual-transmission-service-swagger.json", "w") as swagger_file:
swagger_file.write("%s" % service.swagger())
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