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Last active March 21, 2017 00:20
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Predict whether or not a tip was paid for a taxi trip using different MicrosoftML functions and compare them to find the best fit
sqlConnString <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=nyctaxi;Trusted_Connection=True"
dataSetSource <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnString, table = "nyctaxi_sample", rowsPerRead = 2000000)
dataset <- rxImport(dataSetSource)
# Set the random seed for reproducibility of randomness.
set.seed(2345, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
# Randomly split the data 75-25 between train and test sets.
dataProb <- c(Train = 0.75, Test = 0.25)
dataSplit <-
splitByFactor = "splitVar",
transforms = list(splitVar =
size = .rxNumRows,
replace = TRUE,
prob = dataProb)),
transformObjects =
list(dataProb = dataProb,
dataFactor = factor(names(dataProb),
levels = names(dataProb))),
outFilesBase = tempfile())
# Name the train and test datasets.
dataTrain <- dataSplit[[1]]
dataTest <- dataSplit[[2]]
rxSummary(~ tipped, dataTrain)$sDataFrame
rxSummary(~ tipped, dataTest)$sDataFrame
model <- formula(paste("tipped ~ passenger_count + trip_time_in_secs + trip_distance + total_amount"))
rxLogisticRegressionFit <- rxLogisticRegression(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastLinearFit <- rxFastLinear(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastTreesFit <- rxFastTrees(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastForestFit <- rxFastForest(model, data = dataTrain)
rxNeuralNetFit <- rxNeuralNet(model, data = dataTrain)
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxLogisticRegressionFit, dataTest, suffix = ".rxLogisticRegression",
extraVarsToWrite = names(dataTest),
outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastLinearFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastLinear",
extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastTreesFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastTrees",
extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastForestFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastForest",
extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxNeuralNetFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxNeuralNet",
extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
# Compute the fit models's ROC curves.
fitRoc <- rxRoc("tipped", grep("Probability.", names(fitScores), value = T), fitScores)
# Plot the ROC curves and report their AUCs.
# Create a named list of the fit models.
fitList <-
list(rxLogisticRegression = rxLogisticRegressionFit,
rxFastLinear = rxFastLinearFit,
rxFastTrees = rxFastTreesFit,
rxFastForest = rxFastForestFit,
rxNeuralNet = rxNeuralNetFit)
# Compute the fit models's AUCs.
fitAuc <- rxAuc(fitRoc)
names(fitAuc) <- substring(names(fitAuc), nchar("Probability.") + 1)
# Find the name of the fit with the largest AUC.
bestFitName <- names(which.max(fitAuc))
# Select the fit model with the largest AUC.
bestFit <- fitList[[bestFitName]]
# Report the fit AUCs.
cat("Fit model AUCs:\n")
print(fitAuc, digits = 2)
# Report the best fit.
cat(paste0("Best fit model with ", bestFitName,
", AUC = ", signif(fitAuc[[bestFitName]], digits = 2),
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ramnov commented Mar 21, 2017

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