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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Haskell type aliases
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
data SimpleType = SimpleType TyCon [TyVar]
data Type = Type TyCon [Type]
| TyVar TyVar
type TyCon = String
type TyVar = String
type Aliases = Map.Map TyCon ([TyVar], Type)
resolveTopAlias :: Aliases -> Type -> Type
resolveTopAlias aliases origType@(Type constr params) = fromMaybe origType $ do
(vars, ty) <- Map.lookup constr aliases
let environment = Map.fromList $ zip vars params
return $ nextAlias (mapType environment ty) (drop (length vars) params)
where mapType env (Type con ps) = Type con (map (mapType env) ps)
mapType env var@(TyVar v) = Map.findWithDefault var v env
nextAlias (Type con ps) extraParams = resolve con (ps ++ extraParams)
resolve con ps = resolveTopAlias aliases (Type con ps)
typeEq :: Aliases -> Type -> Type -> Bool
typeEq aliases = eqForAliasFree `on` resolveTopAlias aliases
where eqForAliasFree (Type con1 ps1) (Type con2 ps2) =
con1 == con2 && (and $ zipWith (typeEq aliases) ps1 ps2)
instance Show SimpleType where
show (SimpleType constr vars) = intercalate " " (constr : vars)
instance Show Type where
show = helper True
where helper isTop (Type constr params) =
let (leftPar, rightPar) = if not isTop && length params > 0
then ("(", ")") else ("", "")
in leftPar ++ intercalate " " (constr : map (helper False) params) ++ rightPar
helper _ (TyVar v) = v
aliasesShow :: Aliases -> String
aliasesShow = intercalate "\n" .
map (\(con, (vars, ty)) -> "type " ++ show (SimpleType con vars) ++ " = " ++ show ty) .
main :: IO ()
main = do
let nullary constr = Type constr []
let (int, char) = (nullary "Int", nullary "Char")
let typeForTest leaf1 leaf2 = Type "Either2" [Type "Maybe" [nullary leaf1], nullary leaf2]
let test ok = putStrLn $ if ok then "[ OK ]" else "[FAIL]"
test $ typeEq Map.empty (typeForTest "Int" "Char") (typeForTest "Int" "Char")
test $ not $ typeEq Map.empty (typeForTest "Int" "Double") (typeForTest "Int" "Char")
test $ not $ typeEq Map.empty (typeForTest "Int" "Double") (typeForTest "Char" "Double")
let aliases = Map.fromList [
("MyInt", ([], nullary "Int")),
("MyChar", ([], nullary "Char")),
("MyInt2", ([], nullary "MyInt")),
("MyInt3", ([], nullary "MyInt2")),
("MyDouble", ([], nullary "Double")),
("Either2", (["a", "b"], Type "Either" [TyVar "a", TyVar "b"])),
("EitherCurried", (["fst"], Type "Either2" [Type "Maybe" [TyVar "fst"]])),
("EitherCurried2", (["fst"], Type "EitherCurried" [TyVar "fst"])),
("Test", (["leaf1", "leaf2"], Type "EitherCurried2" [TyVar "leaf1", TyVar "leaf2"]))
test $ typeEq aliases (typeForTest "MyInt" "Char") (typeForTest "Int" "MyChar")
test $ not $ typeEq Map.empty (typeForTest "MyInt" "Double") (typeForTest "MyInt" "MyChar")
test $ typeEq aliases (Type "Test" [int, char]) (Type "Test" [int, char])
test $ typeEq aliases (Type "Test" [int, nullary "MyChar"]) (Type "Test" [nullary "MyInt", char])
let aliased1 = Type "Test" [int, nullary "MyDouble"]
let aliased2 = typeForTest "MyInt3" "Double"
test $ typeEq aliases aliased1 aliased2
test $ not $ typeEq aliases (Type "Test" [int, nullary "Double"]) (typeForTest "MyInt" "MyChar")
putStrLn $ aliasesShow aliases
putStrLn $ show aliased1 ++ " ~~top~~> " ++ show (resolveTopAlias aliases aliased1)
putStrLn $ show aliased2 ++ " ~~top~~> " ++ show (resolveTopAlias aliases aliased1)
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ramntry commented Jul 31, 2014

topdecl -> type simpletype = type | ..
simpletype -> tycon tyvar1 .. tyvarN (N >= 0)
type -> btype [-> type]
btype -> [btype] atype
atype -> gtycon | tyvar | '('type1 ','.. typeN')' | '['type']' | '('type')' (N >= 2)
gtycon -> qtycon | '(' ')' | ..
qtycon -> [modid '.'] tycon
tycon -> conid


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ramntry commented Jul 31, 2014

[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
[ OK ]
type Either2 a b = Either a b
-- type alias currying isn't supported by Haskell actually, replace Either2 below with Either
type EitherCurried fst = Either2 (Maybe fst)
type EitherCurried2 fst = EitherCurried fst
type MyChar = Char
type MyDouble = Double
type MyInt = Int
type MyInt2 = MyInt
type MyInt3 = MyInt2
type Test leaf1 leaf2 = EitherCurried2 leaf1 leaf2
Test Int MyDouble ~~top~~> Either (Maybe Int) MyDouble
Either2 (Maybe MyInt3) Double ~~top~~> Either (Maybe Int) MyDouble

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